*** Anonymous Confessions Thread v7 ***

I’d have thought the forums had attracted new members in the last 12 months and some of us older members have experienced new things since the last thread. Maybe these forums just aren’t as popular as they use to be
I’d have thought the forums had attracted new members in the last 12 months and some of us older members have experienced new things since the last thread. Maybe these forums just aren’t as popular as they use to be
That or the new members are boring old farts that haven't done anything shameful?
Magnolia hasn't posted anything on the forum since confession #50

Did the person in question find out and wreak vengeance on all involved, including Mags?
To preface this: I consider this a point of personal growth, not illness. I'm male. I'm not some leftist crazy or right wing nut if that really matters to anyone. I certainly understand any doubts anyone has over my conclusions based on the limited information I'm giving here.
Not too long ago I spent some time trying to meet up with some trans women after spending the entire of my adult life adoring them. So I got chatting with someone on one of those apps who told me they wanted to dress me up as a woman. I jumped at the chance, didn't pass of course, but it brought back a lot of confusing feelings.
So after a number of attempts to put my thoughts to writing in a large trans community, editing, rewriting, and finally deciding that I was incapable of making enough sense of it to ask, I went off to read previously asked questions that turned out to be almost identical to my own.. The answers suggested what I suspected and were all very understanding, but still didn't really put my mind at ease, until.. one point that repeatedly comes up - If you could press a button and become X gender and everybody remembered you as X gender, would you do it? - which seems to make the whole thing very simple because yes, I would. I believe it, not just because of the button. This is obviously not something that's just come up and I've had wants for as long as I can remember. I've realised I'm not just interested in being with these people, but being one of them, which on the surface seems a bit ludicrous because why would you want that if the real want is for a different existence entirely? That's never going to happen though is it. It's about what's feasible.
I'm unsure I could ever go through the process of transitioning because other than the obvious acceptance from family and friends, some who've expressed disgust towards trans women, and whether I'd ever pass, I love women and very rarely find men attractive. I'm also thirty now. Past the prime age for hormone treatment. Still this is something I must explore, if only in the way I dress and present myself.
So going by current gender identity concepts it seems I'm a trans woman who's mainly attracted to women. Laugh, sneer, whatever, it now seems to make a lot of sense to me.
I was recently mentioned numerous times in a local paper, and the police even appealed for people to report me if they recognised the amorphous blob on the CCTV image they put out, because at night when I'm out cycling I take a large water pistol with me and spray homeless people with it. This has been going on for months. I very nearly got caught once too, I'd just sprayed one of the parasites when out of nowhere two or three police officers rocked up and gave chase along with a plain clothes car. I won't lie, I ******* bricked it and nearly ended up coming off as they chased me around the streets and back alleys. Thankfully, a mountain bike can go places a car can't and I managed to dart through a couple of posts and have my escape onto some open common and disappeared into the darkness. I actually sat in a small copse about two or three hundred meters away and watched them look around with torches for quite some time, so they were dead serious about trying to nick me.
It didn't stop me though, I simply started cycling in the next town over.
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So not one of my proudest moments, but I'm on holiday with the boys. Its been a great trip, much fun was had, much alcohol was drunk, our last night is in Vegas, we fly back the next day.
In true holiday spirit we started drinking early, I've done a couple of hours on the tables and I'm a fair few vodkas in and I'm sitting on a decent stack of chips. Go back to the room, get changed and we head out for a barcrawl thing with 2 hours of "free" booze. Eventually we end up in one of the big clubs, some how I lose the other guys so I'm sitting outside in the MGM Grand just chilling, I'm pretty slaughtered by now.
I get approached by a young lady... I might have been drunk but I knew the score. Now... I hope this doesn't come accross as racist but black girls are not my thing, its not meant as a slight but in general I just don't find them attractive. We get chatting, she sees me as an obvious mark, I ask her a price - its $1000 for the night. For some reason I agree, she was a good looking girl, but for reasons mentioned previously she wasn't my type.
We end up back at the room, transfer of funds ocuurs and we get down to business. We're not long into it and suddenly it hits me - "What am I doing?" "I'm not getting anything out of this" - so I fake my climax. She asks me when I want to go again, I'm not sure what I say but I think I pretty much thank her for time, usher her out of the room and sit on the bed with my head in my hands ashamed. I've always found the idea of paying for sex repugnant, not sure how this all happened.
I was single at the time, so no reason to feel guilty, but I'm deeply embarassed that I paid about 3x the going rate for a prostitute that I didn't fancy and had to fake climax just to get her to leave.
But sod it, its a story to tell.
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I did try and email this a couple of years ago but it did not get posted at the time.

If anything the situation has got worse.

I am a seemingly happily married guy with wonderful children, and despite having a great sex life with my missus I indulge in prostitution.......a lot.

In the UK, Australia, Japan, Singapore, New Zealand, Morocco, China, Hong Kong.

I travel a lot with my work and if that country has a high end prostitution business I always indulge.

Bar girls, high end escorts, independents. Colour, creed or religion makes no difference.

Over the past 5 years I have spent in excess of 30k on this 'hobby' and before I travel I always research and try to find out the best place to make things happen.

I want to stop, and the longest period of time that I abstained was about 6 months, that was until an old contact hooked me up in Hong Kong.

Its not great, I wish I had never started, but like any vice its addictive.
  • Man that Vegas one is just "sad" i feel sorry for that guy must be a really awkward person IRL :pCant even say no to a hooker he dosnt like the look of lol.

  • Mr WaterPistol... This cant be real? what a mentally disturbed guy.. Seek professional help.

  • Transperson. Yeah whatever man/women. Thats not really a confession as such i guess it is but its not interesting its just you being you and whilst its weird its just.... weird.
On my 21st birthday, I had a party at a pub. One of the guests was my mums 55 year old friend who lived a few minutes walk away from our house. She was on her own as her younger husband had to get up for work. After the party we went back to me and my families house to carry on the drinking and after a while she started getting fruity with me. Around 5am, she said lets go back to my place, but to make sure her husband had gone to work. We waited at the end of the road for 10 minutes, eventually he came out, got in his van and went off to work, We went to her place and went at it for about an hour. I then walked home. The couple eventually split up a year later (not over this). He never found out.

However, 12 years later, my mum, who was still friends with them, offered the fella a room to rent at our house! He accepted and moved in. That was awkward enough, but we got round it and kept quiet. Me and him also get along great. After about four years though, him and my mum fell for each other and are now officially living together. They have also talked lately of getting married! I still live there, and now, I have the complication of potentially having a stepdad who has no idea that 17 years ago or so, I banged his wife while he was out earning a crust. I even spilt a bit of man juice over his newly laid Wilton carpet. Whats worse is he's the only one who doesn't know. My entire family know, including my mum, but have always kept it from them. An Eastenders situation if ever there was one!
A school friend of mine was killed in a horrific road accident. I'd not seen him in a few years, but about a month before he died, I got talking to him in a local pub. He always liked his drink and was renound for acting like an utter tool after a few beers; especially if his mates were present. On this particular night he was on top form. As well as throwing a load of abuse toward me, he also slated my mum, who at the time was still getting over the death of her mother.

I'm normally a pretty laid back guy, but this annoyed me no end. When I heard he'd died in a brutal accident, I was actually really happy. I even attended his funeral, laughing inside.
As some of you may remember from my previous post in another confessions thread, i won quite a whack of cash in the lottery and was trying to hide it from my wifes family, due to the spongers etc, while thinking what to do. My wife is made of better stuff but her brother is a layabout who, when found out we won money, proceeded to beg 24/7 off my wife. I ended it after I discovered he'd went through £1000 a month for two months from us. He came round to ask to borrow more and I told him no. He then got violent and started fighting. He's a real rat faced looking chav and I took pleasure in dishing out some street justice. He took his sorry rear end home and he then said I'd better sleep with one eye open from now on. At that point the police were called. Fast forward 9 months later and he's now in jail for burglary and prescription meds dealing.

Her other family members have been pretty good about it after all my worry about them sponging. We gave them all a lump sum and said that was it, no more was available as the rest of the cash was being put into financial plans of various descriptions. With him in jail I think everyone else has breathed a sigh of relief and enjoyed their money without him doign the rounds "borrowing" money off everyone.

Thankfully I've been lucky enough to have bought 7100 AMD shares while they were in the single digit price and I'm sitting on a very nice profit on that portfolio alone now. Enough to recoup the scummy brother in laws money incident.

If only you could change your relations.....
OK, here's another tale of infidelity.
It was several years ago now and I was out for a night out with my girlfriend and a few other friends. I've known one of the others for years and was very good friends with her, but she'd moved away and I hadn't seen her for a while. We'd flirted and stuff in the past but nothing more.
She was staying at our place that night as we had a spare room. Everyone was pretty drunk and we'd gone home and my girlfriend had gone to bed. I ended up kissing and fooling around on the sofa downstairs with the other girl. We stopped before we went all the way and agreed the next day never to mention it again. We're still good friends now and no one else knows.
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