Going forward there will be no more new versions of Windows as such, what i mean is we wont get Windows 11 or Windows 2020.
Microsoft moved to Windows 10 and are keen to get everyone onto it as they can deliver newer versions of windows via the Windows Update system now. Much like when they done the anniversary update, it was fairly seamless for most people (there was a lot of weird issues with it for many though) in regards to the update, it effectively reinstalled windows over the top of the current windows.
This is how Microsoft want windows to develop further on, they dont want to release windows 11, windows 2020 etc, they want it just to be called Windows and you subscribe to new features when they make them available, as far as im aware its going to become a base OS with a ton of add on options. They are gearing towards an entire eco system where you buy your "Windows" license, and decide you need "Office" so buy the addon, then later you need "Super Calculator Pro 9999" so buy that add on etc, its all delivered to you via the Windows Update method.
Anyhow, Windows 10 i find very good, im currently rolling it out at work, i took the decision to EOL roll outs of 7 and 8.1, infact i took the 8.1 image off our SCCM server, i left 7 on as theres some legacy apps that wont run on 10 yet which once finalised and working means i can remove 7.
Overall the userbase is happier with 10 than 8.1, but more importantly just want something that works regardless of how it looks lol.