Apex Legends BR

So who is your favourite Legends to play?

I'm loving either Bloodhound and going ham with a shotgun in close quarters while in Ult, or going as Bangalore with the smoke grenades! So helpful in some situations, on offence and defence situations.
I've mostly been the guy with the shield on his gun and can create an impenetrable down-shield regularly. Still haven't used his ultimate ability though!
I've mostly been the guy with the shield on his gun and can create an impenetrable down-shield regularly. Still haven't used his ultimate ability though!

He has a really good Ult. It's a air strike and can be so good for clearing out enemies from behind cover.
4 Wins so far today and 3 wins back to back.

Going for a 4th game and someone pings the other side of the map and the Jumpmaster instantly drops, I'm looking up at the dropship going far faster than us and if we stayed in we'd have got there a lot quicker. So as the drop was way too early we didn't make the ping location and dropped into the desert with 3 huts nearby, I grab a Wingman and hear rustling so I ping and confirm one enemy and then BLAM BLAM BLAM team mates firing so I follow the path I saw the enemy take and ended up on the flank of the rest of the enemy team who at this point had already put down one of mine and I in turn put down their Wraith, enemy Gibraltor spots me and fires so I fire a Decoy his way and run into a building and flank him but don't drop him, by this point I see my other team mate is down. After a bit of dodging and juking I recover one beacon, my other guy left the game. I run all the way to a respawn and just as I get there the other guy leaves completely wasting my heroic effort to bring him back in the game. Then I got shot in the back while I was in disbelief over running all that way for him to just leave.
Lifeline for me - Always end up playing medic class etc in games for some weird reason....

Going to get Mirage shortly as I have about 10k in game credit already.
Just downloaded... started play the training

Pc crashed... now in bits all over floor

Look in general hardware forum to help plz
Under strange pc problems

Cheers ;)
Is anybody else getting this on Origin when they close the game down?


No matter how many times I retry, it just fails. And I don't know why it says 28 hours played either.
Anyone had server out of sync message after being booted out of game? Also, game appears choppy at times with rubber banding?
Last game of the day was finally quite a decent one, after 5 games of dying with 0 kills i manage to get 7! Getting a better feel for the weapons now.
Managed to finally get a game where I wasn't locked out of picking Gibraltar, really wanted to try him out, and just as we land my Mother phones. So seeing as you can't pause I crouched behind a truck and, as I was just explaining to my Mother that her friend doesn't need to pay some local PC store to upgrade her laptop to W10, I get popped by a bloody sniper.
Great Game beware theres a strange issue where on my rtx 2060 runs better in windows than fullscreen.

It also killed my friends 2080ti. Memory is goosed rip
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Perhaps clock speed of 1600x? Runs well framerate wise for me and others from what I've seen.

I get 4.1 ghz for up to 4 threads so doubt it - looking at the map in the air before dropping I get 59 fps which seems off.

Feet on the ground I can't get over 100 with all settings disabled/low apart from AA and 1440p.
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