Anyone can do it.....can you

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GordyR said:
Interesting choice of words I guess, from such a lyrical machinist,
One thing I should mention though, my sister has a penis,

But hey whatever floats your boat, I sure have heard of worse,
Perhaps you wear a leather thong while swinging round a purse?

"Cold Steel blade lover" is that what they call it these days?
Why use a metaphor when you could just say "gays"?

So you like threesomes huh? Well here is one for you,
Julian Clary, Elton John, Michael Barrymore too,

Do their name's ring a bell? Yeah I thought they would,
Just like you they all got it any way they could.[/SIZE]
Seems to me like you're gettin' quite riled,
I ain't never seen a rap so full of bile,
Only one thing explains a message so vile,
You know what it is? I think you're in denial.

You seem to think you're some hip hop defender,
But hip hop ain't broken, there's no need to mend 'er,
Only one thing explains this view you engender,
You know what it is? I think you're a bender.

So keep your views to yourself, hide your opinion inside,
You tried to beat me, but you know what? DENIED.
So run away little pink boy, run away and hide,
We'll see what my rap attack makes of your pride.
Gilly said:
His was a fair shout unless you actually think you're good at this...

The only way we'll know is for El Razur to submit his proper recordings and for us to decide whether his lyrics fit his style.
It just so happens I'm looking for a rapper in my band so get over here El Razur and audition for me.

It may say Guitar Warriors but its open to all instruments and styles.
ElRazur said:

If there's anyone i like, it might be used in later recording.

Here is a blast.

If I make something up, and you use it without my permission then you'd be in breach of copyright.

Dumb thread tbh :rolleyes:
Gilly said:
His was a fair shout unless you actually think you're good at this...

Seriously dont come with that rubbish....seriously dont, i dont kiss your behind like your army in here. Im not intelligent, im arrogant, i stupid (oh im stuuuuuuupid) im not even black, :rolleyes: those are the opinion of those who wanna think that and i suppose they are entittled to it.
I am not in the mood for you political, sarcasm, rebellious rubbish. There's a word, it is called "Ignore"! add it in front of ElRazur and it gives you and your rebellious army the solution to your problem you cant handle in here - me.

Yes i am good at this and NO you aint good at all, the last time i told you i like it (your audio rap)......I lied.
dmpoole said:
The only way we'll know is for El Razur to submit his proper recordings and for us to decide whether his lyrics fit his style.
It just so happens I'm looking for a rapper in my band so get over here El Razur and audition for me.

It may say Guitar Warriors but its open to all instruments and styles.

Man, i respect you a lot but i dont think i will get any fair judgement at all, take a look at the thread, im ALREADY written off even before i start.
1. No you're not. You're really quite bad at it. However, this may be because its written down. Do a recording and we'll see if you're any good.
2. Everything I've done in this thread has been done jokingly. So if it isn't amazing (and I still rate it better than your attempts) then I really don't care :)

Your thread has a few stars. Those are down to me, Moh, Kreee and a few others. You should be grateful for our contributions :)
dmpoole said:
The only way we'll know is for El Razur to submit his proper recordings and for us to decide whether his lyrics fit his style.
It just so happens I'm looking for a rapper in my band so get over here El Razur and audition for me.

It may say Guitar Warriors but its open to all instruments and styles.

check the recording i posted hehe
I would like to see this proof about your abilities.

Do you have a recording contract? have you won any writing awards? - Self confessed talent is almost as bad as having none.

dmpoole said:
Dumb thread Eddie? - its gone for 12 pages.
Can't be that dumb

I guess you aren't viewing 50 posts per page ;)
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