Apex Legends BR

Choppy movement and rubber banding still ruining the gameplay for me. Doesn't happen in other multiplayer titles so must be servers.
Am doing quite well in this. Lost count how many games I have won. Am getting over 5 kills in most games and got my highest so far last night 14kills :D Am really enjoying this game. Its came at a time I was getting bored of online games.

Just got my first win as Bangalore, full squad alive at the end, 3 kills each. Not as impressive as ^Shankly1985, but i'm getting better.
The game has been out for 6 days hahahahaha

Yer normally by now I'm bored and looking for something else to buy/play, this I can see me playing loads even with Randoms its fun. The ping system for example you can tell a lot of thought, care and time as gone into developing this game as its very well balanced and lack of game breaking bugs, big or small are no where to be seen. Performance is amazing out the box. its nice to not have to wait 12 months to get 60fps+ in all areas.

90% of whats come out over the last 5+ years from the big guns has been a game with zero soul in it that feels like its been thrown out the door asap. This is solid and very polished. Last time I had this bug for a FPS was Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 1 (aka COD4).
The randoms get worse though. Just lost a match early game. Killed and despatched one player. Downed his teammate, I had zero armour at the time. The 3rd player knocked me. Then my teammate in his infinite wisdom decides to do a takedown on the player I'd knocked instead of killing the 3rd player who promptly knocked him and then killed our 3rd player who was AFK or just a numpty!
It's randoms not reviving you that really gets my **** boiling. I took down an entire squad who had my two 'teammates' pinned down, and in the process got knocked down and started to bleed out. My two 'teammates' decided to loot everyone I'd killed, heal up and then **** off on their merry way and leave me to die. All I can say is it's a good job I didn't have my mic attached to my headset at the time.
Many of the randoms are idiots. Had one match earlier where the guy landed us right on top of about 4 other squads, we promptly get killed in about the first 20 seconds after touchdown while he is yelling at me for not helping. With what, my fists?? Didnt even get to pick up a gun as he had landed us on top of 4 other squads who got the guns first. Frankly the obsession I see with so many squads flying to the same location as other squads baffles me. Its like trying to win World War 2 by parachuting into Berlin. I'm much more of the mindset of landing away from other squads and arming up.
Just had a game where One teammate is moaning like hell because I'm using the wraith to stealth push on a team holed up in a shack AFTER he engaged them from medium range on a hill. Because I'm pushing? He started it! I have A fully decked out prowler and peacemaker along with level 3 armour. An arcstar and 3 frag grenades in the window do the business and within 20 seconds the whole team is down. He still wouldn't shut up about it. If the enemy are camping in a shack what does that say about their skills?
I get this a lot and it's the most annoying thing ever. It's server side too so I kinda hope they fix there servers

It's ruining what is otherwise a good mp game. LMG spam close range seems to out do the peacemaker a lot of the time simply due to the lag. Sniping can be pretty horrible at times as well.
Game was fine for days but I guess the increasing popularity has caught up with server capacity. I'm getting stuff like initialization failed, anti-cheat not running, can't connect to server and a game I played earlier was in slow-mo for about a minute. Made it easy to get kills on landing though.
Had a quick go earlier (just solo for now, my mates weren't online tonight)... After 2 games which went pretty badly had a game where we came 2nd just narrowly missing out on the win... I like it though, it solves the biggest irritation I had with PUBG (besides it being a buggy mess of course) - the fact that if I've only got 30 mins to play a quick game I don't want to spend 15 minutes of it looting and seeing no other players and then just get wiped all of a sudden out of nowhere... It's a nice tight design where the pacing of the matches is really well controlled and condensed compared to PUBG at least (can't comment on Fortnite as I've not played it)...

I kind of agree about the time-to-kill / bullet sponge complaints, although on the other hand that is the point of having better tiers of armour and such... late game fights should feel more on the side of attrition than early game fights as everybody is kitted up with better stuff... If you didn't have the high tiered armour you'd also have to also not have any higher damage weapons (as being simply 1-shot by things wouldn't be any fun) and that would defeat the looting mechanics (why bother continuing to loot when all weapons are good enough)
Fortnite is inbetween Apex and PUBG as far as firefights go, you don't get them as often as you do in Apex but it's a lot less of a snooze fest than PUBG.

That being said, Apex doesn't seem to have the equivilent to Tilted Towers or Military yet, hope they redesign the map for when you're on full tilt and want to drop in a small area with 20 other teams.
They really need to increase the footstep volume. Can't have a full team walk on top you without warning.

I have no issue hearing foot steps. I was only saying today to my friends I think the foot steps are abit loud. I can hear people running around across a river on the wooden platforms.
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