Apex Legends BR

I'm getting really annoyed with randoms. Dropped hot, both squadmates downed and were killed off. They both left the server. Killed the one complete squad that downed them and 3 other individuals in less than 2 minutes, becoming kill leader in the process. I would have picked up my squad mates too, as I had the opportunity. Killed a further 4 players before getting wiped out by another squad mid-special move as the wraith ... If only they'd stayed just to be cannon fodder again.
Fun game with a group of friends. With randoms it can be a little too frustrating and you can end up getting steamrolled by any team that's half organised.
I've managed to get on by waiting, however seems sluggish. Had one game where everyone was in mega slow motion. Think the servers are having a tough day.
I've managed to get on by waiting, however seems sluggish. Had one game where everyone was in mega slow motion. Think the servers are having a tough day.

Also the last three drop ins I will found no guns or a pistol...
Finally managed to have a proper go at this last night. It took a while to get a feel for the different weapons (I'm favouring the lmgs), and I'm still rubbish, but managed to have a couple of good rounds. I like that if it all goes pear shaped for you, you can be back in another round very quickly, or if spectating you know that a) you'll be respawned soon or b) you'll be dropping into a new game soon.
This morning I turned on ReLive on my AMD setup and now even when it's turned off, the game blanks out for a split second, then again for a couple of seconds... this happens kinda randomly through the game. I've updated to the very latest drivers. Was fine all of yesterday :( **EDIT** Oh, okay... it's just done it viewing the forum. I think I know what it is then, the refresh rate is too high for my old Gfx card to cope with I think.

I am consistently getting 1 or 2 kills a game now at least. Got my first win last night, carried by my mate getting 8 kills and our random teammate getting 6... I don't think I got any :( Love Mirage and his decoys though, some great tactics can be used with them.
This is a game that needs persistence to learn if you like me are generally poor at fps games. I've put about 50 hours into it this week and am now becoming a lot, lot better at the game. I love the longer TTK in the game, because it gives older players like me a chance. Evade, recover, use special abilities well and the game becomes fun even if you are being carried by teammates. Kills aren't everything. I won this morning with 2 kills, my teammates had 6 each, but neither of them would have been there if I hadn't evaded using the wraith ability then made a portal back to pick them up for recovery.
Really, really enjoying this. To be honest I thought id fell out of love with gaming and just grew up not got into anything multiplayer in years. I spend more time reading about them on here than playing these days. But I'm totally in love with this game. Reminds me of that first time I played Doom2 or quake 3 and Unreal 99 totally hooked and really enjoy the game win or loose.

I found fortnite to childish, H1z1 clunky, overwatch to competitive, blackout, filled with hackers over night and PUBG full of lifes winners, guys still living at home with mommy way into their 30s.

Game came out of know where and yes the servers had small issues for about an hour last night but no one including respawn expected it to do this well. Can't remember a game of late that came out this solid and polished and most of all fun. GOTY for me already.
Enjoying it so far. Even became the kill leader and then won as Champion in a game yesterday. And im usually rubbish.
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