Anyone can do it.....can you

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Sanzy said:
Do it now its a 5 min job just freestyle what ever comes into your head and lob on a free hosting site

See, this is what im trying to avoid all along. I honsetly dont have a mic here at the moment. My whole stuido is in storage, please be patient i will do it at my own time.

***cant believe im getting sucked into this.
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ElRazur said:
***cant believe im getting sucked into this.

Err sucked into what bro? You're the one who's banging on about just how good you are, So prove it, what you waiting for? I'm dying to listen to your rap masterpiece:)

You can pick up a cheapo microphone for virtually nothing nowadays:)
(once again this is not freestyle but you can try)

EL Razur - heres a little story for you.
I told this yesterday in MUSIC but I'll condense it.

Two weeks before I joined the band I'm with now they chose another 'singer' over me and I was gutted.
Two weeks later I get a phone call asking me to reconsider joining them which I eventually did.
It transpired that the 'singer' had spent the whole of his hour audition telling them how brilliant he was and without singing a note they took it all in.
This actually showed the expertise of the 'singer' because up until that point the 4 members had about 85 years of experience in the music business between them.
At their first gig they didn't play one song in the first 45 minutes and all he did was talk to the audience but he was a good comedian.
They sacked him on the spot and their ex singer took the microphone to finish the gig off.

This singer is you El Razur.
All you've done is told us how brilliant you are and how you are number one.
In my eyes you are the comedian until you take the mic.
Our number one bad boy rapper Gilly used a £1.99 mic - do it.
Zih Zih Zih Zih Zih
Zih Zih Zih
Zih ZihZih Zih Zih Zih Zih Zih Zih Zih Zih Zih Zih Zih Zih
Otacon said:
Where's this rap then?
/F5s inbox.

El, I really want to hear your stuff. You need to come back at all these haters who have no respect for your flow and your style. You've got to put them in their place. I know you can do it.
Nobody can come out with what El Razur has claimed and not be able to deliver the goods.
I know he's going to put us in our place and I'm going to miss it.
Off to the Stoke match now.
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