Why? For 90% of the PC market (i.e. excluding gamers, and "professionals" with specific software/hardware needs) even 4 cores is enough (e.g. for web browsing / facebook / youtube etc)
Better to further improve IPC and other aspects of the chip iteratively, and then gradually increase core counts over generations. It wasn't long ago that "make moar corez" was meme worthy
We have ever growing CPU power demands from 4K and soon 8K. These 4-core chips are already struggling and if we are limiting to only 4 cores, we will never see significant technological leaps to better user experiences.
Casual gamers are also a large part of the market.
That is the market segment that plays mostly outdated titles...
But they won't forever stay playing only those.
This is my load running a 4K YouTube video:

I don't think it is normal.
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