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Any news on 7800 xt?

I think I'm just gonna buy the 7800XT instead of the 7900XT. For my second pc, it's using the Samsung Oled G9 wich uses 5120x1440p but I've read that on average at 4K the 7800XT is 78fps. That's good enough as I'll mainly be gaming on my other pc which uses a 4090. But a casual game of baldurs gate 3 on the 7800xt on the g9 should be good enough. Good prices too.
In stock now.. same price though, so much for them being cheaper after initial launch.


and why is this 4060Ti 16GB hidden from the Nvidia GPU list?

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Lets face facts here, even when the pound is strong there's always some random reason why prices are high, every single factor could be in our favour and pricing still wouldn't land where its meant to.

Yep, they think people are stupid.

When they have stock to shift or fancy a sale then suddenly it doesn't matter how weak/strong the pound is, or any other factors either real or made up, seem not to matter either...

We are talking here about the quite transparent reality of operating a retail business that imports products. I don't understand what anyone could be expecting other than what is.

As soon as the pound started backing away from 1.3 in July (and effectively hasn't stopped slipping since) then there will be no better pricing vs what was achievable 1-2 months ago - unless either the £ regains the lost ground or the supply chain drops pricing, and even then requires time for competitive and market pressures to push retailers.

To anyone hoping to see whether cheaper pricing may be possible, or is definitely not on the horizon, I'd recommended you first refresh the GPB vs dollar chart, then check the retailer websites. Not the other way around, save yourself the disappointment over hoping for something that could not happen outside of occasional one-off events to clearout inventory.
We are talking here about the quite transparent reality of operating a retail business that imports products. I don't understand what anyone could be expecting other than what is.

As soon as the pound started backing away from 1.3 in July (and effectively hasn't stopped slipping since) then there will be no better pricing vs what was achievable 1-2 months ago - unless either the £ regains the lost ground or the supply chain drops pricing, and even then requires time for competitive and market pressures to push retailers.

To anyone hoping to see whether cheaper pricing may be possible, or is definitely not on the horizon, I'd recommended you first refresh the GPB vs dollar chart, then check the retailer websites. Not the other way around, save yourself the disappointment over hoping for something that could not happen outside of occasional one-off events to clearout inventory.

This just goes to show how easy it is to fool people with a simple logical explanation that doesn't tell the anything like the whole story. Make them feel smart for understanding how import/exports works (in principle), and how the exchange rate works (in principle), and then that basic understanding becomes the whole picture, to simply wave away any compalints about pricing...

A quick example for you - how come price are moved up like clockwork just before a sale, especially something like Black Friday? - Rhetorical question :D obv - it's so the sale price isn't as low as it should have been and much closer to the old prices...

We've all been seeing this for years in many sectors, the prices move up well ahead of exchange rates, and inflation...yet people still buy "inflation" "exchange rates" "something something imports" etc as the reasons.

It's extremely naive to believe the nonsense they just trot out as justification for prices going up well beyond where they should be...

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This just goes to show how easy it is to fool people with a simple logical explanation that doesn't tell the anything like the whole story. Make them feel smart for understanding how import/exports works (in principle), and how the exchange rate works (in principle), and then that basic understanding becomes the whole picture, to simply wave away any compalints about pricing...

Again, this is all transparent business practice. Transparent not because some alleged authority told some 'truth' as justification. We are talking quite standard operation and practices that business has employed since the first trader eons ago. There is no 'in principle' applied here, just empirical - a lot of it.
Btw the fact that an upstream seller in the chain set a high initial price (and wont shift from it) is a completely separate point to how pricing on restocked products moves week to week. But you are smashing it all together in one big rail against the world pie - and clearly did not read my post to go off on so many tangents.

A quick example for you - how come price are moved up like clockwork just before a sale, especially something like Black Friday? - Rhetorical question :D obv - it's so the sale price isn't as low as it should have been and much closer to the old prices...

We've all been seeing this for years in many sectors, the prices move up well ahead of exchange rates, and inflation...yet people still buy "inflation" "exchange rates" "something something imports" etc as the reasons.

It's extremely naive to believe the nonsense they just trot out as justification for prices going up well beyond where they should be...


Again transparent business practice, as expected, predictable, and should really be of no surprise, but is being treated as some grand revelation.

So to repeat, why would anyone expect prices to lower in the UK when the few things that would need to happen are not, and conversely the very things that would guarantee prices to move in the other direction are occurring. Namely
- the gbp vs dollar is worsening,
- there are no significant supply chain (whoever in the chain) price drops filtering through.

The only naivete here appears to be wishful thinking for outcome B when all movement is directing to outcome A.
Again, this is all transparent business practice. Transparent not because some alleged authority told some 'truth' as justification. We are talking quite standard operation and practices that business has employed since the first trader eons ago. There is no 'in principle' applied here, just empirical - a lot of it.
Btw the fact that an upstream seller in the chain set a high initial price (and wont shift from it) is a completely separate point to how pricing on restocked products moves week to week. But you are smashing it all together in one big rail against the world pie - and clearly did not read my post to go off on so many tangents.

Again transparent business practice, as expected, predictable, and should really be of no surprise, but is being treated as some grand revelation.

So to repeat, why would anyone expect prices to lower in the UK when the few things that would need to happen are not, and conversely the very things that would guarantee prices to move in the other direction are occurring. Namely
- the gbp vs dollar is worsening,
- there are no significant supply chain (whoever in the chain) price drops filtering through.

The only naivete here appears to be wishful thinking for outcome B when all movement is directing to outcome A.

If prices only go up in line with exchange rates how come stock that has already landed yo yo's day after day??

Wait, so you believe what a business tells you about pricing and price rises, whose interests run directly in opposition to your own interests, whose only reason for existence is to extract as much money from you for as little as possible - and you call other people naive?


One thing I have noticed is there's never a shortage of people who think they're smart, that are also willing to run defense for businesses and large corporations...

and why is this 4060Ti 16GB hidden from the Nvidia GPU list?

It's not hidden. It's just at the bottom (under SLI bridges) in the Nvidia GPU product listings
If prices only go up in line with exchange rates how come stock that has already landed yo yo's day after day??

Wait, so you believe what a business tells you about pricing and price rises, whose interests run directly in opposition to your own interests, whose only reason for existence is to extract as much money from you for as little as possible - and you call other people naive?


One thing I have noticed is there's never a shortage of people who think they're smart, that are also willing to run defense for businesses and large corporations...


Recommend you reread the posts, you are ranting about unrelated and unstated things. Not a good look, even if it is just online. :p

By all means please keep hoping for your imminent market normalisation to yesteryear leading to massively cheaper pricing to materialise, like its right around the corner, and getting frustrated day to day when it doesn't, and especially upset when price trends, affected by distinct variables, fluctuate 5% against your favour for very obvious and predicable reasons, and also upset when the things that need to happen for it to fluctuate in your favour are not happening, and when they do occur get upset that they happen too slowly. That is not recommended, for sanity.
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Recommend you reread the posts, you are ranting about unrelated and unstated things. Not a good look, even if it is just online. :p

By all means please keep hoping for your imminent market normalisation to yesteryear leading to massively cheaper pricing to materialise, like its right around the corner, and getting frustrated day to day when it doesn't, and especially upset when price trends, affected by distinct variables, fluctuate 5% against your favour for very obvious and predicable reasons, and also upset when the things that need to happen for it to fluctuate in your favour are not happening, and when they do occur get upset that they happen too slowly. That is not recommended, for sanity

There's nothing worth reading, it's the same surface level understanding of business practices that proves only that you can read and regurgitate information, but also shows you have no idea how the world actually works.
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7800XT prices up again lol How come other places are cheaper? Even with delivery costs.

I'll most likely be buying elsewhere when i do upgrade.. OcUK babble on about being cheaper but right now they're far from it and Gibbo is silent.

I guess OcUK dont want my money this time around, like the last time around.
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