Apex Legends BR

What a great change to PubG and no building **** like Fortnite. Mostly playing Bloodhound. I think if you get him and Bangalore they can combo nicely by throwing down lots of smoke and then combo with Bloodhound ultimate. Wingman fully stacked is a joy to use also.

SMGs need badly buffed. They are out classed by shotguns close range and don't offer any good mid range advantage either. Likewise is there any point to the 3 shot shotgun that looks like a pistol? It's literally useful only in the first 30 seconds if you drop on the same spot as another team. Game is pretty smooth, looks decent. Gun mechanics are good too. Had a lot of fun using triple threat energy weapon sniper. Once you let it focus so the 3 shots fire in a tighter grouping. Was delicious :D
First evening last night, and enjoyed it with two friends. I was bad, but I eventually managed to kill one other guy.

Just jumped straight in so really need to read up on what I'm supposed to do.
A friend at work told me today this is hitting 1 million concurrent and has had 10 million players since launch...is that correct or is he waffling nonsense?
A friend at work told me today this is hitting 1 million concurrent and has had 10 million players since launch...is that correct or is he waffling nonsense?

Not sure of the figures but its doing very well thats for sure. In terms of viewers on twitch its obliterating Fortnite and PUBG combined. Though thats not surprising for a new title. I remember reading somewhere that Apex had 3.5 million players by the end of the first 24 hours, so with word of mouth spreading its possible that it may have hit 10 million by now.
Not sure of the figures but its doing very well thats for sure. In terms of viewers on twitch its obliterating Fortnite and PUBG combined. Though thats not surprising for a new title. I remember reading somewhere that Apex had 3.5 million players by the end of the first 24 hours, so with word of mouth spreading its possible that it may have hit 10 million by now.

I guess I should give it a try then, do love PUBG although got proper fatigue of it over the last year after ploughing in around 1000 hours in the first year or so of release.

Watched a few vids of Aculite and Fugglet playing, i like the aesthetic and play style but felt like it's a bit too cluttered and busy if that makes sense?
What is the hacking/cheating like, are we at a PUBG standard yet ?

Harder to know for sure due to the abilities that can be used but I had dodgy moment in a game we won. Random guy on our squad. Didn't do anything dodgy until the end game. 3 Squads left including us, we spot a guy using the zipline and descend on him. I get a knock, so not an instant kill. We finish him off and the random guy just goes yolo towards an area past some cliffs. Ran past a whole building complex that anyone could have been hiding in, considering we just downed a guy from the other side. So he just runs past that compound to the a narrow passage in which it ends up being us 3 vs 1 guy left who dies to the zone.
Random squads is just that. Jumpmasters who glide to hot area's last and get the whole squad killed. Players who quit b4 revival or recovery expecting other squad members to yolo into a situation instead of waiting patiently and moaning about it in voice chat. Downed players who sit in the open waiting for the inevitable.... About 1 in 20 times you get some half decent team players. That said, it is very addictive. Loving SMG's and the G7 Scout.

Edit- I forgot to add players trying to shoot teammates instead of the enemy. Muppets!
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So played a few games no wins but I think I'm enjoying it. Some people just seem so good consider how long it's been out. Still scared to use my ultras as I'd like to know when to use them first... might just have to randomly abuse them.
Do they cool down? Or is a one shot thing?
Worst thing about this so far is the rubber banding and patchy lag, in particular on landing from the start of games. The bug not allowing you to join new games will hopefully be fixed shortly.
Not having any of that here.

Have had the "slow mode" feeling for first 2 mins of game perhaps 3 or 4 times in 40 odd games.

What I have had a fair bit of (a quarter of my games?) Is having to restart the game as I can't ready for the next game. (Playing as random, finish a match, yet it says my party is not ready when I do click ready...)

Early days, lots of players. Very impressed so far.
Is this a peer to peer game? i.e. does one player act as the server for all the others in a match? Or are there actual game servers lurking in the background?
Just encountered my first cheat. Entire squad got wiped from out of nowhere, and upon spectating the guy was just running about with a pistol killing people that were not even within sight or range. He was just shooting in their direction and racking the kills.
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