'Anti' Isalm cartoons....

sandy10 said:
However, in my opinion, Religion causes a huge amount of suffering and misery

Up until recently religion was used to stike "fear" into the common man and keep them "down". Religious leaders were just another kind of "elite" that ruled over the masses and subjugated them.

Thankfully are dependance on religion had broken, the ideals of "love thy neigbour" and "thou shalt not kill" etc. are still important in our society but I honestly don't think they relegion has done as too many favours.

Even now that Catholic Church still forbids contraception that leads to the spread of Aids and unwanted pregnancy, in Africa they are basically condemning people to death in the 21C.

To be honest I have no time for relegion.

sandy10 said:
I simply believe, and personal belief and freedom of speech, I think, is the basis of a number of religions, that religion is both good and bad, and simply creates a divide in itself.

I don't dislike religion, at no point have I said that, so once again, you haven't read the posts.


I inferred that you dislike religion based on your criticism of it. Let's stop this now.
Humpty said:
Posting rubbish like this clearly indicates that you have no idea what you are talking about. Grow up and stop being so offensive.
Think he waas just trying to lighten the mood mate. Its this kind of agression over trivial things that we're talking about.
cleanbluesky said:
I think the point was it takes more than nationality on a passport to be British and that many seem like they would be much happier in the land of their ancestry, as they often seem uncomfortable with life here and aligned to foreign values

also vonhelmet has a point about some of them being here to cause trouble.
Humpty said:
Posting rubbish like this clearly indicates that you have no idea what you are talking about. Grow up and stop being so offensive.

Somewhat harsh - How very dare you.

My original comment was genuine, and eloquently made.
You know the Loony tunes cartoons of the 1940s "now ban on U.S regular tv " were quite insulting but funny tord Blacks, Germans and Japanses i have a good collections of them. To bad those cartonist are not around since those were the master in cartoons drawing .
sandy10 said:
"Christ on a bike"

Presumably the pedal powered 2 wheel type, and not a wanton woman with low morals?

You would have probably been burnt for blasphemy (by some religion or other) for saying stuff like that just a couple of hundred years ago ;)

I didn't see all those hardline christians going mental when jesus christ was 'cartooned' in South Park (The Jerry Springer scene). Man that was funny!!
You would have probably been burnt for blasphemy (by some religion or other) for saying stuff like that just a couple of hundred years ago ;)


Yes, but surely Science would be to blame ;)
leaskovski said:
I didn't see all those hardline christians going mental when jesus christ was 'cartooned' in South Park (The Jerry Springer scene). Man that was funny!!
I like the one were Santa gets into a fight with JESUS of course some of the south park kids are kill in the process of the fight Kenny allway gets kill.
leaskovski said:
I didn't see all those hardline christians going mental when jesus christ was 'cartooned' in South Park (The Jerry Springer scene). Man that was funny!!
A few went a bit mental over Life of Brian and the Last Temptation of Christ
sandy10 said:
Yes, but surely Science would be to blame ;)

It's just a book of fiction get over it (otherwise you're start to sound religious, virgin birth pah!) ;)

fatiain said:
A few went a bit mental over Life of Brian

One of my favourite films, I'm all for irreverence it helps the rancid nature of religion easier to bare.

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gord said:
Overall, its just like the school playground. Dave draws James on wall with small willy.. James misses joke.. James vows to get Dave back...thats my extremely simplified analogy.
ROFL and some! :D
fatiain said:
A few went a bit mental over Life of Brian and the Last Temptation of Christ
Heh, did they start burning flags?
I always wet myself when these clowns start flag burning... the image of that mastercard wee take always comes to mind! lol
The right to protest is a fundamental one in any democracy. If Muslims find ths=ese cartoons offensive then they ahve every right to protest as much as they want, as long as they dont break any laws.

Suggesting that agroup shouldnt beallowed to protest simply because you disagree with their cause is disgraceful. Its akin to saying 'I believe in freedom of speech, but only for those that agree with me'.
Balddog said:
How about telling us whats goin on.

I missed the introduction of the guest so not quite sure on his standing but basically it was a muslim dodging all the interviewers questions regarding celebration of 9/11 etc being more offensive than drawings, and instead stating how it is fine in the west to take the wet out of muslims and british people should take into account the muslims way of life more because there is soo many of them. Now im sorry but :agrierthanagryface: doesn't cut it for me. All muslim people i know think if it was their choice the drawings shouldn't have been published but they are drawings, there is a lot more important things to worry about.
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