Apex Legends BR

Tbh Stodeh could have a brick and be getting headshots halfway across any map he plays, he is disgusting.

True that man is an unbelievable headshot machine, still said he feels its the best all round gun in the game so far, i'd not go that far but that and a prowler secondary with the fire select mode are a fearsome duo.
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had a couple more games and although I am terrible and not got a kill yet lol I do like it, imo its the best battle royal game out to date!
This is the funniest and most ludicrous claim you've made on here.

Yeah the moderators deleted all our posts for being "off topic rubbish" but not sure how Walter Mitty's comment is still available to view.

Anyway the game is not too bad, I've played 10 mins of it, quite enjoyable so far.
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Played a few games and I like it hopefully it doesn't die out like multiplayer for Titanfall 1 and 2 did. Not sure everyone is aware of the respawn mechanic had quite a few randoms disconnect before I even get a chance to get their banner.
Anyone else getting 'out of sync with server' error messages, then getting kicked out of game? Happened twice in 2 games. Gonna give it a couple of days to stabilise before wasting time on it. Seems fairly good fun so far besides that.
Seem to spend a lot of time away from other players then end up to the last couple sqauds and die. No kills yet and I've hit lvl 4, not sure why I'm so bad but it needs map balance I think.

Deffobhas potential though, it's a bit frantic once you get into a fight and inventory management is a bit different to PUBG.
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Just been in a random team with no comms and we ruled, first time a random PUG has actually worked as a team! Got my first win. Only used a pistol and a sniper rifle too. Goint to have to sort out the keybinds though, definitely having to switch to EDSF.

Still need some friends on Origin though.
Games just ctd 3 times in a row when loading for me with some error about anti cheat and a windows file,has anyone else had this?


Clicked on repair game in origin and its now downloading 9gb of files lol so guess something screwed up in the download
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Played a few matches last night. My 2nd match we finished 2nd overall. But that was cos my squad was practically down and out and as I was trying to take out a member of the other squad, I was hit and next thing I hear was my "squadmates" calling me a "d o u c h e" for trying to finish off the other squad and failing miserably at it. So much for gratitude. Still what a bunch of babies they were. I was just pleased to get a full game out of it and enjoyed it for what it is.

I don't take games too seriously as I am not a hardcore gamer. But I could get used to playing this. :)
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