Anyone using Wegovy?

BBC article

If that becomes a problem it'll get a lot more regulated. You better stock up. :p
It's the online contract ones I expect will be targeted.

People signing up to 1 year contracts for a pen each month. Then being forced to pay the balance if they stop. Not to mention the questions asked etc are lack luster.

Getting an actual person prescribing it in person likely won't be effected.
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Will try to be as frank as possible in an effort to help anyone.
Started taking Mounjaro at the end of November as my eating was out of control and despite working out and having a muscular physique I was absolutely not in my prime. I set the goal of dropping to 95KG which for me is a healthy weight.
I'm just over 2 months in and near the goal weight. Early weeks were easy, complete loss of appetite but my 'need for food' is coming back with a vengeance and last week was rough. Iv moved up to 5mg now to see what that does.

Side effects:
Weeks 3 and 6: stomach cramps
Occasional: Fatigue - needing to sit down as feeling weak. I suspect this is just because of such a limited calorie intake.

---- 2.5mg ----
241124 - 103.4
011224 - 101
091224 - 99.9
231224 - 98.8
291224 - 98.10
050125 - 97.65
120125 - 97.30
190125 - 95.50
260125 - 96.05 (moved to 5mg)

Could I have done this without the drug? Well yes I have dropped to 95KG in the past from 105KG but it was a heavy cut and I got pretty ill doing it. So for me this is the safer option.
Do I have an eating disorder? I suspect I do. The over-eating, wanting to then aggressively lose weight is obviously not a healthy cycle.
What happens when you stop the drug? No idea but I will in the coming months. I'm not going to pretend I know what is going to happen in the future, all I can do is focus on how I feel now.
Would you recommend? I would. The side effects are well known, millions are on it around the world and benefitting from it greatly.
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Will try to be as frank as possible in an effort to help anyone.
Started taking Mounjaro at the end of November as my eating was out of control and despite working out and having a muscular physique I was absolutely not in my prime. I set the goal of dropping to 95KG which for me is a healthy weight.
I'm just over 2 months in and near the goal weight. Early weeks were easy, complete loss of appetite but my 'need for food' is coming back with a vengeance and last week was rough. Iv moved up to 5mg now to see what that does.

Side effects:
Weeks 3 and 6: stomach cramps
Occasional: Fatigue - needing to sit down as feeling weak. I suspect this is just because of such a limited calorie intake.

---- 2.5mg ----
241124 - 103.4
011224 - 101
091224 - 99.9
231224 - 98.8
291224 - 98.10
050125 - 97.65
120125 - 97.30
190125 - 95.50
260125 - 96.05 (moved to 5mg)

Could I have done this without the drug? Well yes I have dropped to 95KG in the past from 105KG but it was a heavy cut and I got pretty ill doing it. So for me this is the safer option.
Do I have an eating disorder? I suspect I do. The over-eating, wanting to then aggressively lose weight is obviously not a healthy cycle.
What happens when you stop the drug? No idea but I will in the coming months. I'm not going to pretend I know what is going to happen in the future, all I can do is focus on how I feel now.
Would you recommend? I would. The side effects are well known, millions are on it around the world and benefitting from it greatly.
Nice work. Well done!

What height are you?

I'm 5:11", started at 111.7kg
My aim is 85KG
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BBC article

If that becomes a problem it'll get a lot more regulated. You better stock up. :p

Tbh it should be a quick in person appointment for a prescription. The only issue is availability of people who can take such appointments.

Maybe there’s a halfway house like a web call with the online prescriber so they can see you on video. Yes the determined could rig that by using a proxy on every call (say once per x months), but if the proxy isn’t getting smaller then it’s kinda stand out.
Thank you @iamtheoneneo. I would normally never even consider something like these drugs but I'm struggling to drop any weight (currently 104kg, 6ft tall). I know it's my diet and portion control. I cycle, gym and swim. Still going to do the traditional route for now but trying to be better (cut out snacks, scale backy sweet tooth, not eat after 8pm).

Edit - the speed I eat definitely is a factor. Normally wolf my food down which doesn't give me body enough time to tell my brain/body I'm full. And separately - a number of times where my brain is telling me I'm hungry but my stomach is saying I'm not. The brain won a lot of times but trying to change that.
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Tbh it should be a quick in person appointment for a prescription. The only issue is availability of people who can take such appointments.

Maybe there’s a halfway house like a web call with the online prescriber so they can see you on video. Yes the determined could rig that by using a proxy on every call (say once per x months), but if the proxy isn’t getting smaller then it’s kinda stand out.
And the ones that benefit the most are the big pharmacies such as Boots as it stops them being undercut by the smaller pharmacies that may sell online but only have a physical store in one location. Some of the side effects they are concerned about aren't even because of the drug but a side effect of losing too much weight too quickly (e.g. gallstones).
Getting started on this as finally run out of stockpile of Victoza that I have been on since release in 2010. Really not happy they have discontinued Victoza for Diabetic but still making Saxenda for weight loss. Was meant to be switching to Mounjaro but Scottish medical councils dragging its heels. Still absolutely livid at the issues I have had because of all the off label prescribing off diabetic drugs so people can lose some weight. Priorities should have bene made based on needs.
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I'm just coming to the end of my Mounjaro journey. I've gone from 92kg's last July to 72kg's now. I'm 5'9". I've got 3 x 15mg doses left which I'm going to space out at around 10-13 days apart as I finish.

Any advice for not putting it all back on? I've been doing reps and legs at home for the last few months to tone up and I've started to feel the munchies at night for the last few weeks
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