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*** AMD "Zen" thread (inc AM4/APU discussion) ***

13 Jun 2009
It matters because AMD have previewed ryzen as being competitive with the intel enthusiast line... When early indication suggest it will have an inferior memory setup to the intel.consumer line then this may be of interest to some people looking at the platform

This is a good point, this is meant to be a socket spanning all areas of the market, including the server space where RAM speed can be critical in certain workloads. It'll be interesting to see how it works out but for most of us here it really makes no difference.
5 Sep 2011
This is a good point, this is meant to be a socket spanning all areas of the market, including the server space where RAM speed can be critical in certain workloads. It'll be interesting to see how it works out but for most of us here it really makes no difference.

You've got that twisted. Since when does the server market overclock memory outside of spec.
18 Sep 2009
Jetway HA08 Combo. I used to have one.

Freakish motherboard supporting both DDR2 and DDR3 but not at the same time.

It wasn't AM3 though, as an AM2+ CPU doesn't physically fit into an AM3 socket.
There were definitely hybrid boards, I don't doubt that. Not sure of their relevance in the market like.
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27 Jan 2009
You've got that twisted. Since when does the server market overclock memory outside of spec.

They don't need to with quad channel bandwidth.... Oh but Ryzen boards only have a dual Chanel controller.

Worst of both scenarios'... Dual channel controller with less bandwidth than a quad channel (or tri) and worse dual channel oc performance than intel's consumer lineup...

Pretty sure intel didn't go with either tri or quad channel memory setups on their server/ entusiast lines for nearly the last 10 years just for the sake of it.... The did it for max capacity and bandwidth...
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8 Oct 2013
It matters because AMD have previewed ryzen as being competitive with the intel enthusiast line... When early indication suggest it will have an inferior memory setup to the intel.consumer line then this may be of interest to some people looking at the platform

All AMD have shown is that in some benchmarks (blender mainly) a ZEN SR7 (8c/16t) performs near that of an Intel i7-6900k (8c/16t). We do not know where AMD will actually target these chips in the market. We dont know the intended price of these chips yet.

It may turn out that overall a zen system (taking into account CPU and motherboard) of comparable performance to the Intel (say 7700K) will be cheaper to an extent that could allow the customers to get a better graphics card / RAM / SSD. Yes the memory may be slower (impacting some edge cases) but the user gets an overall better system for their money. In this case the slower memory speed will be of little concern to most ;)

Yes this is a pure guess, but i think its what will probably happen.
6 Nov 2014
Jesus.... 3 pages of bickering....... Can we keep this thread interesting instead of utter ******** please......

Don't avoid the swear filter - Armageus
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27 Jan 2009
All AMD have shown is that in some benchmarks (blender mainly) a ZEN SR7 (8c/16t) performs near that of an Intel i7-6900k (8c/16t). We do not know where AMD will actually target these chips in the market. We dont know the intended price of these chips yet.

It may turn out that overall a zen system (taking into account CPU and motherboard) of comparable performance to the Intel (say 7700K) will be cheaper to an extent that could allow the customers to get a better graphics card / RAM / SSD. Yes the memory may be slower (impacting some edge cases) but the user gets an overall better system for their money. In this case the slower memory speed will be of little concern to most ;)

Yes this is a pure guess, but i think its what will probably happen.

They will be priced to compete with the entusiast/server lineup not the consumer line up in all likelihood. AMD choose to compare their chip to a 6900k rather than a 6700k... Take the hint re pricing and where their targeting the top chips... .
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28 May 2007
It's very simple. AMD want Zen to be competitive at all levels. If their best memory specs are not as high as what Intel's platforms offer, I can see that potentially being an issue in the server market, albeit not in the home user market.

Yeah, that's going to need some more explaining. ECC is 2133, 2400 and 2666. The 2666Mhz stuff is cas 22 so you pay a lot for the extra bandwidth.
28 May 2007
They will be priced to compete with the entusiast/server lineup not the consumer line up in all likelihood. AMD choose to compare their chip to a 6900k rather than a 6700k... Take the hint re pricing and where their targeting the top chips... .

Why don't you just tell us the line up prices. This thread could do with a laugh.
27 Jan 2009
Yeah, that's going to need some more explaining. ECC is 2133, 2400 and 2666. The 2666Mhz stuff is cas 22 so you pay a lot for the extra bandwidth.

What you mean like this stuff at CAS 19 at 2666Mhz?? still keeping it factual then jigger!

Why don't you just tell us the line up prices. This thread could do with a laugh.

if they release a 6900k competing product it will cost more than the Intel consumer lineup (likely by quite a lot) but less than Intels current 6900k pricing.....

I say around 600- 800 pounds inc VAT, your estimate is.....?

BTW how's the benchies coming on for the 2500k 'i7 ruiner' at 5.5 -6.0 Ghz? I after all could do with a laugh as well
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28 May 2007
What you mean like this stuff at CAS 19 at 2666Mhz?? still keeping it factual then jigger!

if they release a 6900k competing product it will cost more than the Intel consumer lineup (likely by quite a lot) but less than Intels current 6900k pricing.....

I say around 600- 800 pounds inc VAT, your estimate is.....?

BTW how's the benchies coming on for the 2500k 'i7 ruiner' at 5.5 -6.0 Ghz? I after all could do with a laugh as well

Sorry did you not see my last post on the matter. But just so you know this isn't like getting to 4.5Ghz. You don't just pop in the BIOS set the voltage to 1.4 and the multipliers to 45;)
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