Apex Legends BR

yeah I did see that post. well done for not listening to people saying you need to spend £3.5K on a gaming PC to be able to play games properly. It isn't a cheap hobby but no way is it that expensive either if you pick your parts and upgrades sensibly.

I play mainly CSGO now and I will only ever play with randoms if I'm playing faceit. Normal matchmaking then friends only. We had 4 on the other day so were playing with randoms and within the first few rounds we knew we just had to kick the random on the last round. He was flaming us for no call outs yet he never gave info once. He baited us every round. I dropped weapons and 3 rounds later I need a drop and he refuses to do it even though he's loaded. He was a typical russian with a terrible mic. It's like all Russians go to the same crappy mic store on purpose and buy the worst mic they have.
No offense to anyone but... those damn russians.

Also endless complaints over ''im lagging im lagging''
I've just started playing this on laptop (Win10 64bit, i7-7700HQ, 16GB RAM, GTX1070) with an undervolt on the CPU is set at -0.140mv for the CPU core and CPU cache with -0.100mv on the iGPU. This is all using throttle stop.

I think my 1070 is limited at around 860mv and 1850Mhz.

Now, ive done the stress tests in throttlestop and played Battlefield 1 on ultra settings for a good few hours with no issue.

When I play Apex Legends, I get crashes. Sometimes I cant even get off the jump pad and others I'll play for 20-30 minutes or full matches. Some crashes show D3D11 and others show a RAM error by the looks of it with an error Exception_access_violation.

Reckon it's the undervolt or am I just having a crap time with it running properly?
I've just started playing this on laptop (Win10 64bit, i7-7700HQ, 16GB RAM, GTX1070) with an undervolt on the CPU is set at -0.140mv for the CPU core and CPU cache with -0.100mv on the iGPU. This is all using throttle stop.

I think my 1070 is limited at around 860mv and 1850Mhz.

Now, ive done the stress tests in throttlestop and played Battlefield 1 on ultra settings for a good few hours with no issue.

When I play Apex Legends, I get crashes. Sometimes I cant even get off the jump pad and others I'll play for 20-30 minutes or full matches. Some crashes show D3D11 and others show a RAM error by the looks of it with an error Exception_access_violation.

Reckon it's the undervolt or am I just having a crap time with it running properly?
Try it without the undervolt and see if it still does it
Try it without the undervolt and see if it still does it

Well thats too logical :D.
I'll give it another go tomorrow. It was working away fine the other day with it applied.
I should have probably asked the question in a different sub group and rather queried if an undervolt can work in 99% of tasks and not the other 1%.
SBMM in Apex has made solo queuing almost unplayable. 4/5 times ill be squaded with < level 50 players who have no idea and the champion squad will all be 3 x Pred/20K/4K badges!! It basically ends up a solo v 3 every fight (impossible against a decent team working squad). At best you can hope for is a low level player actually using a smurf account get fudged stats etc.

Even if i do get squaded with a Pred they pretty much always hot drop, die in 10 secs then quit. Its like if they don't get near a 20 kill bomb (only achievable from a hot drop these days) then its not worth hanging around when they can instant quit and re-queue.
Yeap agree. I played SBMM casual last night. Lots of preds and diamonds. So sweaty.

I then switched to ranked to play a more casual game!!!

They've completely messed it up.
I reckon we will be seeing SBMM heavily involved in most games from now on.

Yes. Respawn are catering for the average player. Probably 85% of the population. Ultimately it means they retain them as they have a more fun experience.

However for the hardcore or skilled players that have ranked up it screws them over. They can't just jump in for a quick relaxed game.
Yes. Respawn are catering for the average player. Probably 85% of the population. Ultimately it means they retain them as they have a more fun experience.

However for the hardcore or skilled players that have ranked up it screws them over. They can't just jump in for a quick relaxed game.

I'm noticing this with the new Modern Warfare. Every single game just feels tough going and I'm only a level 30 odd at the minute.
I've also noticed it in Apex but only level 7 I think so far.
I cant see how the SBMM is even working correctly if its throwing in new players with me against pre-made Pred squads. Personally I think they should keep pre-made squads out of the same games with solo queue'rs if possible.
I cant see how the SBMM is even working correctly if its throwing in new players with me against pre-made Pred squads. Personally I think they should keep pre-made squads out of the same games with solo queue'rs if possible.

Yeah I've found that. Level 5 and 6s and then level 101 me. Vs team of preds.
I cant see how the SBMM is even working correctly if its throwing in new players with me against pre-made Pred squads. Personally I think they should keep pre-made squads out of the same games with solo queue'rs if possible.

The fact it IS working correctly is what people are moaning about. Loads of people on Reddit are moaning that they can't have 6 or 10 kill games or 2k damage games and 3-4 wins a night anymore as they're paired with 'pre-made sweaty squads with comms' and they get murdered in short order. What they're really complaining about, although they'll deny it, is they can't stomp a public server with lower level players any more and they have to work harder and smarter and they refuse to improve, adapt and make themselves better players.
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