Apex Legends BR

Not a fan of BR games, enjoy them to a point but never longterm so ive stopped playing this a long tiem ago.
This xmas train event looks fantastic, i love the gunplay in apex pretty much identical to titanfall2 so this type of mode might be worth checking out.
the only game I have loved in a long time is going straight down the *******, because of SBMM

not because I want to roll noobs everyday, but because my casual games are about as difficult as my diamond ranked games. you que solo, you come up against a stacked predator squad. I have friends, they aren't at my or my friends level, and we love playing with him, but then we get chucked straight into a server with about 5-10 predator squads, and maybe more diamond. there is no casual relaxed mode anymore

the train mode is a lot of fun though
On my very last nerve with this game. Not long been playing Ranked but got into Platinum this week and just had 6!!! games in a row where my teams got into a 3v3 and the 3rd member on our team refuses to fight. Literally just ran off and hid everytime then waited for the enemy squad to leave to loot our boxes.

I know this happens rarely normally as you always come across a ******** online but to flat out refuse to fight or even try to grab banners is disgusting.

Is this how it is in Plat and above?
On my very last nerve with this game. Not long been playing Ranked but got into Platinum this week and just had 6!!! games in a row where my teams got into a 3v3 and the 3rd member on our team refuses to fight. Literally just ran off and hid everytime then waited for the enemy squad to leave to loot our boxes.

I know this happens rarely normally as you always come across a ******** online but to flat out refuse to fight or even try to grab banners is disgusting.

Is this how it is in Plat and above?

Yeah it's just a bad player playing ultra conservative. Should come in the underclockers discord. There a few folk on Plat. Pref and Dia is impossible to solo :(
Yeah it's just a bad player playing ultra conservative. Should come in the underclockers discord. There a few folk on Plat. Pref and Dia is impossible to solo :(

Thanks for the invite, will have to dig my headset out as been playing Platinum solo and it's impossible to progress with randoms with no voice chat.
What's the etiquette for joining the Discord and wanting to squad up? As I've recently made a return to PC games it'd be good to actually have people on comms to play with. I've never done ranked on Apex and casual games are an absolute cluster funk due to the reasons you're all very aware of based on the comments above. Don't wanna just awkwardly muscle in on a group though :D
What's the etiquette for joining the Discord and wanting to squad up? As I've recently made a return to PC games it'd be good to actually have people on comms to play with. I've never done ranked on Apex and casual games are an absolute cluster funk due to the reasons you're all very aware of based on the comments above. Don't wanna just awkwardly muscle in on a group though :D
Join the Discord, join an Apex room, people will be along although it's generally evenings only. Add people on origin, play. Just don't be sweaty, we're all there to have fun, we win some, we lose a lot more but we have a laugh and a chat.
Join the Discord, join an Apex room, people will be along although it's generally evenings only. Add people on origin, play. Just don't be sweaty, we're all there to have fun, we win some, we lose a lot more but we have a laugh and a chat.

Exactly what I was hoping for. People that will team up but not get too try hard with it. Thanks for the info :)
Only been playing for 3-4 days but loving it so far. Nice change over Destiny 2. Can't get enough but it's frustrating. I'm sure it'll get easier the more I play though.

Also this....

Night mode will be amazing

The event, a massive party hosted by everyone’s favorite robot Pathfinder, will feature a mix of seven familiar and new game modes.

  • Gold Rush Duos: Players participate in Duo matches where the weapons that they find will only be powerful gold ones.
  • LIVE. DIE. LIVE.: Players will automatically respawn on living squadmates whenever the ring closes, so teams will keep coming back at full strength as long as one member stays alive.
  • Third-Person Mode: Gameplay shifts from first-person view to third-person view.
  • Always Be Closing: The ring will keep shrinking, so players will need to keep moving to avoid taking massive damage.
  • Armed and Dangerous on World’s Edge: Similar to last year’s Voidwalker event on King’s Canyon, the shotguns and sniper rifles mode moves to the Season 3 map.
  • King’s Canyon After Dark: The night-time version of King’s Canyon returns, but unlike its first appearance in last year’s Halloween event, there will be no zombies.
  • Dummies Big Day: This mode remains unclear, but it appears that players will look like test dummies.
Keep an eye out for forge death box in game, has abit of lore in it and you get a charm from it.

It's not always in same place from what I can tell, as the place I found it I had been to multiple times
I'm a Mirage main, what changed with his ultimate?
It’s not been confirmed yet but the previous LTM Dummies big day had an ultimate very similar to Mirages Ult, but the dummies copied your actions. If you crouched they did, if you jumped they did. Some people are seeing it as a test or teaser for a buff to Mirage’s Ultimate.
Mirages ultimate would be good if it would split and the decoys went randomly themselves ... Such as open doors and walk through building etc.

Then you could cast it at a building as a distraction.
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