Apex Legends BR

hate him too but not because he's gash. he's like a troll char. caught a bit of some streamer (who actually looked a bit like Gibraltar i.e. fat and puffy) lobbing them down and intentionally setting them off himself early game in skulltown - he rinsed about 5 or 6 players that way. even just watching the stream i wanted to put is fat sweaty head through his monitor :p
Caustic has actually become one of the most powerful characters at end game. All the legends are quite well balanced I think. I’ve even used Mirage’s ultimate to skip past a team and rip them a new one from behind.
Anyone have some worse than normal server problems last night? Likely between 9 & 10. Had a very slow start but started to get a few knocks and a couple of top 5's. Nothing to shout home about.
Getting fed up with daily challenges not tracking properly for me. Had to do finisher as Octane, no problem. Did it at least 3 times today and not once did it count. 2 other times on top of that people disconnected from the game as i was in the middle of it as well so no wonder those didn't count. Other ones like kills or headshots not counting for characters too. For instance I had to to 5 headshots (as anyone) and 5 headshots as mirage in one day. I did 5/5 as mirage in one game but only 4/5 of the other one ticked off for the other challenge. Stuff like that constantly happening. Anyone else get this?
Have been playing awfully past few nights, very few kills and getting killed very quickly. I feel like I’ve regressed recently.
You say that as if you were great tess :p

Only joking, I ain't been on in awhile to save you that's all, I think sometimes myself at least get too focused on the challanges instead of surviving and killing others
Finally managed to get 2K damage badge, I'm slowly improving

Also, I wiped a unknown twitch streamer last night and he had 20 kill badge etc It is so weird seeing your own movement from another players perspective, anyway I melted him ( my team mate may have helped a little bit ;) )
Has this game got a problem with inconsistent bullet reg? I've only been playing a couple of days, so hardly a good level of experience but the difference between Wednesday and Thursday is like night and day, Wednesday bullets seemed to register nice and crisp then yesterday it's like I'm firing rubber bullets.

I'm not good by any means, in fact I suck but I've been playing online FPS long enough to know when someone should be getting melted and when my aim is just potato.
Has this game got a problem with inconsistent bullet reg? I've only been playing a couple of days, so hardly a good level of experience but the difference between Wednesday and Thursday is like night and day, Wednesday bullets seemed to register nice and crisp then yesterday it's like I'm firing rubber bullets.

I'm not good by any means, in fact I suck but I've been playing online FPS long enough to know when someone should be getting melted and when my aim is just potato.
I also have this problem. Some games it’s like you’re god, others it’s like you’re not. Some nights people just melt in front of you, others you may as well be blowing in their direction for all the good your bullets do.
For the hitreg stuff, i would suggest recording your games with something like OBS

Once you've done that, you can go back to whatever kill you like and double check where your bullets went. I've done that a lot and have more faith in the system because of it..
I've noticed that sometimes when I log in it's connected me to some US or Australian datacentre with ridiculous ping (bottom of the screen where you click Continue), so maybe that could have happened to you? I always make sure to check. But yes sometime things can just be bad in general I think.
I've noticed that sometimes when I log in it's connected me to some US or Australian datacentre with ridiculous ping (bottom of the screen where you click Continue), so maybe that could have happened to you? I always make sure to check. But yes sometime things can just be bad in general I think.

Interesting I did wonder whether there was a way of seeing your ping in game, thanks for the heads up.
I think I’m giving up on this game. Usually get 90 FPS on drop ship (1080p everything low) then settles to 144fps with usual drops.
Not stellar performance considering I have 8700k and gtx1080 and have to play at 1080p to get solidify 144fps on 14440p monitor but playable

then suddenly on a different day, like today I get 35 FPS from drop ship and game gets no where near 144fps and feels awful. I always get solid 144fps on training still but performance elsewhere drops through the floor.
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