Started to save some clips over the last week after hitting some mid air longbow shots that I was pretty please about
Nice clips, there are a couple in the middle and most at the end where the sound isn't there though, are you aware of that?
I think I’m giving up on this game. Usually get 90 FPS on drop ship (1080p everything low) then settles to 144fps with usual drops.
Not stellar performance considering I have 8700k and gtx1080 and have to play at 1080p to get solidify 144fps on 14440p monitor but playable
then suddenly on a different day, like today I get 35 FPS from drop ship and game gets no where near 144fps and feels awful. I always get solid 144fps on training still but performance elsewhere drops through the floor.
It has been a bit variable for me lately as well. I have a similar system running at 1440p (1080Ti though). Sometimes I get a nice 120 and it's quite stable but other times it runs like a dog, a fortnight ago I was getting drops to 80's mid game which felt awful.
I wouldn't advise running at 1080p though if it isn't a native resolution for the monitor.