Originally posted by Kodiak
Well my copy is in the post, so I'll let you know if that is the case.
Yup it rocks
And, sadly enough, its the 3rd time I will have bought the eva series.
1st US version
2nd Some dodgy pirate version that came from ebay with the promise of the Directors cut eps (this was way before the ADV announcement about them getting the DC eps)
3rd Platinum ed, with funky 5.1 sound and great visuals.
I think i need some help. . .
I've been reading up on GITS:Innocence, and it looks like it's an authoring error, apparently it is listed as having both types of sub tracks pn the packaging so hopefully Dreamworks will correct it in a reasonable space of time
(rather than do a Manga UK and release an all new version to correct it with no exchange program for those with the dodgy release).
It seems like Ghost in the Shell is cursed when it comes to DVD releases, that's the UK movie, 4 of the 6 US SAC DVD's (all 3 LE's and one of the normal versions), and now this one.
re: you having 3 copies of eva at the moment, why am I not suprised
How's your model collection doing?
Also is anyone here a fan of Azumanga Diaoh?
I've just been watching the third DVD and if someone had told me 6 months ago i'd be killing myself laughing at the antics of a handfull of schoolgirls I would probably have looked at them oddly (in fact I think i did) - but that is exactly what i've been doing, episode 14 especially
Finally, if anyone is interested DVD Pacific have Slayers and Slayer Try DVD collections at £16+ shipping each (full series sets)