An Elder Scrolls: Oblivion thead

Hostile17 said:
Upgraded my ram from 512 to 1.5 gig.

Not too much difference on performance but now I have changed "GridsToLoad" from 5 to 9. Makes all the difference (you can't see the horrible default green blob unless your really looking for it) with virtually no FPS cost (I guess its putting the RAM to good use).

Also building i.e ruins don't load in when your only 20 meters away! :)

There are a few serious bugs with gridstoload over 5. One is that when standing to the west overlooking the imperial city - water appears to flood the left hand side of the land and also reflections do not work properly all the time.

Also CAN WE PLEASE have a dedicated section for this game because its VERY popular.
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Thanks for the reply nikebee, I have a few thousand saved now so I'll see about getting a house....the second question was referring to a quest called.........(I think) paranoia where Glarthir thinks people in the town are out to get him. I tried it a couple of different ways but he always ended up dead. Also, as you mention the dark brotherhood, what is the best way to go about joining? And does joining have a major effect on your other quests? So far I've not done any of the fighters guild quests (still an associate) so I don't want to mess that up. I'm currently at lvl 5, just met the grey fox (rank shadowfoot), gladiator in the arena and just got into the arcane university and got my mage staff. Long way to go...
Steven said:
Thanks for the reply nikebee, I have a few thousand saved now so I'll see about getting a house....the second question was referring to a quest called.........

ooooh that quest haha... i remember now :)
its a very long a tiring thing to go and follow everyone he says... and in the end nobody does anything he thinks. he has to die at the end of the quest, no other way around it. i ended up telling him that the last person was following him, you recieve a note off him... i gave this to a guard and the guard did ran off and killed him.
to join the dark brotherhood... two ways of joining one is simple, the other takes more time.

you can either
Simply kill somebody outside of a normal quest (commit murder basically). I did this by accident :o
f your going to do this, pick a quiet spot with nobody around. don't let anybody see you commit the crime of guards will be all over your ass.
then the next time you sleep in a secure location (i.e. a bed rather than a tent) you will be visited by the Dark Brotherhood's speak and he will give you the chance to join.

become grand champion of the arena, apparently you get visited when you sleep (again in a secure location) and are told you've done well for slaying so many people. (i've not done this option though... however i am grand champion, i just became champion after i murdered someone)

once you've been visited, you're given a quest. your cold to kill Rufio and do it without anybody seeing.

if you kill him, again the next time you sleep you are told the secret location of the dark brotherhood's hideout and you can finally join.
if you leave him alone... you will never be visited again.

think of the dark brotherhood as an Assasins Guild.
each quest you do rewards in gold, but you get bonuses for meeting special requirements (not be seen by anybody, don't kill anybody but the tarket etc...) the bonuses are normally magical items, but they can also be perminant boosts to your skills.

hope i've not said too much.

edit: as far as i know, Dark Brotherhood quests have no direct impact on any other quests in the game.
fenderbass86 said:
Message to Curio: Your system looks similar to mine, how does the game run on yours?

It runs OK - not great. The framerates would be unacceptable if it were an action FPS type game, but for a fairly slow-paced RPG it doesn't matter too much. Also, the game is so utterly gorgeous that I run fairly high settings - I would rather have the visual splendor and put up with some juddering :)
Again thanks for the reply, lots of help. :D

Now I wish I had just murdered Glarthir for making me follow people around for ages, would have been a good way to get into the dark brotherhood lol.
-Tauren- said:
Lol i thought wow thats wierd i thought we werent meant to kill each other no matter what :/ but nope. :p killing spree, choose your targets carefully.

On another note i just got a glass short sword! woot :D

oi dont spoil it you lemon
believe i've found a bug that doubles a weapon in one of the Dark Brotherhood quests... read on if you like

In the "Perminant Retirement" quest where you have to kill Adamus Phillida (former leader of the Imperial Legion) with the "Rose Of Sithis" arrow... if you go up to the body and take it back once you've fired it, you end up with two Rose Of Sithis arrows... despite there only being one in existance. :confused:

argh... it hasn't duplicated at all, its replaced my Elvan Longsword with it :(
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Well decided to get it today,

Got it sat next to me in my bag, but i'm at uni.

Can't wait t oget home and give it a go.

Will post again when i get home from uni and have a play.

Thanks R^T
Ok alltime low? ONE fps. Yes one.

ONE?! On ym fig, haha! :D

highest of 140 in a room looking at a fire.

And also, quests are hard at level 2 :(

Can't kill the guy in pirate boat, 2 hits and I'm down. 'spose I better go steal some better weapons and armour :)
yaaaaaaaaaaay :D
got my Glass Longsword from one of the Dark Brotherhood Quests :D

will post a screenie in a few... gotta restart and turn off AA

also about the talk of better weapons coming later in the game... as far as i can tell its a definate no-no... i decided to test out some of the testing warehouses (didn't take anything before anyone goes CHEAT CHEAT) and there is one designed specifically for weapons, the room is full of tables devided up into categories of weapons (silver,metal,fine metal,unique,magical,elvan,daedric etc...)

best weapon i saw was the Goldbrand (as far as one handed swords go) which was the best that Morrowind had to offer as well (iirc).
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Pac3y said:
I'm shocked that Sean Bean does the voice for a certain character. :eek: (Not saying who due to a possible spoiler)
don't forget Patric Stewart (Jean Luke Piccard) for the King at the start :)
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