Anti War demo's this Saturday

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You here about all these anti-war demo's etc. does anyone actually perform demo's supporting war at all?

Either way, they are not going to effect the decision of governments so in reality your all wasting your time arguing over this I would have thought. Let the governments of the countries getting involve sort this and lets just hope they do it in a way that mean as little fatalities and that an evil dictator is removed promptly.
Originally posted by Gibbo
You here about all these anti-war demo's etc. does anyone actually perform demo's supporting war at all?

Either way, they are not going to effect the decision of governments so in reality your all wasting your time arguing over this I would have thought. Let the governments of the countries getting involve sort this and lets just hope they do it in a way that mean as little fatalities and that an evil dictator is removed promptly.

seeing as tomorrow is a work day I reckon most people will be there just so they dont have to go to work. They'll take some beers and wave a few signs around and feel good that they dont have to go to work:rolleyes:
I've been on plenty of demo's, and you're right that some people are only there to have a shout etc. The one in London in February though was a different matter, partly because of the sheer volume of people, and partly because of the diversity of people represented there. I did notice that there were a LOT of OAP's who had seen the atrocities of WWII and seen what losing a generation of young men is like. They didn't wish that on either our troops, or the Iraqi people, and I quite agree.

Did anyone else notice that the US and UK started bombing this evening and then said that they hadn't actually started warring yet? I almost laughed. That's like a boxer going to his opponents changing room, belting him one, then saying "no no no, we havn't started yet. Save it for the ring". :confused: I guess that we've been doing those bombing runs for the last twelve years tho, so why stop now :(

Anyone planning to get to work tomorrow best leave early. AFAIK a number of unions will strike when war kicks off, including the tube workers. Also I think protesters will blocade MANY roads (I know they will round Nottingham). Just a word to the wise ;)

Originally posted by BuckEye
I've been on plenty of demo's,

Regarding my comments about ours, the U.S. and other countries involvment in Kosovo, please read my earlier posts, did you demo against that? I'm sure you would have been old enough to take an interest at the time.

No U.N. mandate. Large U.S. forces involved and strangely no oil.
Originally posted by BuckEye
Anyone planning to get to work tomorrow best leave early. AFAIK a number of unions will strike when war kicks off, including the tube workers. Also I think protesters will blocade MANY roads (I know they will round Nottingham). Just a word to the wise ;)


Looks like you were wrong about that, then.
What the hell is the point of blocking off roads? Surely that is just gonna **** a number of people off who have nothing to do with the decision to go to war?
Originally posted by Cemetery
What the hell is the point of blocking off roads? Surely that is just gonna **** a number of people off who have nothing to do with the decision to go to war?

They are not going to. It's just rubbish hot air from the soap dodgers.
They have in the Leeds/Bradford area. One of my housemates who works in a HOSPITAL had to return home because she couldn't get anywhere due to idiot anti-war protesters chaining themselves up at major traffic intersections.
Originally posted by Nexus
They have in the Leeds/Bradford area. One of my housemates who works in a HOSPITAL had to return home because she couldn't get anywhere due to idiot anti-war protesters chaining themselves up at major traffic intersections.

Can't we arrest them for being utter utter ****wits?
Originally posted by Nexus
They have in the Leeds/Bradford area. One of my housemates who works in a HOSPITAL had to return home because she couldn't get anywhere due to idiot anti-war protesters chaining themselves up at major traffic intersections.

That is sick. We have people posting here encouraging others to go to protests, and these protestors are blocking people getting to hospital.

Makes me sick:mad:

Get off your a$$'s and do something productive. I dont wish to be rude but how dare some people do this.
Yeah, they have gone beyond peaceful protests by doing stupid things like that. Plus I saw on the news the other day that when a lot of the kids were in London demonstrating, a lot of them then saw it as an oppurtunity to just destroy things and rock cars etc.
Why boost your fragile ego by coming here and asking people to support an anti war demo? Why not support our soldiers who are risking chemical and nuclear attack because of a madman with 48 palaces and his evil regime now that the war's started? The least they deserve is everyone's support. If you're a British subject cheer them on and support them. If not push off to Iraq and chain yourselves up as a human target. Support your cause, not go on ego trips. What our lads must be thinking in the front line of people protesting back home certainly isn't good for their morale. You're protesting and blocking roads because you have too much time on your hands, whilst our army lads are risking their lives to liberate another country from the hands of an evil regime. Most of them don't even want to be there probably. How smug would you all be if you were on the front line?

Perhaps we should take the Iraqui stance and brand and mutilate all protesters, then lock them up in a tiny morgue-like box for days, months, sometimes years on end. Read the atrocities committed in Iraq by their government and wave that around on your placards.

Somebody run them over...
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