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AMD Zen 5 rumours

12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
It reminds to be seen, so far I've not seen tests that would show definite advantage of faster memory Vs 1:1 one with tighter timings.
The difference is not huge on X3D parts, helps more on Zen 4 non X3D parts. For reference, I saw on average a 6% performance difference with 8000C34 vs 6000C30 tuned and running in 1:1 mode on my 7950X3D. Slightly higher in 1% lows too.

So, there is a performance advantage to using faster memory, despite not running in 1:1 mode. If you want every drop of performance on the table, 8000C34 is what you want. You might need a Gene to achieve it though.

I've seen a few lucky Gigabyte users get up to 8200Mhz on Zen 4, but for most it's 8000Mhz or lower. A lot of 2DPC boards will be stuck at 7600/7800Mhz.

Be interesting to see if there are improvements with Granite Ridge and X800 Chipset.
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28 Aug 2017
United Kingdom

Imagine what x3d will be like :eek:
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Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004

I mean at this point all it needs is to have less than a 50% failure rate and it’ll be a success :D
16 Aug 2017
The difference is not huge on X3D parts, helps more on Zen 4 non X3D parts. For reference, I saw on average a 6% performance difference with 8000C34 vs 6000C30 tuned and running in 1:1 mode on my 7950X3D. Slightly higher in 1% lows too.

So, there is a performance advantage to using faster memory, despite not running in 1:1 mode. If you want every drop of performance on the table, 8000C34 is what you want. You might need a Gene to achieve it though.

I've seen a few lucky Gigabyte users get up to 8200Mhz on Zen 4, but for most it's 8000Mhz or lower. A lot of 2DPC boards will be stuck at 7600/7800Mhz.

Be interesting to see if there are improvements with Granite Ridge and X800 Chipset.
Interesting. The tests I've seen never went as high as 8000MT (likely they weren't lucky enough to push that high on their particular CPUs). Good to know it can go (with luck) that high and it gives proper perf. increase :)

BTW, related to x3D - upon updating BIOS to AGESA 1.2.0 I can now see in Windows it defaulting always to 3D cache cores, irrelevant of bios settings, drivers and even app that can manually choose between perf and 3D cache cores (through drivers). Problem is I also updated drivers and Windows to new build at the same time, so not sure now if it's that BIOS issue or the AGESA messed it up a bit or Windows... :) Not that it cause any issues in games but outside games I liked it to use perf. cores as priority, which doesn't happen now. Oddly, not seen any reports about it online, so it might be just MSI messing things up a bit here.
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12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Interesting. The tests I've seen never went as high as 8000MT (likely they weren't lucky enough to push that high on their particular CPUs). Good to know it can go (with luck) that high and it gives proper perf. increase :)

BTW, related to x3D - upon updating BIOS to AGESA 1.2.0 I can now see in Windows it defaulting always to 3D cache cores, irrelevant of bios settings, drivers and even app that can manually choose between perf and 3D cache cores (through drivers). Problem is I also updated drivers and Windows to new build at the same time, so not sure now if it's that BIOS issue or the AGESA messed it up a bit or Windows... :) Not that it cause any issues in games but outside games I liked it to use perf. cores as priority, which doesn't happen now. Oddly, not seen any reports about it online, so it might be just MSI messing things up a bit here.
If you've ever looked at HUBs testing, they show a similar performance increase on Intel/AMD as you can from 6000Mhz and up. I'm not sure if HUB actually tune the other timings though outside of primaries.
16 Aug 2022
Sunny Hampshire
Anyone know when the review NDA lifts on these? I guess reviewers have them by now.
Already in shops too!

"A Reddit user reported purchasing the Ryzen 7 9700X ahead of its official market release. This indicates that some units are circulating outside official channels. "
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Interesting. The tests I've seen never went as high as 8000MT (likely they weren't lucky enough to push that high on their particular CPUs). Good to know it can go (with luck) that high and it gives proper perf. increase :)

BTW, related to x3D - upon updating BIOS to AGESA 1.2.0 I can now see in Windows it defaulting always to 3D cache cores, irrelevant of bios settings, drivers and even app that can manually choose between perf and 3D cache cores (through drivers). Problem is I also updated drivers and Windows to new build at the same time, so not sure now if it's that BIOS issue or the AGESA messed it up a bit or Windows... :) Not that it cause any issues in games but outside games I liked it to use perf. cores as priority, which doesn't happen now. Oddly, not seen any reports about it online, so it might be just MSI messing things up a bit here.
Try this.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System

Imagine what x3d will be like :eek:

There is almost no difference between unlimited PPT and 230 watts, the difference tho between the 14900K at 253 watts and the 7950X at 230 watts is 30%, or 36% at the same 253 watts
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28 Aug 2017
United Kingdom
There is almost no difference between unlimited PPT and 230 watts, the difference tho between the 14900K at 253 watts and the 7950X at 230 watts is 30%, or 36% at the same 253 watts

i will admit the unlimited run is a ES chip but that being in the region of 35% faster than a 14900k, lets hope the retail chips continue this trend.
160-230w may be the sweet spot for the top 9950x and if the temps being reported stick, they will be monsters on any cooling (custom is the way to go XD)
30 Dec 2010
Over here
Custom water cooling can do one, so much faff for no benefit.

The last grasping at straws benefit I saw was: The components run cooler so they will last many more years.
Oh yes, because somebody who is enthusiast about PCS is keeping their GPU and CPU for years aren't they.
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6 Nov 2005
Anyone know when the review NDA lifts on these? I guess reviewers have them by now.
Did see one reviewer say "ask me again tomorrow" yesterday. So if they were not just being facetious, there might be like an unboxing embargo today with release dates. But the only date I've seen thrown around is the 29th and not seen anything to back that up.
16 Aug 2022
Sunny Hampshire
Did see one reviewer say "ask me again tomorrow" yesterday. So if they were not just being facetious, there might be like an unboxing embargo today with release dates. But the only date I've seen thrown around is the 29th and not seen anything to back that up.
If retailers already have units, I would expect reviews to be before then. Maybe 29th is official date of being able to buy them.
16 Aug 2017
Try this.
Will do then I'm back home! It sounds a bit different from what I'm experiencing (as in, the opposite in a way) but maybe it is about 3dvc cores not getting parked properly outside games too. Worth checking! Otherwise I might go back 1 bios version to see if that changes it.
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Will do then I'm back home! It sounds a bit different from what I'm experiencing (as in, the opposite in a way) but maybe it is about 3dvc cores not getting parked properly outside games too. Worth checking! Otherwise I might go back 1 bios version to see if that changes it.
Also check the BIOS and make sure a X3D preset has not been enabled, as it's possible to force apps to use just the cache cores primarily via the BIOS. The option is called CPPC, should be set to Auto.
16 Aug 2017
Also check the BIOS and make sure a X3D preset has not been enabled, as it's possible to force apps to use just the cache cores primarily via the BIOS. The option is called CPPC, should be set to Auto.
Yep, I've done that as the first thing (it's on auto). Then I even tried to manually change to performance and to driver mode - neither did anything. Then I used a software (forgot its name now) that uses AMD API of the driver to change which cores should be prioritised under Windows - no effect on that either. I suspect a bug in the new bios but will check the driver thing first.
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