Apex Legends BR

First game of the day and came second. Had a feeder that did 7 damage the entire game and when it was 3v2 for the last squad my other team mate went and took them on solo, and got downed.

Second game the Jumpmaster did the equivalent of a Dark Souls fat roll all the way to the floor. Obviously the enemy squads and their great grankids touched down before us and we ended up on a dirt road with 4 containers but still managed to take out 1 squad before falling to another squad that came out of the Artillery.

Hopefully I have better luck in game 3.
Don't care if you like it or not. These games are garbage.
I have HATED every battle royale game ive played so far, hated fortnite, utter poop, bought pubg in the hope I would like it....NOPE,poop, but this game I actually really like which surprises me, its defo the best battle royale game out there.

It does have some down sides that I hope get fixed like the amount of bullets it takes to kill someone especially when they have loads of armour, it dosnt stop it from being fun somehow though, im not sure why but this feels different than any other other BR game ive tried.

Give it a go if you haven't already, it might surprise you, it has me :)
Played a few hours tonight, good fun but by god, everyone is a bullet sponge, needs reducing the armor massively.
Had over 1500 damage with 1 kill in a game last night. I think about 600 of that somehow went into one person at distance with the M1 Garand looking light sniper, completely lit him up everytime he came out of cover and couldn't believe he was alive still. Then he managed to sneak on us while his buddies went the other way and he one tapped me with either the pistol shotgun or the magnum. I had full HP, purple chest armor and blue helmet with 3/4 rank shield. Died before I even knew i was taking damage, completely stunned me after I'd put 30 odd bullets into him but I don't think it is a class thing as he still took 30 damage a hit like other targets from the rifle. He was the tank Samoan dude and I was the black chick soldier.

Just made no sense, good game though.
Haven't won a game on this since launch...


Playing with randoms, won 3 in a row - with 8,7,9 kills! Really feel like you need an AR / Sniper and Shotgun to cover all bases. The auto shotty is great IMO. Love this game!
Yeah the amount of time it takes to kill is mental, unloaded 2 mags into someone with an SMG and still ended up dying. Putting me off it really.
Why? If you don't like them then don't ******* play them then! It ain't exactly rocket surgery is it? Or are you so weak minded and easily led that you can't help playing something that you don't like?


I think you got a bit excited there and got yourself confused mate.
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What sort of FPS are people getting on the dive in? I’m getting 70-80 at 1440p with my Titan pascal...also if you’re spectating is it really laggy?
What sort of FPS are people getting on the dive in? I’m getting 70-80 at 1440p with my Titan pascal...also if you’re spectating is it really laggy?
Cant remember off the top of my head but the drop in I get low fps compared to the rest of the game, I play in 4k with a 2070, while on the ground I mostly get 60fps though ( have vsync on in nvc) but sometimes I will get like a weird drop for no apparent reason to really low frames, like high 30s! then will shoot back up to 60fps

Yep when spectating others they always look laggy, my mate who has a i9 and 2080ti says the same, its not you, its the game so don't worry lol
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I haven't enjoyed any BR games but this is smooth. I'm not good at it but it's enjoyable enough that I want to get better.

Some of the damage is inconsistent, 15+ hits from some guns but 1 shot from others can be frustrating.

Played one last night with some OCUKers where none of us had any ammo. I beast-alted into the building (2 other squads alive) where some guys had us pinned down from so I could use my shotgun but got 1 shot in the face before the door open animation had completed.
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