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Any news on 7800 xt?

So the conclusion of the 7800xt launch is that most people who needed a card around this price seem relitively content even if not happy with the situation, anyone who already has a top of the line card and spent in some cases 2 or even 3 times the price are here bitching because it's not good enough?

Am about right there?

I've decided i'm going to learn to drive instead so i'm gonna keep my 1080ti for another 2 years lol.
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Happy I bought my 7900xt MBA from elsewhere for £625 in April, (rather than wait for the £500 7800XT), after a lot of discounts from the retailer so that I keep the card rather than return!
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Another way to look at it:

Gtx970 has 75% of the 980ti's performance
The 7700xt has 53% of the 7900xtx's performance and 42% of the rtx4090's performance.

So with the 970, for $330 the gamer had 75% of the top tier's performance but with $429 7700xt you have just 53%/42% of top tier performance.

So clearly the 970 and 7700xt are not even in the same performance class, which is what you pointed out, the 7700xt is at the gtx960's performance class which was $160

Titan maxwell was 8% faster. Given that it was a real card, released on the same gen by Nvidia it counts. So your 75% is actually 67%. Die size? very similar. The 970 was slightly bigger, but then 28nm. The 970 was also a scam. 3.5gb of fast VRAM, then basically 500mb of DDR.

In other words? the Titan should have not existed, and the 980Ti should have been the Titan. I mean, heck, if every one wants to dictate what cards should be what I can too, right? (yes, my tongue is wedged in my cheek).

Now if the 7700XT turns out to be a skank? fine. I can't see that happening though.

You also need to factor in all of the other things that have driven prices up, though. Like for example when the 970 came out? I could buy a PC game for £30 or less, because no licensing fee. The console versions were £50. Now? PC games cost £60 with no licensing fee. The reason? again, popularity. If consoles ever again gain the traction they used to have and PC hardware sells at the same levels as then? then you can expect the prices to fall.

As I have said before, the 970 and 980 were gaming GPUs. They were absolutely useless for anything else. I mean if you cast your mind back to the AMD 7970 and how beefy and "non gaming" it was? that is why Nvidia were able to make their much smaller Kepler dies go much faster in games because they could clock balls, due to their gaming inspired tiny (in comparison) dies. And that continued until Turing. All that while Nvidia were spanking AMD on every front. Die size and cost to make, clock speed and gaming performance.

Maybe now more people will understand why I absolutely hate RT. Maybe I would like it if it didn't change anything, and didn't cost so much more for what you get. Which is absolutely sod all in gaming terms. If anything? it has hurt gaming. A lot.
Why would a GPU purchase stop you from learning to drive a car lol

The learning isn't the problem is the £1500+ first time insurance and the first time car, combined with fuel etc. I'm starting a new job in 2 months so want to drive ideally, but at the moment I car pool for £10 a week and that's all I spend, it's gonna be a shock to the system my transport costs in year 1 will easily be £100+ per week increase over what i'm currently spending. As such i'm gonna cut back on other luxuries as I don't "need" a card my 1080ti is working fine, i'm not that content with this generation in general. I need a top tier card for my needs anything below that isn't worth it for what I need (4080/7900xt+), the prices almost 1 year after release are not where I want them to be so i'll just wait it out, at this point i've lost intertest.
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The learning isn't the problem is the £1500+ first time insurance and the first time car, combined with fuel etc. I'm starting a new job in 2 months so want to drive ideally, but at the moment I car pool for £10 a week and that's all I spend, it's gonna be a shock to the system my transport costs in year 1 will easily be £100+ per week increase over what i'm currently spending. As such i'm gonna cut back on other luxuries as I don't "need" a card my 1080ti is working fine, i'm not that content with this generation in general. I need a top tier card for my needs anything below that isn't worth it for what I need (4080/7900xt+), the prices almost 1 year after release are not where I want them to be so i'll just wait it out, at this point i've lost intertest.
YOLO (you only live once) and enjoy a new gpu ;)
People just need something to whine about. It's weird. These cards even review well with reviewers who have butchered pretty much all other launches this generation. These two cards (7800XT in particular) are the first of this generation that offer some degree of value on launch day. It's not amazing, but it's good and nothing to moan about. What people don't get is that these are targeted at people who still sit on 10 or 20-series GPUs. It's AMD's fault, though, to not just call the 7800XT the 7800.

I mean disapointing is of course relative, they're far better than NV's mid range crapola.

Look at the 4070ti - so bad they named it twice!

4070ti, 4070, 4060ti, 4060 - all absolute and utter dog****! Worse even than that 10GB/12GB 3080 they had the audacity to sell last gen.

You have to keep some perspective.

Edit: How on earth could I have forgotten the 4080?

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I mean disapointing is of course relative, they're far better than NV's mid range crapola.

Look at the 4070ti - so bad they named it twice!

4070ti, 4070, 4060ti, 4060 - all absolute and utter dog****! Worse even than that 10GB/12GB 3080 they had the audacity to sell last gen.

You have to keep some perspective.

There was a thread on here 2 years ago how the 3080 with 10gb was the perfect card with the perfect amount of vram lol
Ah it must be the nearly 2 year anniversary price cut to $500. Makes more sense.
Exactly, AMD giving people the exact same GPU performance 3 years later for $150 less, and they think they are getting a "good deal", lord have mercy, I am a salesman and most of the people around here sound like an EASY payday....
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