Anti War demo's this Saturday

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Originally posted by IndyModeOCHW
well you are assuming they will think we arn't supporting them - no difference is there?

I mean, just because(theorhetically) I don't like my boss doesn't make my fellow workers think I don't like them or think they aren't doing a good job does it?

My troops are there, among other things, protecting my right to free speech, my right to assmble, and my right to petiton the government. It's hypocritcal to say 'shaddup you shouldn't protest' when the fact that we have the right to do so is one of the very things the military is there to ensure we have.

EDIT: - Doh - hit quote instead of edit *holds head in embarrassment*
Originally posted by afraser2k
Here is resolution 1441 for those who haven't read it yet.

How about a quote showing how many 'last chances' Saddam has had to dissarm:

around 12 or so?

I think that's more than anyone deserves.
Israel holds the record for ignoring United Nations Security Council resolutions, according to a study by San Francisco University political science professor Steven Zunes.

Since 1968, Israel has violated 32 resolutions that included condemnation or criticism of the governments' policies and actions. Turkey is in second place, with 24 violations since 1974, and Morocco is third with 17 resolutions it ignored.

PLeasenote that this is not including the list of 29 resolutions that the US has vetoed regarding israel, many of these having been unanimous, only to be dropped because of the single vveto excersed by the US
Originally posted by MAD_BANDIT
Israel holds the record for ignoring United Nations Security Council resolutions, according to a study by San Francisco University political science professor Steven Zunes.

Since 1968, Israel has violated 32 resolutions that included condemnation or criticism of the governments' policies and actions. Turkey is in second place, with 24 violations since 1974, and Morocco is third with 17 resolutions it ignored.

PLeasenote that this is not including the list of 29 resolutions that the US has vetoed regarding israel, many of these having been unanimous, only to be dropped because of the single vveto excersed by the US

Originally posted by JodieG
Clearly lots of people think it is legal as well.

yet dispite the fact that it was well publicesed that the only reason 1441 passed was because Syria, Pakistan, France, Russia and China all voted for it on the basis that it was not alone enough as a trigger for war.

on that agreement, and that only was it passed. for the US and UK to now say that it is legal, dispite this previous agreement is a battle of syantics, not legality. they know that it is not legal, which is why they went for another resolution, when they could not get that they diceded that 1441 was sufficent, in blatent disregards of what had been agreed previously
Originally posted by afraser2k
Here is resolution 1441 for those who haven't read it yet.

How about a quote showing how many 'last chances' Saddam has had to dissarm:


Recalling all its previous relevant resolutions, in particular its resolutions 661 (1990) of 6 August 1990, 678 (1990) of 29 November 1990, 686 (1991) of 2 March 1991, 687 (1991) of 3 April 1991, 688 (1991) of 5 April 1991, 707 (1991) of 15 August 1991, 715 (1991) of 11 October 1991, 986 (1995) of 14 April 1995, and 1284 (1999) of 17 December 1999, and all the relevant statements of its President,

I think that's more than anyone deserves.

Wow! Didnt think it was that many!, inc 1441, thats 10 chances! Nearly one for each year.

At last we are acting.
Originally posted by afraser2k
I'm talking abour Iraq here, not Israel.

why? :confused:

if Iraq is being invaded because we have lost patience with his blatent disreagrd for UN resolution, have WMD and attacking innocent people, well, Isreal has WMD (nukes), has ignored more UN resolutions, has ben killing Palestiains and been doing this all for the last 30 years not just 12!!!!

lets sort out our priorities, Israel, then Iraq. lets start with the worst shall we?! no?
Originally posted by MAD_BANDIT
and Isreal has ignored 32...!

great, when do we invade?!
Are you stupid or have you just not noticed that Israel has very big, nasty weapons! ffs there are reasons, very obvious ones, that we don't go attacking China, Pakistan etc. I don't know why people like you seem to think we should use the same tactics with everybody. :rolleyes:
Israel has ignored the UN for decades longer than Iraq.. and continues to illegally occupy Palestinian land and kill civilians regularly.

Yet we attack Iraq and ignore Israel. Any attempts to bring Israel to account are vetoed by the US in the UN.

And people wonder why the US is hated in the world?

Do people really think this war will decrease the chances of terrorism when the US literally lets Israel get away with murder?
Originally posted by MAD_BANDIT
great, when do we invade?!

Shame for you that Israel is seen as a democracy by the U.N. else you might have had your wish granted.

Dunno why they see democratically elected governments differently. Then WE could be invaded for our human rights abuses which I'm sure are listed somewhere. We could be defeated and then rebuilt a new with a massive influx of financial help.
Originally posted by silverpaw
Are you stupid or have you just not noticed that Israel has very big, nasty weapons! ffs there are reasons, very obvious ones, that we don't go attacking China, Pakistan etc. I don't know why people like you seem to think we should use the same tactics with everybody. :rolleyes:

Why doesn't the US let the UN disarm Israel of its WMDs then? Send in inspectors? Instead of using its veto any time such action is mooted?

This type of double standards is why the US was attacked on '911'. Sadly no lessons have been learned, and we're making the same ones again as we speak.
Originally posted by silverpaw
Are you stupid or have you just not noticed that Israel has very big, nasty weapons! ffs there are reasons, very obvious ones, that we don't go attacking China, Pakistan etc. I don't know why people like you seem to think we should use the same tactics with everybody. :rolleyes:

i would have thought, that that was an even better reason to attack them first

i mean, the US sold arms to Iraq, and now attacks Iraq because of that. and the US sold WMD to Israel, so we should attack for the same reason.

when do we get started then?
No, you clearly don't understand. :rolleyes:

Israel has very high tech and capable weapons, they ARE a match for the US, they have the same technology for the most part, there would be huge casualties on both sides, they also have nuclear weapons.

War these days generally involves attacking people you know you can beat. That's not Israel.
Originally posted by afraser2k
Because Israel is far more important to the US in both military and economically, are you so naive to think the US would remove it's top location for arms shipments and probably only 'friend' in the Middle East?

The US does not benefit from letting Israel get away with murder. Read Pat Buchanan's article in my sig.. he is opposed to the war and you can't get more conservative than him. But he's a true conservative and a real US patriot, not like neo-conservative Bush.
And that's another thing, as the US sold so much to Iraq surely they know what Iraq has in it's arsenal? Just like the other 51+ countries that sold weapons/chemicals to Iraq/Iran during the conflict.
Originally posted by dirtydog
Why doesn't the US let the UN disarm Israel of its WMDs then? Send in inspectors? Instead of using its veto any time such action is mooted?

This type of double standards is why the US was attacked on '911'. Sadly no lessons have been learned, and we're making the same ones again as we speak.

Genuine question as i dont know, but has Isreal used it womd??

Originally posted by silverpaw
No, you clearly don't understand. :rolleyes:

Israel has very high tech and capable weapons, they ARE a match for the US, they have the same technology for the most part, there would be huge casualties on both sides, they also have nuclear weapons.

War these days generally involves attacking people you know you can beat. That's not Israel.

The point is, the US doesn't have to ATTACK Israel; without US support Israel would wither away, left on its own. The US funds Israel to the tune of some $20,000 per Israeli citizen, I believe.

What saddens me is that with its massive economic, political and military might and influence, the US could be such a powerful force for good in the world, if only it chose that path.
Originally posted by MAD_BANDIT
i i mean, the US sold arms to Iraq, and now attacks Iraq because of that. and the US sold WMD to Israel, so we should attack for the same reason.

when do we get started then?

Despite being mentioned many times that Iraq has FAR more French supplied weapons than U.S. along with much Russian designed equipment. Talking of which, the Russians were supplying arms to many Arab States for many years to use against Israel. Nobody seems to remember THAT either.

Educate me on the U.S. selling nukes ( I assume that's what you mean) to Israel. I ask not to have a go but because there is a gap in my knowledge.
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