It is rather comical that certain people have been begging AMD to adopt the Nvidia strategy of ..... over the competition in order to gain more money to then improve their offerings. We all know why though, its not to purchase from AMD or any competitor who would do this but a silly hope that Nvidia would be forced to slash prizes. Now that this may be the case, or not who knows, it's suddenly an issue. Pick your lane

. I however, would much prefer that they all just offered some proper horsepower for a sensible price, yeah i know that is so 2016.
When you have tech jurnoes saying forcing AMD to allow DLSS in Starfield is good for
everyone they obviously aren't talking about
everyone, DLSS is exclusive to Nvidia, when they say "Good for everyone" they are pleading the "i'm doing this for you" case when they should know it only helps Nvidia justify their pricing.
If it wasn't Starfield, a Bethesda game, they wouldn't care, they care because not having DLSS in the latest Bethesda game makes their argument that AMD should be 30/40% cheaper that much more difficult if this trend continues. They are literally trying to bully AMD out of this idea of buying exclusivity rights, which Nvidia have been doing for decades.... they never cared.
I do want AMD GPU's to be cheaper, because i'm just as happy to buy AMD as i am Nvidia and i want that competition, AMD are the weaker company and so it is on them to attract more marketshare, having said that, if its not going to work at 10% less, or 20% less.... then its not going to work without AMD taking unacceptable financial hits.
You can't keep going demanding 30%, 40%, 50%..... and say "bUt tH
ey arE s
till mAk
MonEy" It doesn't cost AMD any less than Nvidia to R&D a high end GPU and selling 10% as many at 60% the price is what did ATI in.
If we cannot be sensible, logical and reasonable about this then we are just making the situation worse, at some point we have to realise the strategy isn't working, the reason why tech jurnoes never give up on this flawed strategy is because they can't do it any other way, if they push back against Nvidia too much they find themselves off their sampling lists, and not just Nvidia themselves but also all their partners, and then they don't have a Youtube channel business anymore.
So i emplore AMD to ignore them completely because they are doing it entirely for their own self interests. AMD are doing the right thing by taking on the big meaningful sponsorships, we need a lot more of that.
We have yet to see what AMD brings in the mid range, but right now from my perspective its not AMD with the problem, if i was to buy something today to replace my $500 RXT 2070 Super with the amount of VRam one need's these days my options are:
RTX 4060 Ti 16GB: +25% performance.
RX 6800 XT: +64% performance.
Both around the same price and if the RX 7800/XT matches the RX 6800XT for around $500 they are doing alright in my book.