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AMD's FSR3 possibly next month ?



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
A lot lol that would mean a much higher user base. If like me and an AMD user, i chose because i was never gonna use RT and upscaling while getting a faster gpu at a cheaper price. Any sane AMD user ain't coming here to brag about upscaling. Good that they improved it but again upscaling tech was never a reason to buy AMD.

You can use it secretly and love it then. That's fine too :p:D
30 Dec 2011
Thats a fair and valid point. I have only been using AFMF cause the games I have didn't offer AMD's FSR 3 frame gen solution at the time of testing. I would argue it is still Frame generation but I see your point and I'm certainly going to look further into it. The reason I didn't distinguish between them was because I, incorrectly, thought it was basically the same method being used. Now I'm sure my main gripe with frame generation, which is the added latency, wont change but time will tell. So cheers for that :)

Kudos on your ability to admit a mistake and learn new information, it is an uncommonly rare trait these days.

Frame Gen definitely has its uses. Ghost of Tsushima on my 4080 runs at 70 FPS at 4K. Turning on FG (either FSR or DLSS) bring that up to 120 FPS. It feels good and is smooth with minimal lag. The problem is, you need that already very good performance baseline to begin with, which for me renders the FPS boost moot.

For example CP2077 with RT and DLSS runs at about 50 FPS, enabling FG gives a big FPS boost but the lag and responsiveness feels terrible. It looks smooth but feels like it is running in treacle, even with low latency enabled.
30 Dec 2011
I predict like all tech that improves over time, people just have less reasons to hate on it, or point and laugh.

You know like DLSS. Do you remember how terrible DLSS 1 was?

I am delighted to see upscalers improve even more as they evolve. Kudos to AMD on the latest improvements on FSR.
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30 Dec 2011
A lot lol that would mean a much higher user base. If like me and an AMD user, i chose because i was never gonna use RT and upscaling while getting a faster gpu at a cheaper price. Any sane AMD user ain't coming here to brag about upscaling. Good that they improved it but again upscaling tech was never a reason to buy AMD.

I hated DLSS on release but now would enable it almost by default. It’s the same with FSR but its first iteration was better than DLSS but still not great. All upscaling tech is very useable now with DLSS being a better solution, but FSR and XeSS are more than good enough currently.



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
I hated DLSS on release but now would enable it almost by default. It’s the same with FSR but its first iteration was better than DLSS but still not great. All upscaling tech is very useable now with DLSS being a better solution, but FSR and XeSS are more than good enough currently.

Same here. Thought it was crap. But it keeps getting better and now if it is available it goes on.

Not tried the latter two in ages. Last FSR I tried was in Resident Evil 4 remake and it was **** poor relatively speaking. And that was a AMD sponsored game! A mod came out shortly after enabling DLSS and was so much better. I think that was when I gave up on FSR.

Really hope AMD go for a solution that uses their hardware to improve FSR. That and also do it so we can update older games like we can with DLSS.
28 May 2007
You can use it secretly and love it then. That's fine too :p:D
Tried version 1.0 and then 2.0 on F122. Had Vega 64 at the time so needed the leg up. Was terrible so never touched it again. The lowest fps I get now with f123/Mw3/Rocket League is mid 100s so no need to use it. Maybe in secret like you said. I might get a nice surprise and at least it does give me an option if I play a game that has it and the xt is struggling.
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16 Aug 2017
Thats a fair and valid point. I have only been using AFMF cause the games I have didn't offer AMD's FSR 3 frame gen solution at the time of testing. I would argue it is still Frame generation but I see your point and I'm certainly going to look further into it. The reason I didn't distinguish between them was because I, incorrectly, thought it was basically the same method being used. Now I'm sure my main gripe with frame generation, which is the added latency, wont change but time will tell. So cheers for that :)
They really are very different, as even though both add frames, the one in driver has no clue about motion vectors and other data from game engine, so it generates frames differently, and it also adds more visible latency, stops working with fast movement and quality of it is very mediocre. The ones in game engine have all the data for much better quality, still work with camera movement and latency is lower etc. Just don't expect perfection, it's all about acceptable compromises with high enough input FPS. :)
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25 Nov 2011

I'm just glad they are at least improving it somewhat but still I await to see how it really is once amd aren't involved.....

Isn't this what everyone wanted years ago when all devs was paying Nvidia.
It goes along way to see AMD in such massive titles.
And these are not amd sponsorship either it's just amd working alongside devs to get the best out of the hardware.
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4 Jun 2009
Isn't this what everyone wanted years ago when all devs was paying Nvidia.
It goes along way to see AMD in such massive titles.
And these are not amd sponsorship either it's just amd working alongside devs to get the best out of the hardware.

You know what I mean, in the sense, how will FSR 3.1 look when amd aren't involved and it's entirely up to devs to get the best from it?

We have seen good examples of fsr 2 in the initial pr showcases i.e deathloop, avatar and so on but more often than not, once amd aren't invovled giving guidance etc. that's where things went to **** with FSR, from reading on github threads, devs say it is because amds approach is more open and down to the devs to get the best from it with fine tuning where as nvidias approach is more of a hands of approach with not quite as much tweaking needing done.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
I predict like all tech that improves over time, people just have less reasons to hate on it, or point and laugh.

You know like DLSS. Do you remember how terrible DLSS 1 was?

I am delighted to see upscalers improve even more as they evolve. Kudos to AMD on the latest improvements on FSR.

Yeah but large pockets of people hate upscaling because "DLSS BAD NVIDIA BAD" - That's what I was getting at :p They seldom mention AMD!
22 Dec 2011
Can someone explain the benefits of fsr to me? I have a 7800xt, and from what I gather this technology up scales low resolution to a higher resolution with additional fps.

My card will run most games at a decent amount of fps so is this technology aimed at lower end cards?

I have seen a few videos with games running 300 fps which is an obscene amount of frames , I’m not entirely sure what advantage this is?



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
You've described the primary benefits to lower resolutions when using upscaling, also upscaling when done right can produce better detail and sharpness than native res because of the image reconstruction step in the pipeline at the output stage. This mostly applies at 1440p or above though not 1080p where looking at finer details shows temporal break-up. The latter benefits are almost always with DLSS though not FSR because DLSS uses a much larger training model to learn and dedicated hardware whereas FSR uses software and AI algorithms instead.
22 Dec 2011
You've described the primary benefits to lower resolutions when using upscaling, also upscaling when done right can produce better detail and sharpness than native res because of the image reconstruction step in the pipeline at the output stage. This mostly applies at 1440p or above though not 1080p where looking at finer details shows temporal break-up. The latter benefits are almost always with DLSS though not FSR because DLSS uses a much larger training model to learn and dedicated hardware whereas FSR uses software and AI algorithms instead.

So if I am to use the technology to its maximum benefit on my 7800xt should I upscale from 1080p to 1440p or 1440p to 4K , I am also on a 1440p monitor if that helps.
30 Dec 2011
If you are using a 1440p screen, then the highest FSR setting will be upscaling from 1080p. Balance would be upscaling from 720p and so on down the settings.

Some games also let you customise the base upscaling resolution, but for best IQ stick to the highest, or second highest setting.

One of the best benefits for me is the ability to set an FPS limiter with upscaling on, because this reduces heat and noise from my GPU.

I do like upscaling and it has improved since Nvidia released DLSS where I found it unusable. DLSS as it is right now truly is the benchmark for upscaling but thankfully that does not mean FSR or XeSS are not also very good. It took a while for AMD to get FSR released and took them even longer to make it acceptable below 4K quality settings. Obviously acceptable is a subjective thing but at least FSR allowed people to get the best out of their older Nvidia or non Nvidia GPUs.

With a 7800 XT you should also be able to use Intel’s XeSS upscaling.
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9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
Yeah but large pockets of people hate upscaling because "DLSS BAD NVIDIA BAD" - That's what I was getting at :p They seldom mention AMD!
It was the same with all the PC guys mocking consoles for doing things like checkerboard rendering,dynamic resolutions, etc.

On PC forums:

"It's CHEATING. PC does not CHEAT. PC does NATIVE.


It was not even about the quality of upscaling but because consoles were not doing native.

I made a prediction years ago that when PCs would do it, everyone will change their tune.

Now PC guys won't shut up about it. It's even worse than the console people.

But I still find it ironic that some of the most represented cards on Steam, ie, GTX1660, GTX1650 and GTX1660 series relied on AMD and Intel upscaling. The latter two cards are still widely sold in desktops and laptops worldwide.
Or RTX3000 owners waiting on AMD and Intel FG.

I expect the sudden influx of people "suddenly" liking both technologies is most likely to be those Nvidia users looking at the actual install base. They are the largest group to be affected.
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24 Oct 2005
North East
But its meant more or less for those with weaker systems than pc users generally in these forums with beefier systems. If it helps em, then let em use it, it is a choice afterall, its mainly cos of high rf rate monitors trying to drive up the fps to use them monitors. I dont think ppl want to use em per say but they can try it and if they dont mind em then meh who cares its not like it affects others too much unless you make the case that gpu makers arnt pushing for more raw performance as much well unless you can get a 4070 or better i guess as them and up have been ok just amd top end and mid range is still a bit lacking vs nvidias offerings.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Yes in non high-end games that is the case, but on games using lots of RT/PT, it's the opposite because weaker systems cannot maintain the baseline framerate to then achieve latency-free post-FG results.
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