So because science and religion are both "belief systems" (which they're not) one is no more credible than the other?
Read the thread then you will know
So because science and religion are both "belief systems" (which they're not) one is no more credible than the other?
Read the thread then you will know
[..] I think this assumes too much here actually. Being faster may be one advantage that a given animal has, but if that animal were deaf then becoming faster mightn't be too helpful. What determines whether enhanced speed or enhanced hearing becomes the most desirable?
So what you now know today is just a theory till the next lot of evidence comes along.
Everything will just be a theory unless you go back in time and find out the truth.
You have faith when you do most things in life i.e you cross a road in the belief\faith\hope that the person in the car
you can see won't put his\her foot down and kill you.
Yes you will use your eyes and ears to cross the road safely but you never know.
Wish I was better at this kind of thing.....
Ok, it must have been called an explosion just because it sounded good then.
Well, you see.. Theists often ask an Athiest, what is the meaning of life.
It is a bad question. Ask a Thiest, what is the meaning of life. The bible seems to tell us that the meaning of life is to worship our creator in the grand hope of joining him in heaven.
My question is, why bother living then and not just cut to the chase of populating heaven without the earth bit first. Unless you just need the adoration of billions of people to satisfy your need to be worshipped. Or sacrificed to in the case of the OT and many many animal sacrifices.
And in Islam the prayer requirements are huge! Not just a sunday down the church and a few prayers.
What is the meaning then of a life where you have to pray (religiously) or be sent to hell?
Maybe this praying thing is not one big chore afterall. Say like talking to the headmaster of a school maybe hell for the rebelious pupil, with him maybe being in fear or simply apathetic to anything the headmaster may have to say or show him, though for the headboy it is a truly heavenly experience for which he is bettered no end.
Except that the headmaster is invisible to one pupil and a delusion of the other. But hey there's no denying that some delusions have the potential to be useful.
The question is why wait for the experience of being in heaven when you could be there in seconds?
He is invisible to all, delusional or not. Poking your own eyes out may benefit in certain situations too.
Oh and I know which question I replied to thank you, I don't have an answer to that one. i.e. Why didn't God create a perfect heavenly place in the first place.
No, I infer that it is extremely improbable that they will do so, based on the available evidence (e.g. the extremely small number of murders carried out that way).
You don't understand the meaning of the words you are using - faith, theory, assumption, etc.
He is invisible to all, delusional or not. Poking your own eyes out may benefit in certain situations too.
Oh and I know which question I replied to thank you, I don't have an answer to that one. i.e. Why didn't God create a perfect heavenly place in the first place.
Oh, but he did, but just because some talking snake convinced a woman to get an apple from a tree, just because of that silly thing
There is no "desirable". In order for something to be considered desirable, there has to be a mind involved. Only a mind can desire. All that counts in evolution is breeding. There's no purpose. There's no desire. There's no goal. There's no evaluation of the comparative benefits of traits. It's just a matter of how many offspring survive to have offspring of their own.
If enhanced speed confers an advantage to particular animals in particular circumstances, then it is possible that enhanced speed will over enough generations become normal in that particular group of animals. Only possible, not definite. The animal that is a little faster might still still be killed before having offspring or it might still be considered a less desirable mate by the other animals for some reason.
The same is true of enhanced hearing, or anything else.
If a mutation does cause both advantages and disadvantages, the same thing still applies as always applies - success in breeding. It's always success in breeding. You can even see examples in humanity, with sickle cell trait being the most famous.
Oh FFS. It's called an explosion because it's a *relatively* rapid appearance. Key word here is relative!!!!!!!! That means in comparison to the timescale as a whole.
That doesn't make it impossible, nor is it evidence of God putting "fully formed" creatures on the Earth, maybe using an intergalactic Noah's Ark. It took millions of years.
Me and another member was having a debate not you. Please read the thread were I have put links. I thank you.
Isn't the probability of getting related mutations pretty small?
How do you know it was an Apple?
I'd assume that you'd need lots of related mutations in order to cause this type of change over a long period. Isn't the probability of getting related mutations pretty small?
Why would it? If it has no effect then there's no evolutionary pressure either way.If one generation has a mutation that at the time has no observable benefit isn't that just going to get lost instead of passed on?
I've no idea. Why does it matter? Also, what is beneficial and what is harmful varies according to circumstances. For example, that mutation in the MSTN gene results in increased strength but also increased size, weight and food requirements. Which is beneficial and which is harmful? It depends on the animal and the circumstances.What are the odds of beneficial v harmful mutations?
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Because it's in a badly translated text written a long time after the said event, which no other person can independently verify? Seems legit