Apex Legends BR

Is he cheating yet? ;)

And what's that knife he;s wielding too? I ain't seen a knife in the game at all.

Heirloom Skin, Tier above Legendary skins

okay if you want to be a silly about it. i have a 170 iq what is your s ?

super bowl and games is often reserved for big triple AAA big promotion games. its a massive event. so for titanfall to get this slot and be pushing it means it maybe not a bad game and a pretty decent one.

the fact they kept this quiet and going big with it means it could be a great game.

Sorry mate, but isn’t 162 the highest on record? With Einstein estimated at 160?

Regardless the MechWarrior series holds a very special place in my heart, and I would love to see this succeed. It’s the only Battle Royal style game I would actually be interested in playing, though it feels a little late to the party.

Am I right in understanding the focus has been taken away from the mechs, and into unique pilots? EDIT : Seems like it’s not mechs at all really, looks cool though.
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Imagine running into this guy

This is what is so demoralising about online multiplayer gaming. I'll literally never be competetive to that kind of player. To 80% of players to be honest.
I played Apex all day, and im seeing an improvement, but i had to break every 3 games to play some Baldurs Gate 2 just to.. win. A bit.
Has anybody else being having it take ages to match make? Just had five games and it was sat there for over a minute on three and a good two minutes on the other two before finding a game.

Last game was fun though, I got to choose character first and when I did the other two disconnected. I played solo. :D
Has anybody else being having it take ages to match make? Just had five games and it was sat there for over a minute on three and a good two minutes on the other two before finding a game.

Last game was fun though, I got to choose character first and when I did the other two disconnected. I played solo. :D
Yep, been taking a while for me to connect to matches lately, when I squad up with friends it seems quicker for some reason, only seems to take a while when going solo
Has anybody else being having it take ages to match make? Just had five games and it was sat there for over a minute on three and a good two minutes on the other two before finding a game.

Last game was fun though, I got to choose character first and when I did the other two disconnected. I played solo. :D

1 or 2 minutes isn't an age? :confused:
I got carried to win by two very good players. I only managed two kills and one revive but I had the most upgraded gear ever, just hardly used it all..
This looks great. Looks like it's encouraging action and combat rather than camping, which makes BR's boring for me. Definitely going to give it a try

It is definitely a change from the likes of PUBG ... the map has been designed really well to encourage exciting fights. I still do play PUBG and I play it sneaky beaky but with Apex Legends, it fits my old CS:Source style of play. In a way, Apex Legends reminds me a lot of fights in Unreal Tournament which I used to play a bit of.
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