AOC u3477Pqu 34-Inch 3440 x 1440 Monitor

Is it 1.2 only or does it have 1.2a? I can find no information about it.

The manual advises that in the osd one can choose DP 1.1/1.2 - no mention is made of 1.2a.

Although the thought occurs that it may be that they might not mention such specifically if just part of 1.2 when included :confused:
agedidiot whats the picture quality like compared to your dgm

Overall - well, imo ,the dgm is better.:BUT I may have to do more fine tuning than I did with the DGM (which I never adjusted).
DGM seems brighter and more precise somehow - however I do believe that once I get used to the extra acreage and adjust the AOC to my liking it will be at least as good :)

Playing a game with the extra width is , to me , definately more immersive and does make such more enjoyable (been playing with Wolfenstein) :D

Early days yet so not yet ready to give unqualified support but the gains are greater than the loss :) (and as said I believe that with some adjustment I can get the 'puchier' look that the DGM had/has)
ok the screen its self is huge and a joy to look at, however back light ugh!! i wish a manufacturer would take a time out to develop a fix for this .. i know im dreaming but ahhhh, really does put me off spending cash on any screen.

so yeah nice screen, look out for the back light ... i think mine will be going back.

How bad ?

When looking at the photos provided by RichIbiza , mine does not appear as bad and I am running at 70 brightness and not 25. (so hopefully if I reduce further so the bleed will reduce?)- It is not affecting day to day use.

I would agree that given the price one should expect and receive something approaching perfection but that is not going to happen:(
Am not 100% decided yet - will put it through its paces over the weekend before making final call - am hopeful :)
How bad ?

When looking at the photos provided by RichIbiza , mine does not appear as bad and I am running at 70 brightness and not 25. (so hopefully if I reduce further so the bleed will reduce?)- It is not affecting day to day use.

I would agree that given the price one should expect and receive something approaching perfection but that is not going to happen:(
Am not 100% decided yet - will put it through its paces over the weekend before making final call - am hopeful :)

ill try and post a few pics asap
first shot of the aoc AOC Q2770PQU 27" (mainly glow and does not look anything like this to me)

now the aoc 34"


Facing the problem area head on
RMA time there.
That's a bugger I was hoping these would be better than the lg.s.
God knows what I should get now, I haven't the time to play RMA ping pong in the hope of a good one. No other super wide flat screens coming I take it?
yip think i agree with the RMA , love the screen format and as much as i love IPS when its set up right, i am wondering if the VA screens have better luck with the back light issue or is it all screen types that are hit n miss ?
Shameful. Really shameful. There should be some kind of mass lawsuit against LG for this. It's shocking that these are even allowed to leave the factory, it really is. :(
Shameful. Really shameful. There should be some kind of mass lawsuit against LG for this. It's shocking that these are even allowed to leave the factory, it really is. :(

I kinda agree but also suspect it's not only a panel issue. It looks to me the same assembly problem seen in the 34um95. In the AOC it looks like the bleeding is always on the bottom which is where there is the only physical bezel on top of the panel itself. Maybe some brave one can try to swivel it a bit or try to lessen the pressure the panel is clipped with somehow v0v
By a country mile that's WAYYY better, and when it's this obvious from photos, that's really not a good sign. Just angers me that so many monitors suffer with this now... it's only doing damage to the companies in question, and shafting the consumer in the process... but at least you can return it. I hope everyone who has this problem is doing so, because it's the only way they're going to get the message.
It's 1.2 'vanilla'. In fact it could technically be 1.2a... But 1.2a doesn't mean anything, unless it had the addition of Adaptive-Sync which is an optional extra not native to 1.2a. Something ASUS dubs '1.2a+' which I think is a good way to present the support for Adaptive-Sync.

Ah. That is exactly why I was asking. I was under the impression that Adaptive-Sync was part of the 1.2a standard and that 1.2 vanilla did not have Adaptive-Sync.

Thanks for that.
It seems such a shame and rather wrong that it's now just normal for every new monitor release to be random chance whether it's actually usable or not. As someone who's hoping to get a better monitor later this year its very worrying to think that what will probably be the single most expensive component in my system only has a <80% (not neccesarily accurate I know) chance of being decent rather than guarenteed (to within a couple of % total failure rate).

If a £150 gpu were to output signals with the kind of bleeding/interference seen on these and other monitors with the regularity that occurs on monitors there would be an outcry and the manufacturer would be facing massive negative publicity in all the tech press. Yet on £500+ monitors it's seen as 'just one of those things' and it's almost expected that you'll have to RMA a couple until you get a decent one. Seems like madness :(
It seems such a shame and rather wrong that it's now just normal for every new monitor release to be random chance whether it's actually usable or not. As someone who's hoping to get a better monitor later this year its very worrying to think that what will probably be the single most expensive component in my system only has a <80% (not neccesarily accurate I know) chance of being decent rather than guarenteed (to within a couple of % total failure rate).

If a £150 gpu were to output signals with the kind of bleeding/interference seen on these and other monitors with the regularity that occurs on monitors there would be an outcry and the manufacturer would be facing massive negative publicity in all the tech press. Yet on £500+ monitors it's seen as 'just one of those things' and it's almost expected that you'll have to RMA a couple until you get a decent one. Seems like madness :(
I agree completely, and at this price point it's really both very worrying and utterly unacceptable. The fact your consumer rights obviously allow you to return a monitor if you're not happy with it is a positive... but the problem is that you are still at the mercy of the panel lottery and I personally have little confidence a replacement would be any better, given how widespread the issue seems to be. So it holds me back from buying in the first place! I recently went through three replacement TV's due to excessive clouding/DSE, but neither was much better than the previous. LCD/LED tech is just crap, it really is. And I suspect we'll be facing this issue for some time to come, until OLED sorts itself out with the response time/blurring, or another new tech is developed. Until then, it is inevitable this lottery will continue, unless there is some kind of en-masse protest from consumers that forces the manufacturers to do something about it... but I can't see that happening tbh. Far too many people seem to be willing to 'accept' it as 'one of those things' like you say, and that's a very sad state of affairs indeed. :(
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