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AMD Zen 5 rumours

28 May 2007
Maybe at the high but in the mainstream intel are comfortably ahead. AMD should really be going for 8 cores on the ryzen 5 by now.


You said Intel, comfortable and ahead in the same sentence.
28 May 2007
all I hope is that 9000X will not attempt to bring prices back up. 7000X release price was stupid, although could be justified

But 2 years later 6 and 8 core non-3D cpus are basically low end

But with solid performance on offer for many tasks.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
all I hope is that 9000X will not attempt to bring prices back up. 7000X release price was stupid, although could be justified

But 2 years later 6 and 8 core non-3D cpus are basically low end

15'th gen will be expensive, its large, on the most advanced node with very expensive packaging.

I think its Intel's hope to be able to go back to high pricing for CPU's with these, they may get a surprise.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
I think what going to happen is Ryzen 9000 series might not be quite as good as 15'th gen, but to do it Intel will be producing very expensive CPU's while AMD's are very cheap, they are at extreme ends.

Intel will want to say "ha... see we can beat them" If AMD are smart they will say "yeah but its so expensive compared to ours we can still make a profit selling ours at a price where you make a loss"

Anyone can make a fast CPU, if you make it big enough on the most advanced node, look at Apples M chips, they are huge, and frankly still not that good... making tiny little CPU's on older cheaper nodes that are still fast, that's a skill Intel don't have.

If i was AMD i would be punishing Intel at every turn, i would be beating them down relentlessly. Never let them get back on their feet.
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14 Feb 2008
Yes but its AMD which has stagnated the last few years.

1600X 6 core
2600X 6 core
3600X 6 core
5600X 6 core
7600X 6 core
9600X 6 core

7600k 4 core
8600k 6 core
9600k 6 core
10600k 6 core
11600k 6 core
12600k 10 core
13600k 14 core
14600k 14 core

Really your being alittle selective by only picking 1 product from the entire range and that's not evening going into the whole E and P core business ;)
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22 May 2010
I think what going to happen is Ryzen 9000 series might not be quite as good as 15'th gen, but to do it Intel will be producing very expensive CPU's while AMD's are very cheap, they are at extreme ends.

Intel will want to say "ha... see we can beat them" If AMD are smart they will say "yeah but its so expensive compared to ours we can still make a profit selling ours at a price where you make a loss"

Anyone can make a fast CPU, if you make it big enough on the most advanced node, look at Apples M chips, they are huge, and frankly still not that good... making tiny little CPU's on older cheaper nodes that are still fast, that's a skill Intel don't have.

If i was AMD i would be punishing Intel at every turn, i would be beating them down relentlessly. Never let them get back on their feet.

AMD only needs to undercut them by 10-20% on price while delivering similar or slightly less performance and it would be a winner, especially for those who are already on the AM5 platform.

Intel will really need to pull something out of the bag to score a big win, but intel being intel will probably end up charging too much for it.
15 Oct 2019
I think what going to happen is Ryzen 9000 series might not be quite as good as 15'th gen, but to do it Intel will be producing very expensive CPU's while AMD's are very cheap, they are at extreme ends.

Intel will want to say "ha... see we can beat them" If AMD are smart they will say "yeah but its so expensive compared to ours we can still make a profit selling ours at a price where you make a loss"

Anyone can make a fast CPU, if you make it big enough on the most advanced node, look at Apples M chips, they are huge, and frankly still not that good... making tiny little CPU's on older cheaper nodes that are still fast, that's a skill Intel don't have.

If i was AMD i would be punishing Intel at every turn, i would be beating them down relentlessly. Never let them get back on their feet.
AMD need to win on gaming performance with the X3D, if Intel ends up faster in gaming and can get power consumption under control then AMD will have a problem as they are already trailing in single core and MT performance albeit not by much at the high end but more so in the mainstream.
12 Sep 2003
Newcastle, UK
Most people aren’t interested in X3D. Its a niche product within a limited market.
I agree. I game but don't use an X3D chip, the non-X3D CPUs work just fine in gaming as well as everything else. Maybes people should think of it as a seperate fork in production and release. I don't get the GPU analagy either. GPUs are GPUs. They don't do a special gaming GPU, unlike CPUs.
28 May 2007
AMD need to win on gaming performance with the X3D, if Intel ends up faster in gaming and can get power consumption under control then AMD will have a problem as they are already trailing in single core and MT performance albeit not by much at the high end but more so in the mainstream.

The first and second fastest gaming chips are both AMD two generations of Intel later.
28 May 2007
I agree. I game but don't use an X3D chip, the non-X3D CPUs work just fine in gaming as well as everything else. Maybes people should think of it as a seperate fork in production and release. I don't get the GPU analagy either. GPUs are GPUs. They don't do a special gaming GPU, unlike CPUs.

Absolutely, X3D Ryzen chip is first and only gaming specific CPU’s.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Ryzen 3000 series was about 10% behind Intel in gaming, that didn't really bother anyone because the price for 3000 series was decent, for example the Ryzen 3600 was £200 vs £250 for the 9600K, the 3600 was about 90% the gaming performance of the 9600K.

And here is the thing about the X3D chips, AMD don't really price them as premium, the 7800X3D is 12% more expensive than the 7700X, or 20% more expensive than the 7700, its £360, that's not a premium priced product.
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15 Oct 2019
In your opinion, but reading your last few posts your opinions are a horrible reflection of reality.
The reality is that Intel still leads the way with OEM sales, AMD does well in the enthusiast segment where people build their own PCs and this is mainly for gaming.
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
The reality is that Intel still leads the way with OEM sales, AMD does well in the enthusiast segment where people build their own PCs and this is mainly for gaming.
So where people choose what CPU they put in their self built PC they are choosing AMD, where people are buying a box because the nice man in the shop said it does the thing and it has RGB its got an Intel CPU in it.

I think a lot of these SI's have Intel because it the only way they can shift Intel's stock.

AMD sells its self, Intel needs to be pushed on people who don't know what they are buying.
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