Apex Legends BR

Is he cheating yet? ;)

And what's that knife he;s wielding too? I ain't seen a knife in the game at all.

Heirloom Skin, Tier above Legendary skins

okay if you want to be a silly about it. i have a 170 iq what is your s ?

super bowl and games is often reserved for big triple AAA big promotion games. its a massive event. so for titanfall to get this slot and be pushing it means it maybe not a bad game and a pretty decent one.

the fact they kept this quiet and going big with it means it could be a great game.

Sorry mate, but isn’t 162 the highest on record? With Einstein estimated at 160?

Regardless the MechWarrior series holds a very special place in my heart, and I would love to see this succeed. It’s the only Battle Royal style game I would actually be interested in playing, though it feels a little late to the party.

Am I right in understanding the focus has been taken away from the mechs, and into unique pilots? EDIT : Seems like it’s not mechs at all really, looks cool though.
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Has anybody else being having it take ages to match make? Just had five games and it was sat there for over a minute on three and a good two minutes on the other two before finding a game.

Last game was fun though, I got to choose character first and when I did the other two disconnected. I played solo. :D
Has anybody else being having it take ages to match make? Just had five games and it was sat there for over a minute on three and a good two minutes on the other two before finding a game.

Last game was fun though, I got to choose character first and when I did the other two disconnected. I played solo. :D
Yep, been taking a while for me to connect to matches lately, when I squad up with friends it seems quicker for some reason, only seems to take a while when going solo
Has anybody else being having it take ages to match make? Just had five games and it was sat there for over a minute on three and a good two minutes on the other two before finding a game.

Last game was fun though, I got to choose character first and when I did the other two disconnected. I played solo. :D

1 or 2 minutes isn't an age? :confused:
This looks great. Looks like it's encouraging action and combat rather than camping, which makes BR's boring for me. Definitely going to give it a try

It is definitely a change from the likes of PUBG ... the map has been designed really well to encourage exciting fights. I still do play PUBG and I play it sneaky beaky but with Apex Legends, it fits my old CS:Source style of play. In a way, Apex Legends reminds me a lot of fights in Unreal Tournament which I used to play a bit of.
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