American Truck Simulator

For anyone who's still interested, get yourself on the latest public beta. It's got the map rescale in it, and it's pretty damn fantastic. Much more complex and huge intersections, towns expanded, and overall it feels a lot greater just in general driving and scenery. Probably a couple of weeks before it's an official release if you're an extensive mod user.
OK :) / where do I get to update it ? :)

Right click the game in your steam library, click properties, click the BETAS tab, then choose the public beta.

Only do this if you're happy it might break your game/mods/saves etc. If you're not happy, just wait a couple of weeks until it's officially released and polished.
Having just fired up ETS2 for the first time in ages, is it worth splashing out the fifteen quid on ATS? If so, are there any tips, essential mods etc? Is it worth getting the DLC as well? Only the Heavy Cargo one looks actually useful.

/edit - bought it from Instant Gaming for under a tenner :)
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If you need help on Mods, I've used and failed lol.. with a lot.


Coast to Coast.
Viva La Mexico (the download process in a pain, be warned and have an adblocker.)

These all work fine with 1.28 I am using them currently.

Heavy Cargo absolutely, and a few triple trailer mods as well. As for trucks, whatever takes your fancy.
I picked up a G29 this evening with a shifter. I've not got it all working quite right yet, steering seems a little sensitive just as I come out of the dead zone and the shifter is playing silly whatsits but what a difference it makes. I caught myself looking over my shoulder as I was changing lanes on the freeway!
Thanks. I think I've got the steering sorted now but won't even look at the shifter until I've got my own truck, then I can set it up appropriately. No point in setting it up when the transmission type will be changing as I pick jobs.

One thing which intrigues me. Why does the sat nav sometimes guide me off the freeway and then straight back on again, rather than going over the top? Any ideas? If I notice, I generally don't do what it suggests and I keep motoring on.
...One thing which intrigues me. Why does the sat nav sometimes guide me off the freeway and then straight back on again, rather than going over the top? Any ideas? If I notice, I generally don't do what it suggests and I keep motoring on.

I think it's a bug thats been in the game forever. My assumption is that the GPS does its calculations based on distance so its shorter in some cases getting off and back on the freeway. I've been caught out a few times at some of the larger rest stops when the GPS has been zoomed in. Massive pain trying to get up to speed again!

I've had a G29 in the box since Christmas which I've not had time to play with. Looking forward to cracking it out on this game though :). Good to know that it's made a huge difference to the game. Just taking forever for new states to get released!
Thanks, I'll take a look.

I had to load a saved game today - Despite having a decent truck, I couldn't get up the hill to the Golden Gate Bridge and had to go back to a previous autosave. On the plus side, I've got the hang of using the shifter now. Well sort of, I've done one delivery run using it.
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