Apex Legends BR

5 games so far not one kill, yet doing most damage in my sqaud, keep finding pos guns e.g wingman pistol :(

All games with random need a team to play with that actually helps and revives etc
I'm 1200 points away from unlocking the second character. most players aren't using the contextual ping properly though, either spamming low-level gear late game or not at all. Then not pinging items you've marked to take dibs on it and asking you where it is. Errr, I marked it so I don't have to explain that.... This is way more squad focussed than any other game out there. Unless you are godlike, learning good communication is essential to success.

Tactics change up with where you drop, where enemies drop and what loot you get early game. Be prepared to relocate and loot rather than fight and lose. Never give in.
5 games so far not one kill, yet doing most damage in my sqaud, keep finding pos guns e.g wingman pistol :(

All games with random need a team to play with that actually helps and revives etc

Wingman is pretty decent.

Don't be able afraid to punch people out if you land near em. I wiped a team single handed the other day, they just kept running around panicking trying to find a weapon while I ran after em and punched them down. Probably get most of my kills that way :P
5 games so far not one kill, yet doing most damage in my sqaud, keep finding pos guns e.g wingman pistol :(

All games with random need a team to play with that actually helps and revives etc

You need to finish off enemies you are damaging rather than let them retreat and heal.

All the guns are good if you use them in the right conditions.

Join the ocuk discord
haha, came up behind 2 squads fighting it out in a small corridor, took them all out with some kind of heavy machine gun, 5 kills. :p (then I died right after....)
You need to finish off enemies you are damaging rather than let them retreat and heal.

Not always... sometimes if you get the feeling your squad has superior firepower and a numbers advantage it can be better to leave them crawling as it baits their team-mates into trying to revive them... Likewise if someone on your team goes down and you're aware that players often want to run up and use one of their fancy "finisher" move things on them you can use your own team-mate as bait and hopefully take them out as they are running towards them
Not always... sometimes if you get the feeling your squad has superior firepower and a numbers advantage it can be better to leave them crawling as it baits their team-mates into trying to revive them... Likewise if someone on your team goes down and you're aware that players often want to run up and use one of their fancy "finisher" move things on them you can use your own team-mate as bait and hopefully take them out as they are running towards them

Yeah but sounds like he's not downing them rather hitting them a couple of times then letting them heal.

Grenades are good in those situations
You have to be aggresive on this game - as above - if it's 3 on 3 and you down one, you have to push.....use grenades, then initiate the fight as a group. Sniper weapons are good but it's too easy for people to heal after being hit.
I'll def join the Discord, I enjoy what I've played but just feel im downed and killed in seconds compared to them again though I'm not getting healed or revived when possible.

Im running into sqauds working well together which I want myself lol
BTW Apex Legends is smashing Twitch at the moment with just under 500,000 viewers at the time of writing this, and the tournament hasn't even started yet. Pretty chuffed for Respawn for creating a monster of a game.
BTW Apex Legends is smashing Twitch at the moment with just under 500,000 viewers at the time of writing this, and the tournament hasn't even started yet. Pretty chuffed for Respawn for creating a monster of a game.

Crazy, isn't it. :D

500,546 right now.
I just wish they got the regoniation for titanfall 2 it was better than both cod and bf, it also had the best single player in an fps for a very very long time
BTW Apex Legends is smashing Twitch at the moment with just under 500,000 viewers at the time of writing this, and the tournament hasn't even started yet. Pretty chuffed for Respawn for creating a monster of a game.

Its annihilated Fortnite and PUBG on twitch, even combined those two games arent coming near Apexs figures.
Its annihilated Fortnite and PUBG on twitch, even combined those two games arent coming near Apexs figures.

It is new remember. Black ops did the same with shroud streaming just to a lesser extent. The 50k tourney is helping boost the numbers as well.
It is new remember. Black ops did the same with shroud streaming just to a lesser extent. The 50k tourney is helping boost the numbers as well.

Very true, time will tell whether it can hold the numbers. As long as they support the title, maybe add in another map, solos and duos and maybe even extra characters, all in a timely fashion, it should be ok to maintain its position.
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