US: American Gods - Starts May 1st Amazon / Starz (Wheres the post?)

I'm not sure where these little side stories are going, they seem to be explicit just for the sake of it, are they just to try and out do other series and have some shock factor?
they definitely trying to push the boundaries but if you seen Hannibal you would expect it.that's one of the reason why i like it.
Watched the first couple of episodes last night. Enjoyed them more than I was expecting. You can definitely notice Bryan Fuller, some of the cinematography was very much like Hannibal, which I loved.
are they just to try and out do other series and have some shock factor?

They're just setting the scene and tone. Weird **** is going on everywhere and we know nothing about it. These have been the most interesting parts for me - loved the bit with the old lady in ep.3.
I have absolutely zero idea what is going on nor do I know why I like it but I do :D.

Some really weird scenes in there I assume they'll make more sense as it progresses.
I'm in the middle of the first episode and feel the same. Not a clue whats going on but I feel compelled to carry on watching. The main guy seems familiar but I can't work out where I've seen him.
I'm on episode 2 and the constant, pointless artsy scenes are already starting to grate. They really ruined Hannibal for me, so i'm hoping this doesnt get to that same level. Seems like a good cast so i'll give it another few episodes.
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That's two huge dongs they've shown so far and apparently Fuller wanted to make that scene even more full on but they wouldn't allow him due to the complaints even this version pulled in.

Makes me laugh no one had a problem with a god sucking people up between her legs but two guys having sex oh how dare they show this!
... will seem exceptionally tame compared to the first three! I was immediately thinking of Jack from American Werewolf too!
You can tell from the off that Fuller has his hands on this. Very arty and some really uncomfortable screeching/hard on the ears music which builds the tension. Really enjoying it and so far its pretty bang on compared to the book.
Slightly OT but I still recall the first time I watched that film (excluding Miss Agutter's scenes) and thought .. Hold on a minute ..
This character is actually decomposing throughout the film!
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