A little background:

Well I have done some further testing and calibration and have made some interesting discoveries. The gamma isn't actually as bad as you might think, if you're aiming for '2.2' tracking centrally. In fact, on my unit at least, applying an ICC profile designed to provide strong '2.2' tracking and good accurate colours centrally made relatively subtle changes compared to what you might expect. My unit actually averages 2.1 at 144Hz, 0 brightness and 'Gamma3'.

This monitor does seem to have a brightness control issue, as even at '0 brightness' it is just over 160 cd/m2 which some users would simply find too bright.

Some testing (helping PCM2):

What I have done is create 2 ICC profiles for you to try. Refer to the "Using ICC Profiles in Windows" article for advice on correct installation. The first profile aims for a central average tracking the standard '2.2' curve and the second the '2.4' curve. Given the viewing angle restrictions of the panel, the perceived gamma is actually significantly lower than this towards the bottom of the screen and somewhat higher towards the top. I tend to find people prefer slightly higher than 2.2 central average gamma on 24" or larger TN panels.

The following settings were used to create the profile (yup - the white point of my unit required little if any adjustment really):

Brightness = 0
Gamma= Gamma3
Color Temp. = User
R= 50
G= 50
B= 47

Everything else at default, 144Hz.

1) 2.2 gamma - G2460PF(2.2).icm
2) 2.4 gamma - G2460PF(2.4).icm

If you could observe the following that would be great:

A) Look at some familiar images on the internet or some wallpapers. Simply get in with your other usual desktop tasks. Compare the two profiles with the 'non ICC' state using the same settings above.

B) Try some games and see which actually use the profile when running 'Fullscreen' and also using FreeSync.

I appreciate your help with this as I'm trying to determine the best and fairest way to test the monitor in the review. :)

Edit: I've tested a few games and most respected the ICC profile's gamma. Warframe did not - but GTA V, BF4 and Dirt Rally did. I wanted to test ESO as well but there is a massive 5GB+ patch to download first. Typical.

unfortunately i do not have enough time to do any more in game testing tonight, however from an image point of view, 2.4 with your settings looks the better of the two for me. i have my contrast at 50 also.
i will go through my library of games tomorrow with the profiles activated however.
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Doesn't seem to, the screen just becomes scrambled. And the upper refresh rate is limited if you use VSR as well. Like 2560 x 1440 only goes up to 100Hz.


TBH this monitor is looking more and more like I am going to have to make too many compromises to be able to enjoy it :(
Thanks for the profiles and settings PCM!

Using the profile - those settings has transformed the colour reproduction of the monitor for me! Yes, you can still tell it is a TN panel but the delta of difference vs. an IPS screen is significantly smaller than it was before.

Out of the two profiles (they are both great) my favourite is probably the 2.4 profile with 10 brightness set on the monitor - it's a little too dark for my liking on its own but the 2.2 was a little too bright (so the 2.4 with +10 brightness was about spot on).

Games wise, I tested Diablo 3, Planetside 2, Battlefield:Hardline and Titanfall. The latter three in particular exhitbited excellent improvements in colour.

One issue I did notice is, after exiting Titanfall, the desktop was bright and washed out again - I had to go back to the colour management and re-apply the profile to return it to normal again; is there anyway to stop this?

On another note is there a way you can test the input lag on DisplayPort at 144hz PCM? I think it's pretty good but my aim was a little off last night (over-compensating for my aim which normally occurs with input lag) - it's be great to see a scientific reading rather than my borderline OCD feelings LOL :D
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Thanks for the profiles and settings PCM!

Using the profile - those settings has transformed the colour reproduction of the monitor for me! Yes, you can still tell it is a TN panel but the delta of difference vs. an IPS screen is significantly smaller than it was before.

Out of the two profiles (they are both great) my favourite is probably the 2.4 profile with 10 brightness set on the monitor - it's a little too dark for my liking on its own but the 2.2 was a little too bright (so the 2.4 with +10 brightness was about spot on).

Games wise, I tested Diablo 3, Planetside 2, Battlefield:Hardline and Titanfall. The latter three in particular exhitbited excellent improvements in colour.

One issue I did notice is, after exiting Titanfall, the desktop was bright and washed out again - I had to go back to the colour management and re-apply the profile to return it to normal again; is there anyway to stop this?

On another note is there a way you can test the input lag on DisplayPort at 144hz PCM? I think it's pretty good but my aim was a little off last night (over-compensating for my aim which normally occurs with input lag) - it's be great to see a scientific reading rather than my borderline OCD feelings LOL :D

Really glad to hear that. And yes, by all means raise the brightness according to taste - nothing wrong with that. :) I would also recommend downloading the 'DisplayProfile' utility mentioned in my article. It makes it easy to reapply ICC profiles if you get that annoying de-activation when you exit to desktop.

I will be thoroughly testing input lag over DP @ 144Hz in the review as well. :)
Alright guys. It seems that I'd actually adjusted gamma in the Catalyst Control Centre without realising (oops) and then profiled on top of that. What this means is that my unit doesn't actually have 2.1 gamma (central average) using 'Gamma3' but rather 1.8-1.9. Additionally the profiles are a little messed up, although they will increase the gamma which is important.

Could you guys try another profile for me. It should appear some way between the previous two profiles, but let your eyes adjust and obviously feel free to increase brightness if required. It will hopefully provide good richness to many shades without crushing the low end so much, but I'd like to know what you think - Updated ICC profile in review.
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Alright guys. It seems that I'd actually adjusted gamma in the Catalyst Control Centre without realising (oops) and then profiled on top of that. What this means is that my unit doesn't actually have 2.1 gamma (central average) using 'Gamma3' but rather 1.8-1.9. Additionally the profiles are a little messed up, although they will increase the gamma which is important.

Could you guys try another profile for me. It should appear some way between the previous two profiles, but let your eyes adjust and obviously feel free to increase brightness if required. It will hopefully provide good richness to many shades without crushing the low end so much, but I'd like to know what you think - G2460PF(new).icm.

Thanks pcm, will get this added later and tested.
Alright guys. It seems that I'd actually adjusted gamma in the Catalyst Control Centre without realising (oops) and then profiled on top of that. What this means is that my unit doesn't actually have 2.1 gamma (central average) using 'Gamma3' but rather 1.8-1.9. Additionally the profiles are a little messed up, although they will increase the gamma which is important.

Could you guys try another profile for me. It should appear some way between the previous two profiles, but let your eyes adjust and obviously feel free to increase brightness if required. It will hopefully provide good richness to many shades without crushing the low end so much, but I'd like to know what you think - G2460PF(new).icm.

Ditto - I'll be trying tonight; thanks again :)

Is there any way DYI way to test input lag or does it require specialist equipment?
Have the monitor now, Colours/image quality are about the same as my old screen after I've adjusted it to my taste but from first impression freesync is barely working.

I've downloaded the windmill demo and I can see its working but load up BF4 and I have massive tearing just like my old monitor. Especially noticeable when in a chopper and using the mounted machine gun. Between the blades and the flashes from the gun I've got tearing all over my screen.

So is freesync only so good or is something wrong? Set my refresh rate to 120Hz in windows and limit battlefield to 100FPS and I was expecting it to feel super smooth with zero tearing. I have V-sync off which I assume is correct?
Have the monitor now, Colours/image quality are about the same as my old screen after I've adjusted it to my taste but from first impression freesync is barely working.

I've downloaded the windmill demo and I can see its working but load up BF4 and I have massive tearing just like my old monitor. Especially noticeable when in a chopper and using the mounted machine gun. Between the blades and the flashes from the gun I've got tearing all over my screen.

So is freesync only so good or is something wrong? Set my refresh rate to 120Hz in windows and limit battlefield to 100FPS and I was expecting it to feel super smooth with zero tearing. I have V-sync off which I assume is correct?

did you make sure that the game is running fullscreen, you can see if freesync is working in the osd where the resolution and frequency information is. if it is working you will see 144hz (freesync) if it is not working you will see 144hz only or whatever frequency you are running.
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Thanks, I can see where you mean now. It's working but if I'm honest I expected it to make sub 60 FPS so 40-60 range much smoother then it is.m

GTA V at 100FPS Freesyncd is brilliant though.
Thanks, I can see where you mean now. It's working but if I'm honest I expected it to make sub 60 FPS so 40-60 range much smoother then it is.m

GTA V at 100FPS Freesyncd is brilliant though.

I had the same expectation, but is this what FreeSync is even supposed to do? Is this an issue with the implementation, or are we just asking more of the technology than it's capable of?
it seemed to be very smooth for me.
maybe its the games you are trying?
DCS world at 30 was super smooth, like a brand new game at 30.- this however became jumpy below 30.
the witcher 3 was jumpy at first, however settled after a minute of standing still at 30 and was smooth afterwards.
alien isolation seems smooth at 30

granted i have not tried many yet, however i am used to them running at 60 or higher and not 30.

edit: might be worth reading here: and here:, you may or may not have already read the articles, but should clear up any confusion of what is to be expected?
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Thanks, Those article make it sound like I should have no stutter or screen tearing but I do.

Have any of you guys played around with the windmill demo especially the test pattern at below the 55 fps it lets you choose?

Trying to figure out why below sort of 50 FPS does not feel smooth to me and using that test pattern and limiting the FPS using MSI afterburner these are the results i get

50FPs= No Tearing but regular stutters as it crosses the screen
55+FPS= Smooth as butter

For me freesync doesn't seem to work below 50 FPS :(


Also did people screen come with a dual link DVI cable? Says it would on the AOC website but I only got HDMI,DP and VGA
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Thanks, Those article make it sound like I should have no stutter or screen tearing but I do.

Have any of you guys played around with the windmill demo especially the test pattern at below the 55 fps it lets you choose?

Trying to figure out why below sort of 50 FPS does not feel smooth to me and using that test pattern and limiting the FPS using MSI afterburner these are the results i get

50FPs= No Tearing but regular stutters as it crosses the screen
55+FPS= Smooth as butter

For me freesync doesn't seem to work below 50 FPS :(


Also did people screen come with a dual link DVI cable? Says it would on the AOC website but I only got HDMI,DP and VGA

hmm could it be afterburner? are you able to try another limiter. i know ccc doesn't go as low as 30, unfortunately i have not tried the windmill below 55 yet.

if you have a game with built in frame limiting, you could try and see if there is difference between using afterburner and with the in game limiter. this would then potentially determine if afterburner is causing the issues.
ok Will try that now, BF4 has a built in limiter.

PCM2 I have tried your ICC profiles. I like the newest one the best, They all give colours a bit more punch compared to stock.

I did however bump brightness up to 10 to make it look right to me. I left contrast at 50 though. Should I have adjusted this?
I'll try some frame-rate limiting tonight to see if I get the same thing.

Low fps is still low fps - FreeSync won't change this and how it feels by itself but it is meant to help with the associated higher input lag and stuttering that is normally associated with lower fps.

I only got HDMI, DP and VGA cables in the box myself, however, FreeSync only works via DisplayPort anyway so I haven't tested it with any other connection.
missed your earlier comment regarding dvi finners sorry, yes.
cables in the box for me where: DP,HDMI,DL-DVI, VGA and USB.
edit:along with stereo and power..
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Thanks Terminator,

Just tried BF4 at 40 FPS (in-game limiter) freesyncd and I still get screen tearing, I test by sitting in the transport chopper so the blades spin up and switch the the gunner seat and sort of shoot through the blades. That is when I can see the screen tear.


So Henson got a DVI cable? How strange :S I did get a USB and stereo cable to, forgot to mention those.
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