Any religious people watch the Wonders of Life last night?

That's not really evolution, evolution is the survival and continuation of that which best adapts and suits the surrounding environment allowing for the passing on of it's advantageous characteristics.
(I'm not in the slightest bit religious).

No, that is Natural Selection. Natural Selection is a key mechanism of evolution but it not evolution itself.

Using Wiki's definition...."Evolution is the change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over successive generations" so therefore a mixed-race baby is an example of evolution.

Although I do agree using it as an example to convince a creationist of the wider issues like natural selection and th creation of different species isn't really ideal, it is technically an example of evolution.
I know that religion loves to proclaim itself as a guide to morality but really the bible contains terrible lessons. Among other things it promotes slavery, genocide, rape, murder, homophobia and war.
Just look at Noah's ark - God decides to kill almost every single human, plant and animal on earth just because some humans weren't behaving the way he wanted. Even though he made them that way!

Religion is absolutely not useful or required to learn morality or empathy.

Interchangeable word is interchangeable

I know that democracy loves to proclaim itself as a guide to morality, but really the democratic code contains terrible lessons. Among other things, it promotes slavery, genocide, rape, murder, homophobia and war, so long as everybody agrees. Just look at The USA - The President decides to kill thousands of innocent civilians in the middle east just because some humans weren't behaving the way they wanted, or giving them their oil. Even though he gave them the guns they use to fight with!

Democracy is absolutely not useful or required to learn morality or empathy.

Your anti-religious tirade is meaningless.
Strange that the OP seems to think religious people can't believe in a science based existance.
Not everyone who is religious believes every single word of a man written text, or interprets such words as facts rather than parables.

Win....a book written over the course of 1500 years with over 40 different authors each with their own take on things.
That's without getting into the heavily revised King James version.

My wife's half of the family are very religious. It's like talking to a brick wall
As usual, people suffering from a heavy dose of cognitive dissonance, assert it's up to everyone else to prove them wrong.

Religious people do my nut. I'm out!
If science says we came from the same origin then doesn't it sort of give credence to the belief that Adam and Eve are the originators of all humans.

Religious people could argue that the major religions all believe that we are all descendants of the first two humans to be put on earth by God and science has finally provided proof of this.

I thought Christians believed all mankind was wiped out in the flood except Noah & his family, therefore all humans must be from Noahs incestous relations within his family? where did black people come from I wonder ?
Interchangeable word is interchangeable

I know that democracy loves to proclaim itself as a guide to morality, but really the democratic code contains terrible lessons. Among other things, it promotes slavery, genocide, rape, murder, homophobia and war, so long as everybody agrees. Just look at The USA - The President decides to kill thousands of innocent civilians in the middle east just because some humans weren't behaving the way they wanted, or giving them their oil. Even though he gave them the guns they use to fight with!

Democracy is absolutely not useful or required to learn morality or empathy.

Your anti-religious tirade is meaningless.

Just because you can swap out the word religion for any number of things does not make his point any less true. As uncomfortable as it may be to you, religion has brought suffering and death to many millions of people and will continue to do so until there is no one left
I don't understand religious people not believing in evolution as it doesn't go against the existence of a God, evolution could still be part of it's plan.

I think it's down to God creating humans in His image, the religious folks believe that He can't be wrong and evolution means that He didn't get things right first time around.
Genesis contradicts the origins of man and woman, but lets gloss over that.

Noah's curse on Ham (turning him black) is sometimes used by militant bible nut's as an excuse for being racist, though this wasn't taught in the bible per say.
Black people are thought to be descendants of Ham, Noah's son
I thought Christians believed all mankind was wiped out in the flood except Noah & his family, therefore all humans must be from Noahs incestous relations within his family? where did black people come from I wonder ?

Correct, although strictly speaking Noah and his wife would still be ancestors of Adam & Eve so ultimately it still ties back to them as the 'first humans'.

As for your last question, how do you know Noah wasn't black? You can't rely on those biblical drawings which were done thousands of years after the stories were written, the ones clearly aimed specifically at white people (the same kind of drawings that make Jesus for example white with light coloured hair and not middle-eastern with black hair which would be more likely).

Noah's race or place of birth were never mentioned in the Bible, although we know is his boat finally settled on Mount Arrarat in Turkey but that doesn't mean that's where it started from, and even if it did we would be assuming he left from his place of birth.

He was almost certainly not Chinese though :D



Interchangeable word is interchangeable

I know that democracy loves to proclaim itself as a guide to morality, but really the democratic code contains terrible lessons. Among other things, it promotes slavery, genocide, rape, murder, homophobia and war, so long as everybody agrees. Just look at The USA - The President decides to kill thousands of innocent civilians in the middle east just because some humans weren't behaving the way they wanted, or giving them their oil. Even though he gave them the guns they use to fight with!

Democracy is absolutely not useful or required to learn morality or empathy.

Your anti-religious tirade is meaningless.

All you've done there is prove that both religion AND democracy can be the cause of evil so his point still stands. Unless he specifically said 'religion is the ONLY source of immorality' (which he didn't) then I don't see your point.

Furthermore, I've heard people claim democracy is the best voting system and way of governing a country but I don't think I've ever heard anyone claim that democracy itself is source material for a good moral framework. That is not true however of religion where not only is it claimed that the 'good book' is THE source for our morality but that without it you cannot to moral at all.
That is the exact problem with many (not all!) people and whatever faith they follow. To them and many observers it is assumed that to do good and help people means pleasing a God so when they die they will go to heaven.

This is wrong.

People who don't follow a faith in their daily lives do good all the time and don't do it to satisfy any God so they have an afterlife in comfort (whether it exists or not doesn't matter here).

This is what it all comes down to, the idea of, as you say, hope. The thought of dying to some is terrifying and hearing that when they die they will simply break back down into the Earth and Universe that they first emerged from and nothing beyond that isn't exactly a pleasant thought.
We know evolution exists, there's historical evidence and active evidence in the microbial world where evolution has been and still is being observed under the microscope.

Things are changing though as time goes on and you only have to look at the history of the World to see this. People are no longer being hung for speaking against religion in the Western World and while change is less obvious in the East, it is happening all the same.

For myself, even though almost everyone around me follows religion of some description and to various levels, I choose the logical path as it is the most sensible way of looking at everything and simply take part in cultural traditions and observe the differences and uniqueness of other people in their own ways.

Sometimes maybe I'm too open minded and accepting of people but one thing I can never take seriously are people who constantly go on and on about atheist this and Christian/Muslim that as if they're on a mission to convert everyone to their personal ideals.

I see people day in and out praying for things to happen around their lives and those prayers never get answered. It takes man get up and do something about the problems in the World today. No God has ever come down to save innocent people from dying in horrible ways. I think if those people were meant to be in heaven then why were they born (created) in the first instance to only suffer and die painfully. That defies any logic and a God above anything else in the Universe or beyond would be the absolute height of logic.

I do have all the respect for faith and the sensible people who follow it because at the same time those who don't follow one have their own way of making sense of everything and that should be acknowledged and respected by everyone mutually but it's clear that certain people following religion are afraid of the changes going on in this age and will do whatever it takes to slow it down.

Another way of looking at it is seeing how modern religions have been created right under our noses, religions that we know are full of nonsense yet have been accepted as actual religions (Scientology). If something like that can exist in the modern age then think about the times before this.

We're humans, we are still evolving and getting smarter with the help of modern science but old habits die hard I guess :o

No, no and no. It is by grace we are saved, not good works, so that no one may boast. As it is written: "By the deeds of the law no flesh shall be justified in his sight"

As for people getting smarter, is that a joke? Or you being serious?
Evolution disproves SOME of the writing in SOME religious texts, that is all.

I am 100% convinced that evolution is real, but also very open minded when it comes to answers about human consciousness. Evolution does not conflict with my beliefs as a Pantheist.
If there's one thing that bothers me most about the world it's that sane, rational people can completely disgrgard logic and reject evolution. I mean it's a fact, as factual as facts can be, as certain as the fact that the earth rotates around the sun or that gravity pulls objects together.
It boggles my mind that people can just go "nope, god did it, look at the bible"

There is literally zero evidence against evolution. Nothing.
Evolution has been proven without a doubt again and again, it is easily observable and you can even observe it with your own eyes.
Just look at disease resistance, it's right in front of your eyes. Penecillin used to be a miracle cure but most bacteria is resistant to it now.
Look at dogs, how they can be bred for certain traits and their traits passed down generations.
One of the best examples is the E._coli long-term evolution experiment where E. Coli evolved to use Citric acid as an energy source. This simply cannot be disputed.

And for the bloke whos missus doesn't believe in evolution but has a degree in biology - I really despair for her, how can someone be so ignorant!

Oh my goodness! You are explaining micro-evolution once again. Are you just unable comprehend the difference between micro and macro evolution? Or are you just ignorant?

No matter how many times you breed a dog you will still get a dog at the end. No matter how many times you breed a human you will still get a human at the end. And so on...
I know that religion loves to proclaim itself as a guide to morality but really the bible contains terrible lessons. Among other things it promotes slavery, genocide, rape, murder, homophobia and war.
Just look at Noah's ark - God decides to kill almost every single human, plant and animal on earth just because some humans weren't behaving the way he wanted. Even though he made them that way!

Religion is absolutely not useful or required to learn morality or empathy.

And what is Progressive Christianity? I thought the bible has all the answers already? Why does it need to change to meet the status quo? sounds like backtracking to me. It exposes the bible for what it is - an old book of myths.

Well said.
Like many religious folk you can't wrap your heads around the fact that the earth is quite old and life is also fairly old. Religion is a recent invention
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