Apex Legends BR

What the **** is going on tonight? I pump rounds galore into people and do little to no damage, yet they can drop me in one or two shots even with Gibraltar's shield active and wearing blue armour? Haven't had a single kill tonight, despite being in positions where it was almost guaranteed.
I'm loving bloodhound at the moment. That extra situational awareness makes a huge difference for me. Mostly because I have terrible awareness.

Highlight of last night was pushing round on a team that was shooting us from an opposite building. They popped smoke, I used my ult and ran into the haze pumping peacemaker rounds into the big red shapes.

One of my buddies on discord was trying out the scout and as we stood outside the door about to push in he accidentally ziplined himself into the room instead of throwing a nade. I thought it was a clever breaching tactic until I heard the surprise in his voice!
For a free game this thing is brilliant. Really enjoying it.

Lots of times I get the drop on people, pump them full of lead and then they still manage to survive and then 2 or 3 shot me (even with level 2 armour) too fast.

Am I missing an OP gun situation? Are shotguns too good?
For a free game this thing is brilliant. Really enjoying it.

Lots of times I get the drop on people, pump them full of lead and then they still manage to survive and then 2 or 3 shot me (even with level 2 armour) too fast.

Am I missing an OP gun situation? Are shotguns too good?

I think it's a server issue. I have had some issues here where a whole server is in slow motion. I think it's been too popular. It'll settle down over the next week and with some updates will play very nicely. Just have to accept early game foliables for now.
Still enjoying none the less. The looting part of the game is just really 'moreish' :)

I now am heading towards unlocking the last 2 legends as I have a feeling Mirage is fun and as I refuse to pay any money (yet) it takes 12,000 points. I think I get about 600 per level ...this is going to take a while.
Apart from one moment on either Friday night or Saturday morning before all the servers went down funny enough. I really haven't had any bad network performance over all. Of those on the previous page with the issues, are you using a wireless connection?
I find I get a little bit of slowdown (graphical not network I suspect) when there's a lot going on, just trying to work out which settings to drop to get it smoother without sacrificing too much... anyone got any pointers to save me the trial + error?
Apart from one moment on either Friday night or Saturday morning before all the servers went down funny enough. I really haven't had any bad network performance over all. Of those on the previous page with the issues, are you using a wireless connection?

My issues go away during the night and come back during the afternoon but am on a power line plug
I find I get a little bit of slowdown (graphical not network I suspect) when there's a lot going on, just trying to work out which settings to drop to get it smoother without sacrificing too much... anyone got any pointers to save me the trial + error?
I'm also considering dropping some settings for some extra frames, so if I get a chance to fiddle tonight I'll let you know. I'll see what GFE has to say and will go from there. My 980ti is chugging a bit at 1440p. Drops to 40s sometimes
I'm also considering dropping some settings for some extra frames, so if I get a chance to fiddle tonight I'll let you know. I'll see what GFE has to say and will go from there. My 980ti is chugging a bit at 1440p. Drops to 40s sometimes

Same card as me so thanks, I will have a play as well
Played a few more rounds yesterday, starting to get used to the map. Nearly won one game but our fault for not working out the squad of 2 was actually a 3. Apart from getting stuck getting back into the lobby after dying in a game not had any major bugs.

Side note though if you drop straight onto the smaller ship and die you can't get your body back and you'll be stuck in the air once the ship moves off.
Had a few good games last night. Won 2 in a row. I mean I am not a good player by any means, but I do try to contribute where I can. I guess I am kinda lucky I am with players who are better than me. Lol.

That being said, I was on my own last night and there was 5 squads left. I narrowly escaped being taken about by one squad and then I could hear another squad taking them out. So I thought, I will wait til the dust settles. Of course, the idiot I am thinking I would wait for the ring to close on me before making a move. What happens? I miss the ring by that much and then promptly died! (And if you chose to see that as an innuendo, then :p)
I did find that at the very start of the round it got very laggy pretty much the same as PUBG used to back in the day.

Apart from that it's pretty much plain sailing. I have dropped down some of my settings but that's due to me being a try hard and not bothering with eye candy :)
Lol, just had a win. My entire squad had rubbish aim. We had 1 kill between us and won to the ring by keeping the others out of the last circle. I did 10 damage the whole match.
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