An Elder Scrolls: Oblivion thead

bakes0310 said:
Can someone tell me where to buy health potions i really need some for this really hard arena fight.

Gilded Carafe in the Market District is the closest. As with all shopkeepers, she has limited stock and takes a day or two to refill. Try Mages guilds as well as any shopkeepers who sell alchemy stuff (the necrophiliac Hlaalu in Skingrad for instance).

Question. Horses cost some 4000 gold. If I steal one and then pay the 250 bounty to the guard, will I be let off with the horse? And will the horse fully listen to me?
i do beleive it slowly wonders off each time you dismount it... not to sure, i always play the sneaky nice type of guy and keep my affairs quite.

do the dark brotherhood quest line and you get a horse named shadowmere (i think) and its stupidly fast and black! goes with the black light armor you get from them aswell :D

Yep. stolen horses incurr a bounty and will wander homewards when you dismount.
Even if you elect to pay the bounty upon meeting a guard you are still taken to the district castle barracks whereupon the horse will have vanished back to it's owner.
if you want a free hoss drop off the amulet to jauffre (start of the MQ at Weynon priory) and speak to prior maborel. he will loan you his paint horse which is slow and sturdy but loyal.

As you progress the cost of a horse is inconesquential, and you'll go through a few of them as enemies always seem to attack them rather than you.
They can also get you into trouble within the guilds you are a member of.
How? when you join a guild your horse also becomes a member. during a melee if you accidently strike your horse ithe guild consider it aggression towards a member and suspend you. you then need to carry out the boring chores to make amends. Tis a bug and there is a "Guild suspension" mod fix.
(see my post "MooSey's Essential Obliovion Mods & Links" post).

Shadowmere is obtained deep into the Darkbrotherhood quests. She is the most aggresive troublesome horse you can get.
She is bug prone and liable to wander off to where you were given her.
She is aggressive and attacks bandits etc and gets in the way.
She cannot die though and looks evil!

To join the DB just murder someone who is not a bandit etc and await a visit.....

All in all I found horses fairly useless and only use them for roleplaying purposes. My Knightly character always uses a white charger, my evil Mystic Elf Bowmaiden runs like the wind and is far more flexible than having to look after and nurse a horse. Thee is a certain charm to them and you never know you might get attached. I managed to keep Prior Maborels horse alive for ages before she was killed trying to defend me. nearly bought an e-tear to my eye!

its all horses for courses as they say, hope that helps.
forgot about the horse you get from assistance lol

and aye, horses are not really that needed, unless you like to explore a lot :D

only use i find for them is that there is a bug when you run up the side of a steep slope in such a slan way the horse will run it, where as you cant, which can get you to places much easier.

This is fun :D

Love luring shop owners up / down stairs, and proceeding to run as fast as I can and raid the shelves while they're not looking. :D

By the way, anyone know a good place I can buy / scavenge some armour / weapons? Stuck with a Silver Claymore and a set of steel armour at the moment and want better :)

Edit: Forgot to mention that a lot of my textures are missing it seems, lots of ground outside is just blotchy purply / green crap. How can I fix this?
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churned said:
This is fun :D

Love luring shop owners up / down stairs, and proceeding to run as fast as I can and raid the shelves while they're not looking. :D

By the way, anyone know a good place I can buy / scavenge some armour / weapons? Stuck with a Silver Claymore and a set of steel armour at the moment and want better :)

Edit: Forgot to mention that a lot of my textures are missing it seems, lots of ground outside is just blotchy purply / green crap. How can I fix this?

not sure about the texture prob, but im sure it has been mentioned before here.

as for the armor, have you joined the blades yet? pretty much right at the start of main quest line you get invited into the blades by the priest (forget the name) and you have access to single and double handed katana's that look nice and the blade armor. very simple and easy way of getting some nice armor, other than that, tess source would be a nice place to go and look for items and how to get them.

agnes said:
not sure about the texture prob, but im sure it has been mentioned before here.

as for the armor, have you joined the blades yet? pretty much right at the start of main quest line you get invited into the blades by the priest (forget the name) and you have access to single and double handed katana's that look nice and the blade armor. very simple and easy way of getting some nice armor, other than that, tess source would be a nice place to go and look for items and how to get them.


The texture problem is fixed. Completely forgot to patch my game :o Haven't joined the blades yet, haven't done many of the main quests because the gates of oblivion thing seemed a little intimidating, so I went off and did other things to prepare. A bit like my overleveling in the final fantasy games :D Currently doing jobs for the dark brotherhood :)
i might have a jump on it tonight, bit bored though as my new sneaky **** is so much fun, but i hate doing the main quests, and ive never done it past the point of ambushing the mythic dawn guys in the sewers after gaining all 4 books lol

anything cool if i stick to the main story line?

yep. the MQ is :cool:
it's long winded and entertaining with some cracking missions. i've stopped it to savour itwith my main char so my evil whore woman can decimate the population :D
(must be something about female characters, slinky armour and being evil....) :eek:
Does anyone know what mod this is?


I found the screenshot during a google trawl and can't remember where it came from. I'm guessing it's just a model and no where near as cool as I was hoping it was but would still like to find out for definite.
Just ordered this game as I see it's pretty cheap now. Forgive me for not reading all 3,500 replies but should the game be played as is first time round or are there some reccomended mods to throw on before I even start it.

Just looking through Moosey's thread HERE
Seems to have everything covered :)
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YoungBlood said:
Just ordered this game as I see it's pretty cheap now. Forgive me for not reading all 3,500 replies but should the game be played as is first time round or are there some reccomended mods to throw on before I even start it.

dependant on your system, you can get LOD (level of detail mods) which make the game look brilliant, about 10x better imo.

heres a little linky to the top 150 mods, spend a while before you go buy it, or after install, just read through them and contemplate on what seems cool to you. you can get all types of interface mods which make the pc version a lot easier to use. thweres also some guides on that website.

i know someone here has done a massive brilliant guide on it as well, all the 'essentials' but cant be bothered to find it, simply just search for it.

z0mbi3 said:
Does anyone know what mod this is?


I found the screenshot during a google trawl and can't remember where it came from. I'm guessing it's just a model and no where near as cool as I was hoping it was but would still like to find out for definite.

That appears in an article on Something Awful, have a look there.
YoungBlood said:
Just ordered this game as I see it's pretty cheap now. Forgive me for not reading all 3,500 replies but should the game be played as is first time round or are there some reccomended mods to throw on before I even start it.

Just looking through Moosey's thread HERE
Seems to have everything covered :)

There's a huge difference between "vital" and "I like". Most of the cases where people claim the former, they actually mean the latter as the problem is just something only some people don't like.

IMNSHO, the only truly vital mods (that is, they fix something everyone hates) are:

1) The BT mod - allows more inventory items to show at once.

2) The Immersive Interface mod - or any other which shrinks the HUD to stop it occupying half the screen.

3) No Psychic Guards - especially if you plan sneak killing. In the vanilla game the guards can hear you kill someone on the other side of the world.

4) The official update to fix the Shivering Isles Reference bug. This will hit eventually whether you have SI or not, but SI make sit happen much sooner.

Other than that, everything is down to choice. My advice as always is: play the game as near vanilla as you can, see what annoys you, then fix it. But until you've played vanilla I'd stay away from the big stuff like OOO.

He speaketh truth!
Play it and see what you like/dislike.
Most of the fixes are down to personal opinion.
Most of the graphical mods are dependent upon your system.
Most of the the armour/garment mods are entirely personal taste. (they also involve mini quests or cost a lot or are overpowered at early levels).
Character/race mods should be used when you know exactly you want from the game.
Its not a typical SP game that is played in a fortnight and then disgarded. Play initially how you think you'd enjoy it. don't worry about all the so called levelling glitches etc etc. when you start to groove with your character or dislike/want things then go mod hunting.

Read my monster thread on the subject. Everything you could ever want can be found via the links.
Psychic guards :rolleyes: Could do with that fix. Tired of killing people for quests, etc. And coming out of their house after looting their body and they are right there fining me for STEALING? :o
i remember when i first played the game, i instantly traveled around on foot looking for a secluded lodge WAY up in the mountains, i found the hut with the vampire cure woman and gave her a few slaps, almost got owned, so ran outside and instantly saw 2 guards running at me then stop me to arrest me lol.... was very annoyed at the game at that point as it seemed that was a terrible flaw lol, makes the game feel small, as though someones always watching

so the mod is definetly needed.

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