Apex Legends BR

Just played the other day after a bit of a break and woah! There's like an enormous dinosaur on the map! Shouldn't we be herding them somewhere safe? I don't want them getting hurt.
Just had an absolute killer ranked game. Upon landing 3rd squad member cops it and insta quits. Left me as Mirage and 2nd as Wattson. Get to mid-end game and lose Wattson outright, manage to bug out and kill enemy lifeline who was nearby and recharge health and shields from literally nothing. Recover Wattson from death box and high tail it to next zone whilst zone itself is closing in. Take sniper fire from an elevated tower area but manage to make it to the last (and only) revive point.

Get Wattson back in and get a lucky position in an elevated building in Artillery for the current zone. Kill the sole member of squad 3 who comes up and then close in on sole member of squad 2 to take the win.

11 kills which I am chuffed with (although nothing on some players!) Rocked Alternator with Disruptor rounds and Mozambique with Hammer Point. Absolutely deadly combo.

Got a new PB last night..


Feel free to watch the game from my VOD, which lasts 60 days.


edit ; just checked, and its a new account level 11. I don't know if you know this, but if you make a new account, you get matched with all other new accounts, up until level 15/20 or so

Not taking anything away from you, but as you mentioned, you were up against bots, at all stages. maybe with some smurfs thrown in. If you see the deathboxes also, they are mostly low level

however, if there isn't many people online and its early hours, you tend to get put in general population
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edit ; just checked, and its a new account level 11. I don't know if you know this, but if you make a new account, you get matched with all other new accounts, up until level 15/20 or so

Can you link me the official matchmaking notes, so I can check this out?
Can you link me the official matchmaking notes, so I can check this out?

there isnt any i dont think, it would encourage people to make smurfs. I wanted the wraith heirloom in the past so I made 2 new accounts, got bored. also I watched your clip, and most of deathboxes showed low level

you could also try it if you get bored, make a new account, play during day, you will probably get low levels.. then hop on your main, back to 4k kills champion squads

Managed to grab a few games over the weekend. Got a win with randoms in ranked which was a nice bonus. Really starting to find my preference now running an R99 with Longbow or Spitfire.

I don't get a lot of time to play but managed to at least get into Silver now.
won a game with Tesslacoil last night. Had the L-STAR was the first time iv used it and its a beast close range it just obliterates anything in its way.
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