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AMD Zen 5 rumours

28 May 2007
My main issue with Zen5 and ARL will be how much more power a 5090 will be over a 4090. If that delta is similar going from a 3090 to a 4090, then both cpu platforms will be a bottleneck for high hz gaming at 1440p UW which is disappointing.

Its hard to say yet. A lot depends on the power limits as to how these CPU’s will perform. The cooling solution and power use of the 5090 will likely be a significant factor too.
1 Feb 2006
More interested in teh motherboards now, really want some WiFi 7 connectivity and a 10Gb LAN port, in white preferably
Probably better off getting a board with enough PCIe slots and getting a 10Gb/WIFI card. That way you can get a NIC that works well and move it over as you upgrade in the future. I don’t Like everything integrated; it can be convenient but its a pain if something stops working. Its easy to RMA a NIC but a nightmare to RMA the main board.
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28 May 2007
Probably better off getting a board with enough PCIe slots and getting a 10Gb/WIFI card. That way you can get a NIC that works well and move it over as you upgrade in the future. I don’t Like everything integrated; it can be convenient but its a pain if something stops working. Its easy to RMA a NIC but a nightmare to RMA the main board.

With the size of todays GPU’s most people would be lucky to even see even a SATA port, never mind a PCI-E slot.
1 Feb 2006
With the size of todays GPU’s most people would be lucky to even see even a SATA port, never mind a PCI-E slot.
I have a SoundBlaster in the bottom slot, could easily replace it with a 10Gb NIC but I get your point. The board layouts are not great, something needs to change to allow more expansion cards. A USB 10Gb NIC is also an option, I have not tried one but used a 1GB one for a few months and it was solid.
28 May 2007
I have a SoundBlaster in the bottom slot, could easily replace it with a 10Gb NIC but I get your point. The board layouts are not great, something needs to change to allow more expansion cards. A USB 10Gb NIC is also an option, I have not tried one but used a 1GB one for a few months and it was solid.

It’s very hit and miss at the moment. I’d like to see more dual slot blower graphics cards as options.
16 Jun 2009
I'm not in the UK anymore but in mainland Europe. This is the standard package many have here.


But this is running through my Dream Machine SE, Netgear SX512EM Switch and a few 10gbe cards in my machines.

I don't expect to see any manufactures putting 10gbe LAN for standard desktops. We just starting to see 2.5gbe LAN's now after so many years.

I'm not in the UK anymore but in mainland Europe. This is the standard package many have here.


But this is running through my Dream Machine SE, Netgear SX512EM Switch and a few 10gbe cards in my machines.

I don't expect to see any manufactures putting 10gbe LAN for standard desktops. We just starting to see 2.5gbe LAN's now after so many years.
What on earth!

That's ridiculous, how much do you pay for that if you don't mind me asking?
26 Apr 2004
Milton Keynes
Reasonable boost over what? 14900k? Zen4X3D already beats 14900k in games.

It'll lose to some games vs Zen4 X3D chips and win vs some. Zen5X3D should be amazing, but probably 9-12 months away, depending how good Arrow Lake from Intel is.

Decent boost over Zen 4. I'm not desperate, happy to wait for Zen5x3D :)

I'd rather not buy now, on the cusp of a new architecture, when I'm not desperate, as it only makes sense to hold for the new version :)
10 Oct 2005
So Im still rocking a Sandybridge E 3930K based system with 32GB of RAM and 2 x R290 (the originals) running X-Fire
I was thinking this would be the upgrade for me, but when I started speccing a system (using current CPU and RAM prices) I was horrified at the prices, my dream build came in at £3500 and even my budget build was £2700
GFX and Storage aren't cheap :(
Im going to wait for prices to settle and try to keep it around the 2.5K mark, but that isn't easy
31 Dec 2010
My main issue with Zen5 and ARL will be how much more powerful a 5090 will be over a 4090. If that delta is similar going from a 3090 to a 4090, then both cpu platforms will be a bottleneck for high hz gaming at 1440p UW which is disappointing.
Not wanting to say never, but with 4090 near the reptile limit and some hints that only the AI cards well get 3nm or better, I don't see any easy way for another huge jump.

Aside from AI everything, with nodes now progressing so slow and cost/transistor stagnant or worse Nvidia may consider trickling extra performance out.

Not quite Intel's < 5% like before Zen, but in terms of sales aiming for +20% every 2 years may make then more money than +40% one years then +10% two years later etc.

Hard to predict but JHH like to moan about the cost of doing business almost as much as Ryanair's O'Leary.

I hope the USB4 support replaces all USB 3 ports
Careful what you wish for since in previous USB transitions, various bootable media and installers had trouble with the new ports. People laugh at motherboards with PS/2 ports but you can pretty much guarantee anything bootable will support them throughout the whole boot process.
Man of Honour
22 Jun 2006
So Im still rocking a Sandybridge E 3930K based system with 32GB of RAM and 2 x R290 (the originals) running X-Fire
I was thinking this would be the upgrade for me, but when I started speccing a system (using current CPU and RAM prices) I was horrified at the prices, my dream build came in at £3500 and even my budget build was £2700
GFX and Storage aren't cheap :(
Im going to wait for prices to settle and try to keep it around the 2.5K mark, but that isn't easy
2K is more than enough for a great gaming PC in the majority of cases, you should be able to build one with something like the 9600X or a 7800X3D.
16 Jun 2009
So Im still rocking a Sandybridge E 3930K based system with 32GB of RAM and 2 x R290 (the originals) running X-Fire
Wow, didn't realise anyone was still running X-fire! Sandy bridge and 290 must be what 10+years old now?

Are you running air cooled 290s or water cooled?

Man I miss the SLI/Crossfire builds we used to see. And those ridiculous double GPUs like the 4870x2
26 Apr 2013
I hope the rumours of AMD releasing the X3D line around the Intel launch time are true, I'd love to grab a 9800X3D. I have a 5900X and am getting the upgrade itch, but I'd rather wait for the parts I want than just jumping on something because I'm impatient.
31 Dec 2011
I hope the rumours of AMD releasing the X3D line around the Intel launch time are true, I'd love to grab a 9800X3D. I have a 5900X and am getting the upgrade itch, but I'd rather wait for the parts I want than just jumping on something because I'm impatient.

Same here, although I have just moved jobs and thought I would take the opportunity to delete my old employers stuff and rebuild my machine. First time I have reinstalled windows in nearly 6 years, made a large jump in performance, games still run the same but the whole system is definitely much quicker same. Stuffed a 1tb wd black drive in for the OS. Might wait another 12 months at this rate :)
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6 Mar 2013
For me large file transfers from server to my main rig/ 100's pf ;arge RAW files and Video content.

I currently have the EE 1.6Gbps offering so at least WiFi 7 and 2.5Gbps LAN ports are essential. Ror reference my brother is streaming a movie at the moment and i have Youtube running in the background


If you were to set sail, what speeds do you get down? Just out of curiosity.
14 Nov 2005
If you were to set sail, what speeds do you get down? Just out of curiosity.
Downloading from Steam earlier today i peaked at 1.5Gbps (after upgrading to a 990 Pro) Prior to that NVME upgrade i was getting 900Mbps. Unsure if the upgrade in NVME was just a coincidence or not but either way it left me getting my game faster and plenty of bandwidth for the others in the house
6 Mar 2013
Downloading from Steam earlier today i peaked at 1.5Gbps (after upgrading to a 990 Pro) Prior to that NVME upgrade i was getting 900Mbps. Unsure if the upgrade in NVME was just a coincidence or not but either way it left me getting my game faster and plenty of bandwidth for the others in the house
1500MB/S. Dear god.I get 9MB/S actual. 120kb/S up speed. I'm happy for you bro. No really, I'm super happy for you

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