Oh yes and what a horry story it was.
I had it full blown on my wedding day and by the end of the following day 75% of the people we invited to the hotel with us had it.
On the day of the wedding I woke up at around 6am feeling ropey, I just thought it was wedding day nerves. At 8am I get up and went to the loo, next thing was a bout of uncontrolable sickness and diarrhoea, one in the loo and the other aimed in the bath.
Anyway I still felt rough but again just put it down to nerves, at 11am me the best man and a friend went to get our hair cut and yes you guessed it, the need to empty my insides swathed over me. I was actually in the chair at the time having my hair cut, I run to the loo and luckily there was also a sink as again it was a dual exfiltration of the internal plumbing.
Im not sure if it was the case but my perception of that toilet was like the scence out of Trainspotting, this was probably fueled by being in Scotland at the time.
Now 1pm is approaching, the wedding is looming and everyone is wondering what is wrong with me, the future mother in law blames it on drink, others just thought I was having second thoughts and I put it down to a Red Snapper eaten the previous evening.
1pm, after consuming copius amounts of cold water and deciding that it was better for me to soldier on than to pull out of the wedding for fear of severe injury casued by blunt trauma the ceremony began. I now adopted the SAS approach to get through the wdding for fear of soiling myself, I pick a spot on the wall and focus, the stomach is churning, it is hot and I am getting hotter. The ceremony is a blur by this point, I do remember the "I Do" and the signing of the registers.
We go outside for photographs and it is now that I explain to my new wife what the hell is going on and why I look so ill.
We then shoot off sharpish to the hotel as another bout of bowel and stomach movements are fast approaching.
At this point my wife decides to call the Doctor, he arrives and proceeds to give me an injection to help. I said to the Doctor something like "Do you realise that you are the first person to see my bum since I have been married" I thought this may lighten mood, sadly not, the Doctor was less than jovial to say the least.
To make matters worse it transpires that the hotel in question was aware of a breakout of the Norovirus but tried to litterally sweep it under the carpet.
My wife cut the cake with her neice, the meal went ahead without me, I was replaced by a lovely golden balloon tied to what would have been my chair at the main table.
Over the next 24 -48 hours roughly 25 of our 30 guest got a dose of the Norovirus, we felt awful for inviting them, they felt awful for us as our day was ruined.
We look back now and laugh, it was an expierience to say the least!