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AMD Zen 5 rumours

28 Aug 2017
United Kingdom
Yeah must be. Roll back. No real point updating until you plug in Granite.

I am using 1709 BIOS for the Gene which is Ageesa If it ain't broke, don't try and fix it.
Vbios 2007 is solid on Asus x670e hero, been running it for a few months, had had one expo failed to run but other than that stable as a rock.
6 Feb 2019
I just watched the KitGuru Video, they are claiming they only got 36.3 in R23, to me that seems really low, he also said that stock the 9950X got 42K and with some memory tweaking got 45K.

Does memory really make that much difference in R23? It would explain why there is a 6% discrepancy between KitGuru and CPU-Monkey, if KitGuru are running the memory at 4800 with CPU-Monkey at 5600, TPU maybe at 5200.

Memory should not affect cinebench scores at all in my experience
16 Aug 2017
Yeah must be. Roll back. No real point updating until you plug in Granite.

I am using 1709 BIOS for the Gene which is Ageesa If it ain't broke, don't try and fix it.
And it's confirmed - it is indeed a buggy UEFI. Reported it to MSI. I've been on AGESA, zero issues. Jumped to and CCD management broken. One down to and so far zero issues, CCD management is back to normal. :)
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6 Feb 2019
New news today: Zen 5 CPUs run around 7c cooler than Zen4 at the same power draw

AMD marketing slides says this is because of improved thermal resistance

Ok.. so an interviewer asked what does this mean, did they change the IHS? Did they change the TIM? Nope, AMD moved the position of the temperature sensor so now the sensor detects different hot spot, AMD says the old sensor was detecting temps that are unrealistic and says the new temps are more accurate

The interviewer then asked if this change was done to actually give users lower temps or if it's used to give the boost algorithm more headroom to run higher clock speeds within the 95c limit they set with Zen4. In other words; will zen5 users see lower temps or will their cpu still just ramp up to 95c? AMD refused to answer this question though
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6 Nov 2005
Ah man, the motherboard i was thinking of getting if i jump on the 9000 series is in a certain sale today. But having not seen reviews yet and early leaks being all over the place and prices not known i don't think I'm ready to commit yet. :(
24 Feb 2004
New news today: Zen 5 CPUs run around 7c cooler than Zen4 at the same power draw

AMD marketing slides says this is because of improved thermal resistance

Ok.. so an interviewer asked what does this mean, did they change the IHS? Did they change the TIM? Nope, AMD moved the position of the temperature sensor so now the sensor detects different hot spot, AMD says the old sensor was detecting temps that are unrealistic and says the new temps are more accurate

The interviewer then asked if this change was done to actually give users lower temps or if it's used to give the boost algorithm more headroom to run higher clock speeds within the 95c limit they set with Zen4. In other words; will zen5 users see lower temps or will their cpu still just ramp up to 95c? AMD refused to answer this question though
does AMD think we are that stupid? This need more clarification by AMD.
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6 Nov 2005
Honestly I think this is a storm in a teacup. It really makes no difference if they have changed how they measure the temperature so long as its tuned correctly to the new sensor.

I think advertising it as a feature is a bit scummy. But in the end the temperature was always just based on however they chose to set it up.

I remeber when zen 1 launched the temperature probe on the x cpus were set 10° higher than what they were reading so that the boost clocks worked they way they wanted.
31 Oct 2002
Ah man, the motherboard i was thinking of getting if i jump on the 9000 series is in a certain sale today. But having not seen reviews yet and early leaks being all over the place and prices not known i don't think I'm ready to commit yet. :(

Worth waiting for the newer 800 series boards. These will be superior to the x600 boards.

If you don't care about the new features, prices of x600 boards will crater upon 800 series release. You'll also be able to pick up nearly new ones off MM/other 2nd hand sale websites for very low prices.
28 Aug 2017
United Kingdom
Faster certified memory speeds (EXPO/XMP) for those that want top performance out of the box with 7200-8000Mhz+ without having to spend hours tinkering with timings and corrupting windows installs :cry:

wasnt it only a small bump from 6000mhz to 6400mhz 1:1 on x800 series, if you swap to 1:2 then yes 7000mhz+ looks to be possible but again that comes down to agesia updates and a good cpu. testing will reveal if fast ddr5 can overcome added latency due to the 1:2 ratio.

i'm sticking with x670e, i dont need usb4 and with updates faster ram may indeed work.
31 Oct 2002
wasnt it only a small bump from 6000mhz to 6400mhz 1:1 on x800 series, if you swap to 1:2 then yes 7000mhz+ looks to be possible but again that comes down to agesia updates and a good cpu. testing will reveal if fast ddr5 can overcome added latency due to the 1:2 ratio.

i'm sticking with x670e, i dont need usb4 and with updates faster ram may indeed work.

For the last few decades, motherboard vendors don't go back and qualify old generations of motherboards for new EXPO/XMP speeds. It's one of the main selling points for chipset refreshes - and earns them lots of profit.

Maybe X670E will be the exception and all the manufactures will work hard to get 8000Mhz+ fully stable with EXPO/XMP, though I highly doubt it.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Honestly I think this is a storm in a teacup. It really makes no difference if they have changed how they measure the temperature so long as its tuned correctly to the new sensor.

I think advertising it as a feature is a bit scummy. But in the end the temperature was always just based on however they chose to set it up.

I remeber when zen 1 launched the temperature probe on the x cpus were set 10° higher than what they were reading so that the boost clocks worked they way they wanted.
Here is what was actually said, listen carefully. ;)
25 May 2024
Ah man, the motherboard i was thinking of getting if i jump on the 9000 series is in a certain sale today. But having not seen reviews yet and early leaks being all over the place and prices not known i don't think I'm ready to commit yet. :(

A motherboard I was looking at was £207 on Saturday. Today its £354.96 in the "Sale".
All a con
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