Apex Legends BR

Yeah when I happens to me I dont get a error message either, sometimes I can get into task manager to force a close sometimes I have to restart the pc.
On latest drivers with a i7 7700k and a gtx 1070.

Haven't been playing much ranked but just got back to plat last night, anyone else about that level at the moment to grind some ranked with?
Yeah when I happens to me I dont get a error message either, sometimes I can get into task manager to force a close sometimes I have to restart the pc.
On latest drivers with a i7 7700k and a gtx 1070.

Haven't been playing much ranked but just got back to plat last night, anyone else about that level at the moment to grind some ranked with?
Join the discord. I’m gold 3 I think, mainly as we tend to play normal.
Got to play for several hours yesterday for once as I had a day off and the baby was at the grandparents. Got paired in ranked with some German bloke that spoke English and we stuck together, he was really good. We won several games and a few more top 5s. Climbed to 8 points off getting into gold. Think I was Silver 3 when i started in the day so not bad! We'd have done better but some reason he had either a mate or a random who was level 12 with him that just died constantly at the start of the game or at every fight. He was awful. So everything we won was actually just the 2 of us. All the wins were 6 and 7 kills each.
Unranked is unplayable due to the amount of solo warriors and quitters. Some days it's not that much better in Ranked either but i still love it.
Just getting into this game lately, love the way you get a second chance if your team bring you back, keeps you hooked more than the other BR games.

Although I am getting a lot of random crashes now, crazy how there's no way to jump back into the action after a DC like you can on PUBG for example.
Just getting into this game lately, love the way you get a second chance if your team bring you back, keeps you hooked more than the other BR games.

Although I am getting a lot of random crashes now, crazy how there's no way to jump back into the action after a DC like you can on PUBG for example.
Do you get the dxgi error device hung?
And agreed, they need badly the reconnect function
Do you get the dxgi error device hung?
And agreed, they need badly the reconnect function

I forgot what the error said exactly now, It's always the same though, Seen many posts online about it, Alt tabbing out is meant to be a cause, ruled out Anti virus, windows defender, MSI afterburner, rivatuner, etc, run as admin, full screen/windowed.
I'll just have to deal with it for now, it's really random sometimes 4-5 crashes in 1 hour, some nights none at all, the games worth putting up with it for now.
I've had teamates teabag me while im down because I didnt give him an item from my(Lifeline) supply drop

I was playing with a mate and randoms the other day. I had gotten 3 kills within the first few seconds. Every single guy as soon as I'd killed him the random looted him whilst I reloaded. He took every piece of decent armour, etc.

I then call in a supply drop. Oh nice a purple I frantically click on it assuming i have it on as i check the other sides. Nope he got it first and dropped the blue he stole earlier from me.

As per usual he gets dropped in the first engagement and then quits.

I said this before and got flamed. This isn't a game to play with randoms. You need a proper team to enjoy it fully. Yes you will get some decent games sometimes with randoms but the majority will be woeful. No mic to boot either. So no call outs, no pinging, nothing but stealing loot.
I was playing with a mate and randoms the other day. I had gotten 3 kills within the first few seconds. Every single guy as soon as I'd killed him the random looted him whilst I reloaded. He took every piece of decent armour, etc.

I then call in a supply drop. Oh nice a purple I frantically click on it assuming i have it on as i check the other sides. Nope he got it first and dropped the blue he stole earlier from me.

As per usual he gets dropped in the first engagement and then quits.

I said this before and got flamed. This isn't a game to play with randoms. You need a proper team to enjoy it fully. Yes you will get some decent games sometimes with randoms but the majority will be woeful. No mic to boot either. So no call outs, no pinging, nothing but stealing loot.
Know the feeling too well. I started out on PS4 and recently got my first PC(BTW not sure if you would recognise but I posted the other day how you helped me save money looking back) I had two mates on PC keep telling me how they looking forward to me getting my PC so I could be the 3rd.

I now understand why...
Know the feeling too well. I started out on PS4 and recently got my first PC(BTW not sure if you would recognise but I posted the other day how you helped me save money looking back) I had two mates on PC keep telling me how they looking forward to me getting my PC so I could be the 3rd.

I now understand why...

yeah I did see that post. well done for not listening to people saying you need to spend £3.5K on a gaming PC to be able to play games properly. It isn't a cheap hobby but no way is it that expensive either if you pick your parts and upgrades sensibly.

I play mainly CSGO now and I will only ever play with randoms if I'm playing faceit. Normal matchmaking then friends only. We had 4 on the other day so were playing with randoms and within the first few rounds we knew we just had to kick the random on the last round. He was flaming us for no call outs yet he never gave info once. He baited us every round. I dropped weapons and 3 rounds later I need a drop and he refuses to do it even though he's loaded. He was a typical russian with a terrible mic. It's like all Russians go to the same crappy mic store on purpose and buy the worst mic they have.
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