My most intense win yet. Team were hopeless and died near the final ring leaving me 1v5 squads. I snuck into the ring among the gunfire and ziplined up to the top box, it's that place near Skull Town, I killed the guy that was on top and set up camp. Eventually it was 1v1, me vs 2 in the last squad. I got one down but took heavy damage too so healed up and the guy I downed was revived. I had low tier gear, no grenades and barebones attachments, to my surprise the ring was going to close again, it was already like fighting on a 5 pence piece so I thought **** it, I sent down my Mirage clone and ulted and dropped down among them with my Wingman ready, for some reason 1 of the baddies run and put a drop pod between us, maybe he was running for my clone, I traded shots and lost some HP and shield but put down Lifeline, keeping the pod between me and Zipline I reloaded and double tapped him. You are the Champion.
In typical fashion I was among the first dead in my next game.