Apex Legends BR

I still don't understand the keybinds for health and boosts properly and end up going through the inventory which gets me killed ... a lot
I use a side mouse button, hold to bring the wheel up, then press again to apply them. Less clunky than having to hold 4 mid battle.
I still don't understand the keybinds for health and boosts properly and end up going through the inventory which gets me killed ... a lot

you can select if you want shields or health pack on your quick button (normally "4") - by pressing and holding it down - using the scroll wheel that comes up and selecting either health/battery etc
I use the side buttons for weapon 1 & 2. Will probably bind to one of the DPI select buttons instead. Ideally, I'll get a foot operated button box and use that instead. I'm not that dexterous with a keyboard. Still using Razer Nostromo which doesn't have enough buttons.

Edit: I thought about this and can't see why I waste 2 side buttons to switch weapons. So I've rebound 1 as a toggle and the other for meds. Now got to get used to it as I can't shoot the enemy with a syringe... lol
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Had a few more games today and won several with randoms. I'm loving Wraith's abilities and she's my number 1 pick at the moment. You can rescue downed teammates by using void-walk and teleport together so you can ferry them to a safer location to be revived.
My most intense win yet. Team were hopeless and died near the final ring leaving me 1v5 squads. I snuck into the ring among the gunfire and ziplined up to the top box, it's that place near Skull Town, I killed the guy that was on top and set up camp. Eventually it was 1v1, me vs 2 in the last squad. I got one down but took heavy damage too so healed up and the guy I downed was revived. I had low tier gear, no grenades and barebones attachments, to my surprise the ring was going to close again, it was already like fighting on a 5 pence piece so I thought **** it, I sent down my Mirage clone and ulted and dropped down among them with my Wingman ready, for some reason 1 of the baddies run and put a drop pod between us, maybe he was running for my clone, I traded shots and lost some HP and shield but put down Lifeline, keeping the pod between me and Zipline I reloaded and double tapped him. You are the Champion.

In typical fashion I was among the first dead in my next game.
Loving this game, the mechanics are top drawer, hopefully the ping system is implemented in other games..it works fantastically. Team play is sublime when all players can utilise their characters abilities properly. Great stuff!
Tried to download it and it failed on installing a VC++ redistributable.

They really need to increase the footstep volume. Can't have a full team walk on top you without warning.
I find this as well. Although I'm not sure I'm imagining it but when playing as Bloodhound and using my ultimate I feel like footstep sounds are increased.
Wooo just won a match whilst being kill leader with 9 kills to earn the "Apex Predator" badge. Seems I'm fairly adept with the Peacekeeper shotty.
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