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AMD Zen 5 rumours

6 Mar 2013
All jokes aside,how long does a 50GB game take to download for you? And also that's interesting that your speed increased with a storage upgrade. Hmmm.
28 Mar 2017
I hope the rumours of AMD releasing the X3D line around the Intel launch time are true, I'd love to grab a 9800X3D. I have a 5900X and am getting the upgrade itch, but I'd rather wait for the parts I want than just jumping on something because I'm impatient.
Agree, now everyone expects x3d a big chunk of early adopters won't be buying zen 5 from the bat anymore unless they release close to each other.
31 Oct 2002
Decent boost over Zen 4. I'm not desperate, happy to wait for Zen5x3D :)

I'd rather not buy now, on the cusp of a new architecture, when I'm not desperate, as it only makes sense to hold for the new version :)
? Where are you seeing the "decent boost" over Zen4X3D? The figures supplied by AMD are vs plain Zen4 - not the X3D models.

For gaming, I expect Zen4X3D chips to be equal or superior to Zen5 (will be game dependant). We'll probably have to wait for Zen5X3D for a decent boost over Zen4X3D.
31 Oct 2002
They've boosted the 'normal Zen' cache again so they're definitely eating into X3D performance with these chips. Be interesting when the 3D's do arrive what kind of boost they shall give :)

Yeah very excited to see performance. Will also mean Zen5X3D has even more cache than Zen4X3D, so further gains to be had! Real shame they don't release X3D from the off!
28 May 2007
They've boosted the 'normal Zen' cache again so they're definitely eating into X3D performance with these chips. Be interesting when the 3D's do arrive what kind of boost they shall give :)

That’s assuming AMD haven’t been developing X3D further which they probably have seeing how well those parts have sold.
10 Oct 2005
Wow, didn't realise anyone was still running X-fire! Sandy bridge and 290 must be what 10+years old now?

Are you running air cooled 290s or water cooled?

Man I miss the SLI/Crossfire builds we used to see. And those ridiculous double GPUs like the 4870x2
Whole system under water and yes, I built this back in 2011/2012 I think, I should go back and have a look at my ocuk history, I do remember the mobo was 500 quid, I was in a mood to treat myself obviously

I hardly game on PC anymore and at the time, I spent a fortune building it to last. It has done well as there didn't seem much point in spending cash for small gains, but I have the upgrade itch now and the performance gains are bigger.
I have had enough of my full tower and want to try a mini ITX build and air cooling as going down the watercooling route stopped me gradually replacing parts over time due to the extra faff.
Fast storage, more cores and RAM are driving this as I seem to spend a lot of time editing photos now where the age of my PC is beginning to show
However the cost of a new system is very scary currently
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10 Oct 2005
2K is more than enough for a great gaming PC in the majority of cases, you should be able to build one with something like the 9600X or a 7800X3D.
It wouldn't be a gaming PC, it would be mainly a photo editing with some video as well. That is what is bumping up the price as I was looking at 2 4TB NVMe's and a meaty gfx card (has to be the green team for CUDA support sadly). That's 2K straight away.
Once Zen 5 comes out, I will have another look at my build list and see what I can cut back on to try and lower costs, but Im a nightmare, I tend to spend big and keep for years which sort of defeats the object of building a PC in the first place.
28 May 2007
It wouldn't be a gaming PC, it would be mainly a photo editing with some video as well. That is what is bumping up the price as I was looking at 2 4TB NVMe's and a meaty gfx card (has to be the green team for CUDA support sadly). That's 2K straight away.
Once Zen 5 comes out, I will have another look at my build list and see what I can cut back on to try and lower costs, but Im a nightmare, I tend to spend big and keep for years which sort of defeats the object of building a PC in the first place.

You could build a system with multiple times the performance of your current build for around 1k. You don’t need to buy Nvidia for CUDA either.
10 Oct 2005
You could build a system with multiple times the performance of your current build for around 1k. You don’t need to buy Nvidia for CUDA either.
I know AMD had a guy building I think software libraries to enable CUDA to run on AMD cards, but I thought they got rid of him and closed the project down
11 Dec 2016
It would be typical that after poor Radeon 7000 pricing AMD would fall into same hole with Ryzen 9000
After all the CPUs are perceived as being better than competition.
Remains to hope they suddenly have somebody sane making pricing decisions
17 Dec 2015
I have had enough of my full tower and want to try a mini ITX build and air cooling as going down the watercooling route stopped me gradually replacing parts over time due to the extra faff.
Fast storage, more cores and RAM are driving this as I seem to spend a lot of time editing photos now where the age of my PC is beginning to show
However the cost of a new system is very scary currently
Pretty much the same use case and thoughts as myself. I want something small and as near silent as possible, but top end performance (not worried about a 3 or 4 slot GPU) and ideally with a 10G network port on the motherboard.
16 Jun 2009
I have had enough of my full tower and want to try a mini ITX build and air cooling as going down the watercooling route stopped me gradually replacing parts over time due to the extra faff.
As someone who just had to basically dismantle my whole ITX NR200 to find a way to mount an extra HDD in there, ITX may not be the way to go if you want less faff

Jokes aside, I can't imagine ever using a full size case again. Nr200 is small but roomy and there's plenty other options case wise.
28 May 2007
It would be typical that after poor Radeon 7000 pricing AMD would fall into same hole with Ryzen 9000
After all the CPUs are perceived as being better than competition.
Remains to hope they suddenly have somebody sane making pricing decisions

AMD seem to be selling like hot cakes. I think the desktop CPU stack is pretty well priced TBH. It’s allowing for big jumps in performance and innovation through R&D while keeping AMD reasonably healthy financially.
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