*** Anonymous Confessions Thread v6 ***

A couple of years ago I was staying at a friends house after a night out, this guy was, and still is my best friend. I don't remember the exact time we got back but I remember it being quite late, around 2am. Anyways, we got back to his house, he made me something to eat and me and his girlfriend had a chat for a while whilst watching TV, a few beers later, he said he wanted to go to bed, and kindly offered me the sofa in his conservatory. I accepted politely and we went out seperate ways, he headed up stairs to bed, while I headed off to his conservatory, his girlfriend (now wife) remained in the living room watching TV, i Just assumed she was going to sleep there so I headed off to the sofa in the conservatory.

The sofa was one of those small, hard and really uncomfertable kinds that you just cannot get comfy on no matter what. So after about 15/20 minutes, I gave up.
I headed back to the living room to see his girlfriend still sat there watching tv, she greeted me and I explained I couldn't sleep, she suggested I come and watch TV with her and I thought nothing of it. I sat down next to her, and we watched TV for a while, she was one of the types to always have her head in her phone, so we made some conversation, but not much. About half an hour later, we were midway through the film, and it had been silent for a good 20 minutes, when her hand rested on my lap. I was and still am socially awkward, so i didn't really know what to do, I just kind of ignored it. Her hand progressed towards my groin and things got a little weird, I was a virgin at the time so this was alien to me.

So heres the big revelation, I went along with it, I allowed to her to continue and things got way out of hand as I started to participate in it aswell, things progressed even more and as you can guess, I lost my virginity that night, in my best friends living. It was the most awkward time of my life as we had to be extremely quiet and I was completely inexperienced. He still doesn't know about this, but he always asks me why I never go to his house anymore, I think you can guess why. It would be totally awkward. The wedding day was the hardest part of all this.

Lost virginity to best friends girlfriend, was best man at wedding, he still doesn't know.
About ten years ago I was a lowly temp working for Ford Credit. I was
responsible for analysing credit applications as they came in. Mind
numbing stuff. To get through the day I took to nipping out for a bottle
coke. This involved walking out to the landing above the atrium and
going down the four flights to the ground floor where the vending
machine was.

Ford were celebrating their centennial anniversary at that time and had
displays up in the atrium with rare pictures and books. They even had a
Model T in there, part of an exhibition showing 100 years of automotive

I purchased my bottle of coke and started back up the stairs. As I
neared the top I decided to practise flairing, flipping the bottle
around my hand. I slipped and the bottle went over the side of the
railing and fell the four floors into the atrium. There was an audible
bang and I saw what I can only describe as a coke mist coming up to meet
me. A moment later and I had fled through the door to my seat. After a
few seconds I was overcome by guilt and owned up to my boss.

She took me down to the atrium, which was quite a sight. It was raining
coke and there was a traumatised looking security guard. Needless to say
the display was wrecked and disappeared that day.

Unsurprisingly my employment didn't last much longer, however, a while
after I left I bumped into my old boss while on a night out. She told me
they had to get cherry picker in to clean the coke stains off the walls
and ceiling but that it didn't have the height to do the full lot. So
everyday as she went up the stairs she was reminded of me.
[FnG]magnolia;30015959 said:
To the two emailers regarding anal enjoyment - can't post those I'm afraid and I couldn't see a way of editing them whilst keeping the main content. Sorry.

Well that gives us the gist. Assuming human?
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This thread is delivering............. :D


The muslim one just lol.......... :p
Well that gives us the gist. Assuming human?

Yes human, this isn't reddit. Peg and a round hole, so to speak. Not that I care but particularly difficult to edit without the confession being "I [redacted] THE END"

My Spidey Sense tells me that probably 70% of these are true or at least mostly true. GD - you sly old dog, you!
I just don't seem to have a conscience. I can't help myself, but to manipulate everything for my own gain. Surprising how much you can get away with. Stealing/cheating/manipulating. My only fear is getting caught. I can't see what future I have when I abuse the trust of people who love me. This worries me because I have an easy life.

I recently ran over someones cat, it was still sorta alive but I had to leave it or get caught. They blame the postman who has now taken stress leave over the abuse he received.

Sent using GuerrillaMail.com
email from experimental poster said:
Sorry you could not post it.
I avoided the word anal on purpose to try to make it printable.
Not to worry.

Oh go on then.

During an experimental phase in our relationship, my significant other once shaved me. Completely.
Then followed a digital examination, with one finger to begin with, then two, she referred to this as 'her ******* me'.
During the same session, she progress to using some beads in the same manner, and then finally progressed to her battery operated device.
She stimulated me, all the while using the other in and out.
It resulted in the single most intense and longest duration climax I have experienced.
She won't do it again, but I secretly wish she would, over and over.
I do not understand this 'tree fiddy' thing.
It seems to be everywhere, the end of all long posts on the internet.
Is it a new 'nate and lever' thing?

-edit as to the rest.

Some darkness in this thread, not much, but lots of overall hilarity.
[FnG]magnolia;30016415 said:
I just don't seem to have a conscience. I can't help myself, but to manipulate everything for my own gain. Surprising how much you can get away with. Stealing/cheating/manipulating. My only fear is getting caught. I can't see what future I have when I abuse the trust of people who love me. This worries me because I have an easy life.

I recently ran over someones cat, it was still sorta alive but I had to leave it or get caught. They blame the postman who has now taken stress leave over the abuse he received.

Sent using GuerrillaMail.com

This is simply lack of integrity. It means you're a bad person. You probably don't care though.
I think it's easy to call bull on the ones where people had nothing better to do ;)

That's more worrying than the actual stories :S

This could be long, so get comfortable.

I used to steal money when I was younger. It all started when I began secondary school and shortly after my mother started giving me pocket money. I think she was giving me £1 a week or £1 a day. Cannot really remember.

Anyway, I started to steal more money from my school friends. One of them found out and told the teacher. The teacher was upset about this but decided not to tell my parents. However, I didn't stop. Then one day, when my dad came to pick me up from school and I got in the car, I took out the money from my pocket (he had gotten out of the car at this point to speak to someone) and was busy counting how much I had. For an 11 year old £20 is an awful lot of money to be having, especially in those days. Of course, I so busy counting it that my dad came into the car and began asking where I got all this money. Because he knew that my mother had not long started giving me pocket money, so I should not have this amount on me. I confessed. He took me home, told my mother what happened. I was severely punished by her first and then by my dad later that night (he had to go back to work). Next day I was covered in cuts and bruises.

Fast forward a few years and my mum gets her business started up (nothing big, just a small shop where she was a seamstress and cake maker and such). I was always helping out with the shop when she wasn't there. But I took this opportunity to see if I could get away with stealing cash from the till. At first, I was taking a quid here and a quid there. But I didn't realise that every time I opened the till when no sale was being made, it recorded this when my mum would tally up the takings at the end of the day. So I waited to see if there was any other way to do this other than when people made a sale and I waited for them to leave before taking more cash. Turns out there was another way via switch under the till. After that I was taking anywhere between £5 and £20 in one go. My mum eventually found out and I got into trouble again.

Fast forward several more years and I am working at a well known electronics company. At first I was assisting customers with what they wanted to buy and then pointed them in the direction of the tills to pay for their goods. Then one day, I was told to go to one of the tills myself. I didn't think much of it as I just carried on doing the job and was putting money into the till. Of course, one day I decided to do a test. I noticed that many customers loved paying for their goods in cash. I'm not talking £20 or £50, I mean like well into the £200-£300 here!

So there I was one day swiping the items and then the customer hands me a huge wad of cash. There had to be at least £150 or so! I took it, but at this point one of my colleagues distracted me and I was in the middle of opening the til to give the customer their change and receipt. When my colleague left, I closed the til and the customer left as well. Only to realise I still had the cash they gave me in my other hand. Checking around to see if anyone was watching, I carefully placed the cash into my trouser pocket. I finished work that day and went home to count my "takings". Sure enough, £150!

This went on for a few more weeks and still no one said anything! I must have stolen around £700 in total before I quit just after Christmas of 2001. It's fair to say that since then, I have never stolen money from anyone ever again!

Please keep this one anonymous. I know you will, Mags. But just wanted to reiterate. And thank you for letting us do this. Helps to get these things off our chest. :)
Note: I did not receive this regardless of the opening sentence.

I have sent this confession before, a long time ago and I can only deduce you did not get it or chose to not publish it, anyway it is 100% true. Make of it what you will!

Long before the days of the internet I worked with a gorgeous girl (I will call her Debbie to save her blushes) who I ended up having quite a raunchy fling/affair with (Mainly in work [Shifts]), she was married way too young to a much older guy (+20ish yrs older) who belonged to one of the areas 'money' families, I figured she was with him for money. We were both young (early 20s)and we were both having lots and lots of fun whenever we could, then things got complicated (Danger sex was her thing and we almost got caught too many times) I was also seeing other girls there and stuff was causing lots of friction so to keep my job I calmed things down a lot and eventually things fizzled out and she left the job, I heard much later (Over a year- it wasn't mine!) she was pregnant and had left to start a family. Life moved on but she was such an animal when it came to sex I just could not get her out of my mind.

Over the years I have been seeing her on and off purely for sex (We both live in the same town and bump into each other often) , nothing is out of bounds for her, the wilder it is the more she's turned on by it, we have been to orgies, wife-swapping parties, dogging (This is her absolute biggest get off) she is now in her mid 40s and still has the looks and body of a 20yr old, she is still married to the same guy although they are pretty much estranged now he refuses to divorce her as it would cost him too much.

Why am I confessing this? Well, she is the mother of a well known member here at OcUK, I only found this out by accident a few years ago (I was almost floored when I put 2 and 2 together and realised they were who they are!), I have known them since they were about 4 and they have seen me about for years and years, I have worked in their house, they know my name and think I'm a 'family friend' they are completely unaware of the sordid relationship I have been having for over 25yrs with their mother :)

They are now grown up adults and are making their own way in the world, at no stage did I ever put their parents marriage at risk, it was already a broken marriage a long time ago. :) Oh and the last time I saw their mum she [redacted] in broad daylight through the open window of her car in a very public car-park, this was last week, this is the stuff she gets off with.

TD:DR?= Am I [redacted] your crazy depraved mum?
:eek: Hopefully I'm filling in the redacted bit wrongly :eek:.

Unless I've got the wrong end of the stick that should be forwarded to the police.

I had a feeling that one of these threads, someone will stray from the path of creative writing, admit to a crime and trigger full blown Police investigation.
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