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AMD Zen 5 rumours

10 Oct 2005
There were Intel motherboards as low as £150 which supported it. A basic Intel mini-ITX motherboard(DDR5 and equivalent of the A620) is available from around £100.
When you look at it that way, it is pretty bad then, but with AMD you get a better CPU so maybe there isn't the incentive for them to bother.
Just like AMD forced Intel to go above six cores,, maybe if Intel had a competitive CPU range the board partners would be forced to innovate again. I do agree with you in part, X870 is hardly a decent upgrade when you look at X670, very lacklustre step forward for what I'm sure will be a lot of money.
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
When you look at it that way, it is pretty bad then, but with AMD you get a better CPU so maybe there isn't the incentive for them to bother.
Just like AMD forced Intel to go above six cores,, maybe if Intel had a competitive CPU range the board partners would be forced to innovate again. I do agree with you in part, X870 is hardly a decent upgrade when you look at X670, very lacklustre step forward for what I'm sure will be a lot of money.

A mate wanted to build a cheap AM5 mini-ITX system - no overclocking or tweaking,just RAM set to DOCP. The A620 motherboard cost just under £160 on offer and the Ryzen 5 7600 cost only slightly more! :cry:

Then you see ASRock make the ASRock B650M-HDV/M.2 for £100~£120 which has a great VRM,etc - the mini-ITX pricing is taking the mickey. Apparently its getting worse - the A620 has been rebranded to B840.
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