Apex Legends BR

Abnormal that ocuk members are all in agreement it's a decent game. Very weird. I can't accept it.

It's pretty cool to see a game that wasn't hyped like no tomorrow then fell flat on its face but appeared out of nowhere and still, look at it.

Plays well, performs well, sounds great as well as great positional sound and so many are praising how much they're enjoying it. As it has become their main game to grind.

It's fast approaching 600,000. Currently at 580,115 viewers.
I've never understood that site. What is the fun in watching somebody else play a game when you could be playing it yourself? And don't get me started on the idiots who throw cash at people.
I've never understood that site. What is the fun in watching somebody else play a game when you could be playing it yourself? And don't get me started on the idiots who throw cash at people.

I use it for game research, for example, if I'm interested in a game but want to see it being played, to see how the game itself plays I will watch someone like Cohhcarnage play the game. From watching the game being played live, complete with any lag or bugs or crashes that may get edited out on youtube videos, I can judge whether or not its a buy or wait for me. I find being able to watch the game live better for my decision to buy or not, than watching a reviewer cover the game on youtube.

I dont sit and watch twitch for hours on end but I will watch certain people (particularly Cohhcarnage) for maybe a half hour, if its a game I'm mulling over buying.
Cranked my volume up and unsurprisingly foot steps are more audible without gunshots etc blowing my ear drums out.
Just a case of finding the right balance
I've never understood that site. What is the fun in watching somebody else play a game when you could be playing it yourself? And don't get me started on the idiots who throw cash at people.

Sometimes it's nice to watch streamers you know while you don't have time to game. Sometimes you can play with streamers and form gaming communities. Sometimes it's nice to support the streamers you like even games you don't or never play. There are some really nice people on twitch. Gamers, artists, traditional painters, music creationists you name it.

It's also nice to check out games before you want to purchase them and study the gameplay and mechanics. As well as seeing how the game performs.

I also use twitch as tv entertainment. As most of the time I'm finding I rarely watch tv these days bar movies.
Lol I started a game to have a teammate immediately drop out, so straight off the bat there's only two of us. We both run around a bit picking up all the Gucci kit from dead legends throughout the match, barely seeing anybody, and then coming across and killing two players, who were having a one-on-one, to suddenly winning the game. :D

I love the fact that in some games you can kill upwards of 10 people, have the game of your life and still get beaten, and in some games you barely see anyone and stroll up and take the victory. I'm massively hooked on this game!
Lol I started a game to have a teammate immediately drop out, so straight off the bat there's only two of us. We both run around a bit picking up all the Gucci kit from dead legends throughout the match, barely seeing anybody, and then coming across and killing two players, who were having a one-on-one, to suddenly winning the game. :D

I love the fact that in some games you can kill upwards of 10 people, have the game of your life and still get beaten, and in some games you barely see anyone and stroll up and take the victory. I'm massively hooked on this game!

I had a match like that on Sunday. Both of my squadmates in a random squad lost conn/left before we even landed. So I was alone from the start, ran around and ended up finishing 2nd. Unfortunately when I faced the other remaining squad they had all 3 and I couldnt beat the 3 of them, but I was happy with 2nd considering I had to play the whole round alone.
I had a match like that on Sunday. Both of my squadmates in a random squad lost conn/left before we even landed. So I was alone from the start, ran around and ended up finishing 2nd. Unfortunately when I faced the other remaining squad they had all 3 and I couldnt beat the 3 of them, but I was happy with 2nd considering I had to play the whole round alone.

Wouldn't that have been great footage if you manged to kill those 3 for the win.
Had my second shot and i'm so bad at this. First BR game and just seem to run around barely seeing anyone then getting wiped as soon as i do. Doesn't help that i started that last game and both team mates ran around for a minute then dropped out. Need to practice a bit i suppose.
Had my second shot and i'm so bad at this. First BR game and just seem to run around barely seeing anyone then getting wiped as soon as i do. Doesn't help that i started that last game and both team mates ran around for a minute then dropped out. Need to practice a bit i suppose.

Give it time. I got stomped loads on my first day, then you find what play-styles, Legends, and gun combos work best for you and you'll do a lot better.
Had my second shot and i'm so bad at this. First BR game and just seem to run around barely seeing anyone then getting wiped as soon as i do. Doesn't help that i started that last game and both team mates ran around for a minute then dropped out. Need to practice a bit i suppose.

Same here, but do get the odd kill here and there. I'm going to say it's partly an age thing, and blame it on that.
had a few games of this tonight, lost my first 2 just getting used to it, won my 3rd due to a very good team mate. Ping system is great as i find a lot of people dont use comms so this helps a lot
It's also nice to check out games before you want to purchase them and study the gameplay and mechanics. As well as seeing how the game performs.

Just take certain big streamers view of a game with a huge pinch of salt as a lot of them are paid huge amounts of cash to play a game on stream, tweet about it and obviously they have to be 100% positive about the game. These same streamers will also turn from being positive about other games that are in direct competition and suddenly be negative about that game. But yeah, its good to see the game played and make up your own mind.

I used to love watching Soviet Womble on Twitch, but as always happens when a streamer gets big, their friends they used to play with also want a piece of the pie and start streaming themselves, then tend to distance themselves as they're then competing for subs. Same thing happened with Greekgodx and Tyler1, they were great to watch, until Greek started streaming himself and now they never play together.

As for this game, it looks pretty good. I hated Fortnite as it was way too cartoony and I can't be ****** building as I just want to shoot people in the face. But this actually looks like something i'd enjoy as a change of pace from Pubg, plus it's FPP.
The best part about the ping system is that it transcends language barriers. It's a shame you can't request meds, boosters and helmets using it though.
The best part about the ping system is that it transcends language barriers. It's a shame you can't request meds, boosters and helmets using it though.

Erm, you can? Open your inventory and ping your empty helmet slot. Need ammo? Open inventory and ping the gun. Need a sniper optic, open inventory and ping the optic slot on your sniper.
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