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AMD Zen 5 rumours

17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
If it turns out that memory speeds are part of the problem, and many, including Windell are saying it is... these tech jurnoes who juice Intel memory to high heaven are going to look like idiots, especially if they previously made a video about AMD accusing them of juicing the memory for reviews on Intel CPU's...
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3 Oct 2008
The copium some people are huffing over this is some 4D chess/marketing power play and an excuse over delaying the chips to make it look better against Intel is a risky move and has the potential to massively backfire as with the Intel situation there's going to be a lot of speculation/false information spread over this.

This is going to come across quite crude but I thought Zen 4 was completely annihilating 14th gen according to some of you but then seem very concerned over Zen 5 reviews. Relax.
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Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Steve hinted at it.... if AMD release them now they would be going up against Intel's existing results, tech reviewers would just copy paste them from previous reviews, but if they wait for Intel to release microcode updates that are likely to nerf them those are the performance metrics they will be reviewed against.

He also said (not "hinted", which is an interpretation of what he said) that releasing on the 31st as planned would give AMD the best window of opportunity because their new CPUs would be competing against Intel's CPUs with an unknown and unfixed problem that results in uncertainty over whether they will remain working for long. With Intel having just admitted there is a problem after months of silence on the subject. With large customers publicly saying that they're switching to AMD for new builds because of the reliability issues with Intel 13th and 14th gen. The goal is open. Instead, what we've got is AMD delaying the launch at the last minute because of problems with AMD's new CPUs that AMD won't say anything about. Problems serious enough for AMD to issue a recall from businesses that have already bought and received those CPUs. A serious problem that AMD didn't notice before, so clearly they weren't doing enough testing before selling. So delaying makes AMD look bad. It would be daft for AMD to deliberately impose all that negative publicity on itself in exchange for a bet on lower benchmark results for Intel CPUs that the AMD 9000 series supposedly beats anyway.
26 May 2014
There is no way AMD can "fix" whatever problem they have in 2 weeks, no.....
Yeah, but they're also not doing that. They're simply recalling and replacing the chips. However, the very fact that they're able to do that pretty much narrows the issue down to some sort of manufacturing defect that's been identified at the last minute. It's also clearly already been corrected if they're in a position to replace the affected chips so quickly. Two weeks is nothing. Had there been a problem with the silicon found at the last minute, after chips had already been shipped, fixing it would have taken a hell of a lot longer. Most likely it's something to do with the package itself. Maybe the IHS or the soldering process or something. Speculation of course, but it has to be something in that ballpark severity-wise or they wouldn't be getting away with such a short delay. You don't re-spin and ship new silicon in a couple of weeks.

As for it being some play to get better reviews... no. They're not going to mess their partners about to this degree over something like that, and frankly any good PR they might gain would already be eaten up by the delay itself. It makes no sense as an idea.
6 Feb 2019
Gamers Nexus says the delay is because some units are not running at spec - whether that's clock speed, ram speed, cache speed, latency etc who knows, could be anything.
Probably the issue is that some faulty units accidently got through validation testing and so the batch needs to be re-binned

Either way, with my own issues and seen how its only getting worse in the industry - it seems no one can launch new electronic products that are problem free anymore. I feel like going forward I have to not buy any product until its being on the market for at least 1 year so all the issues are worked out
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12 Jan 2009
Perhaps the nuke facing Intel got AMD to double check everything,upgrade their validation processes. Even if it riles up their partners, what are they going to do? Use Intel? The reap the mind boggling potential from a trouble free launch.
15 Oct 2019
Steve hinted at it.... if AMD release them now they would be going up against Intel's existing results, tech reviewers would just copy paste them from previous reviews, but if they wait for Intel to release microcode updates that are likely to nerf them those are the performance metrics they will be reviewed against.
Why would AMD want to cast doubt over it own products just before a big launch and take away the spotlight away from Intels issues just to gain a couple of percent in benchmarks, also Intel haven’t confirmed a date that they are pushing the fix so it may not be pushed till after AMD launches anyway.
31 Dec 2010
Well a few more weeks isn't that bad; it gives forumites extra time to speculate!

Plus, didn't one person in Italy say they were able to buy one already retail because some retailer messed up? So we should get more real end user leaks soon.

Also, plenty of other CPU drama out there ATM on the internet between Intel's RPL problems and the ARL hype train in danger of crashing like the Zen5 one before that.
10 Oct 2005
Interesting. This might mean that I could wait for X870 now. Was planning X670E-I with usb4, but if we are now talking mid August, by the time I have read every review I can find, watched all the vids and planned my component list it would be Sept in any case.
Then if at the end of Sept there isn't an X870 ITX option I like, I could revert back to my original plan which would hopefully be on sale as X870 would now be out :)
28 Aug 2017
United Kingdom
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
Interesting. This might mean that I could wait for X870 now. Was planning X670E-I with usb4, but if we are now talking mid August, by the time I have read every review I can find, watched all the vids and planned my component list it would be Sept in any case.
Then if at the end of Sept there isn't an X870 ITX option I like, I could revert back to my original plan which would hopefully be on sale as X870 would now be out :)

I am in the same boat - upgrading from an Asus B450I Strix and want PCI-E 5.0 and USB4.
10 Oct 2005
I am in the same boat - upgrading from an Asus B450I Strix and want PCI-E 5.0 and USB4.
You can get that now (at least in mini ITX) as I was considering the ROG Strix X670E-I as I think the only difference between X670 and X870 is the faster memory speeds as that board has USB4. For mini ITX, that board is the only option if you want USB4 and it isn't cheap.
The other advantage of waiting is that maybe for X870 ITX, other vendors might launch on day 1 as I would really prefer not to buy Asus after the way they have been caught treating customers this year.
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