Apex Legends BR

not actually tried the L-STAR yet. the inability to pick up ammo for it terrifies me given the amount of shots i'd be putting into the ground/air/terrain :p
won a game with Tesslacoil last night. Had the L-STAR was the first time iv used it and its a beast close range it just obliterates anything in its way.
Indeed we did. And yes it’s quite powerful up close., you just need to be careful of it overheating.

Nearly hopped in with you guys and then didn't, a bit gutted I didn't now.

not actually tried the L-STAR yet. the inability to pick up ammo for it terrifies me given the amount of shots i'd be putting into the ground/air/terrain :p

LOL I feel so sorry for anyone that ends up in the same squad as you and I.
Just don't dare steal his beloved Octane :p
i actually surrendered Octane last night to run some cruddy weeklies. The fat samoan bloke (or whatever nationality he's meant to be) is utterly gash. pained me so much to play a few games as him. he's even worse than that utter platypus Mirage

p.s. platypus = totally pointless and needless creature but looks funny/cool.
i actually surrendered Octane last night to run some cruddy weeklies. The fat samoan bloke (or whatever nationality he's meant to be) is utterly gash. pained me so much to play a few games as him. he's even worse than that utter platypus Mirage

p.s. platypus = totally pointless and needless creature but looks funny/cool.

haha gibraltar is amazing.

his shield is great for picking up downed team mates or even for just healing yourself or fighting from dipping in and out of cover.

mirage i agree though is mince but gibraltar is decent.

the only ones i don't like tbh are bloodhound and mirage every other character is usable and situational.
haha gibraltar is indeed utterly gash.

his shield is completely useless for picking up downed team mates as it just encourages the enemy to rush in and smash you, same with healing. plop a big daft dome down and attract the attention of anyone in a 100 mile radius. kind of alright for fighting from, dipping in and out of cover but then the enemy either rush again or sod off and wait till it dissipates.
fixed that for you :p
fixed that for you :p

sounds like you need to git gud.

put some damage on the opposing team so they are forced to heal. then plop dome down on top of downed team mate and get them up.

it is situational and he is a defensive character but i've actually won a game using a dome on top of a building and throwing my ulti down as teams were running up the hill to a very small circle. i also shot at them dipping in and out. so they had 3 options run outside the zone to heal and die from zone damage or get killed by ulti or push me with weak health. one of them made it to my bubble and just got put down another got killed by the blasts. my team mate killed the third.

his ulti will destroy you if you are caught in it. it's instant death regardless of what shield and health you have. it will down you and kill you. no chance of being revived.
sounds like you need to git gud.
oh without a doubt, just ask anyone that's played with me but my cruddines doesn't stop samoa joe being gash

put some damage on the opposing team so they are forced to heal. then plop dome down on top of downed team mate and get them up.
you need to quit playing against bots. even me in all my scrubbiness knows that if an enemy is down and a 'come kill me' dome pops up i'm going in baws hanging out because one knobber inside it will be on his knees rimming his team mate while player 3 will be left hold their own noodle praying for a quick death :p

it is situational and he is a defensive character but i've actually won a game using a dome on top of a building and throwing my ulti down as teams were running up the hill to a very small circle.
so useful for a 1 in a million finish. i'll bear that in mind :D

joking aside i'm sure some folks find his char useful, just not for me though
All the characters have been balanced well with the patches. Mirage is still pants though and I find bloodhound there is too much going on and his ulti is useless tbh it's too distracting and later on against good players will get you picked off.

The only other legends good for getting people up are lifeline and bangalore. Maybe caustic if you can canister off a building.
Maybe caustic if you can canister off a building.
hate him too but not because he's gash. he's like a troll char. caught a bit of some streamer (who actually looked a bit like Gibraltar i.e. fat and puffy) lobbing them down and intentionally setting them off himself early game in skulltown - he rinsed about 5 or 6 players that way. even just watching the stream i wanted to put is fat sweaty head through his monitor :p
hate him too but not because he's gash. he's like a troll char. caught a bit of some streamer (who actually looked a bit like Gibraltar i.e. fat and puffy) lobbing them down and intentionally setting them off himself early game in skulltown - he rinsed about 5 or 6 players that way. even just watching the stream i wanted to put is fat sweaty head through his monitor :p

That smoke is lethal especially early game when nobody has shields.

I've won quite a few games using him in season 2 he was gash in season 1
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